Can I Put A Download Game On Another Playstation 4

Dec 18, 2018 - The essential tricks and tips that all PlayStation 4 owners need to know to. There are plenty of demos and other free downloads to try out, but if you. Once ready, you can install any download games as well as disc based. How to Share Games on the PlayStation 4. Co-authored by wikiHow Staff. When your friend purchases a digital game, they can set it to download from the PSN webstore. This will send it to your PS4, since your PS4 is set as their primary console. Once the game has downloaded, you'll be able to play it with your own account.

So this is the situation:

  • My brother received a PS4 on his birthday.
  • He doesn't have a PS+ account, and I don't have a PS4, so I activated it as my primary PS4.
  • Based on what I've read on the FAQ, any user can play my digital games and do online gaming since I activated the system as my primary PS4.
  • A friend offered his account so we can play his digital games. He has a primary PS4 activated.

The question is, can we really play his games without any issues? For example, can we download GTAV from his account and play it using any account on our PS4?


1 Answer

Sharing your digital games, apps, and other downloads with your family and friends is possible with the Primary and Non-Primary Account [...]

In this example we are using Ethan and Katie who both have their own PSN account IDs. Ethan also has a bunch of digital games which he bought on the PSN Store using his PSN account. Objective: He wants to share these digital games with Katie, so this is what he does:

Can I Put A Download Game On Another Playstation 4 Games

Both Ethan and Katie can now play the same game at the same time on PS4 (A) and PS4 (B) with no restrictions.

Benefits of activating a PS4 as Primary:

  • Anyone who uses your Primary PS4™ system can enjoy applications you purchase from the PlayStation®Store. Other users on the system can also enjoy some PlayStation Plus benefits from that account, even if that user is not logged in.


  • This method of sharing only applies to digital games and apps. The sharing of disc games will still require you to physically lend your discs to others.
  • When you log into a non-primary PS4 with your PSN ID, you will need an active Internet connection so that games and apps from your PSN account can be authenticated by PSN.
  • You can activate only one PS4 system as primary per PSN account.
  • You can deactivate a PS4 system only from that system.

The whole explanation and the picture belongs to gripitaustralia.

There is an official article about activating and deactivating you Primary PS4 on

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By Luke Karmali

Download Games For Windows 7

Sony has released a new FAQ detailing how digital game sharing will work on the PlayStation 4

The FAQ explains that you'll be asked to register one PlayStation 4 as your primary console. Doing so will mean anyone playing on that console on different accounts can play games and apps you've gotten from the PS Store and make use of PS Plus benefits, or you can connect to it over the internet with your Vita to make use of Remote Play.

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Registering your PS4 as your primary system will allow other users who play on the same console with different accounts access to any games you've downloaded without you having to log in. Additionally, if you have PS Plus and register a PS4 as your primary console, then every account that plays on that system will be able to make use of certain benefits like online multiplayer even without their own PS Plus subscription.

Can I Put A Download Game On Another Playstation 4 Free

If you want to play on another PS4 that isn't your primary console, you can download any game you've bought on the PS Store as long as you sign into PSN. Only you'll be able to start the games you've downloaded, and you can only be logged into two consoles at any one time: your primary PS4 and one other secondary one (like a friend's). The good news is there's no limit on the number of systems you can download your games to. You have to be logged in in order to play, but from the sounds of things this means you can share digital games with as many mates as you like, though only one of these secondary consoles will be able to play a title at any given time and you'll have to tell them your password so they can log in.

As has been mentioned before, the situation with discs remains the same as ever. Sony has reiterated that, 'You can share disc games with your friends and play used disc games on your PS4 system just like you can on a PlayStation 3 system. You do not have to connect to the Internet or pay any usage fees to play used games.'


The PlayStation 4 will be available in North America on November 15 and in Europe on November 29.

Luke Karmali is IGN's UK Junior Editor. You too can revel in mediocrity by following him on IGN and on Twitter.