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BULLETINMNS September 2011MEDICINAL PLANTS AND EXTRACTSMARKET NEWS SERVICE (MNS)QUARTERLY EDITIONDisclaimerThis report has been prepared without formal editing, as a service to exporters and industries in developing countries by the Market News Service (MNS), Division of Market Development, International Trade Centre, The Joint Agency of the World Trade Organization and The United Nations. No part of this report may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission in writing from the International Trade Centre. The mention of specific companies or of certain commercial products and brand names does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ITC in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The designations employed and the presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the International Trade Centre concerning the legal status of any Country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.Prepared by Josef Brinckmann & Associates ITC Consultant Contacts for Medicinal Plants & Extracts Information Providers: Market intelligence, production and trade data, regulatory news, standards and specifications: Mr. Josef Brinckmann at brink@sonic.net Botanical prices, currency rates, trade event listings, global directory of herbal trade associations: Ms. Tasha Goldberg at tashagoldberg@yahoo.com Cover Picture: Senna plant (Cassia angustifolia) 2007 Steven Foster. For more information on medicinal and aromatic plant photography by Steven Foster Group, Inc., please visit: http://www.stevenfoster.com2EDITORS NOTEMNS Medicinal Plant and Extracts report is a formatted version of a news and information bulletin prepared by the International Trade Centre to promote international trade in medicinal plants and botanical extracts. The revised version of the report includes substantially more information on the structure and function of the market. These additional features have been included after extensive consultation with existing subscribers and trade experts. For subscription details please contact MNS in Geneva at the address given below. Coverage: Issue No. 40 includes six regional reviews: 1. AFRICA: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cte dIvoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Runion, Rwanda, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, So Tom and Prncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. 2. CHINA and other East Asian Countries: Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, North Korea, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Viet Nam. 3. EUROPE: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, and United Kingdom. 4. INDIA and other Asian Countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Georgia, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Maldives, Oman, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. 5. NORTH AMERICA: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States of America. 6. SOUTH AMERICA: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The regional reviews cover the six main producing regions of the world. Information on Oceanic countries will be covered from time to time in a special features section of the bulletin. Scope: Each regional section includes news on Demand and supply trends including industry news from the major producers in each region Indicative prices of raw materials Indicative prices of herbal extracts Trade specifications commonly used in each region. Trade fairs and conferences Prices: Prices and quotations are in US dollars per kilo unless otherwise stated. They should be considered indicative only and reflect the price of a product of a specific grade or quality from the specified origin. The level of marker compounds (for chemical standardization of extracts) referred to in quotes is those commonly found in the industry. They do not imply any sort of trading standard. In the pricing tables, if a botanical comes to market from both cultivation and wild collection, the order used (Cult/Wild or Wild/Cult) is based on the predominant method of harvest.3Great care should be taken when comparing prices of medicinal plants and extracts from differing origins as form structure and biochemical activity may differ considerably between very similar products. Specifications: The selected specification sheets given are actual industry specifications or specified quality grades (e.g. PhEur-grade or USP-grade) commonly used by exporters and importers. We do not guarantee their content or accuracy nor wish to imply that they have any legal status in trade. Subscriptions: To subscribe to the MNS Medicinal Plants and Extracts report or learn more about the many other MNS services provided by ITC please contact: Market News Service (MNS) International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Tel: +4122 730 01 11 Fax: +4122 730 05 72 E-MAIL for general enquiries mns@intracen.org E-MAIL for subscriptions: mns-subs@intracen.org Web: http://www.mnsonline.org4SPECIAL FEATURES Issue No. 40 includes six regional reviews each with a special focus on one selected high-volume exported botanical from the region. Each review analyzes and summarizes the production scenario, grade and quality standards, specifications, export trade data, market access information, regulatory framework and therapeutic uses of the botanical in the destination countries, and more. Trade Specifications: Each edition contains trade specifications for medicinal plants and/or their extractives from each of six covered regions. In this issue you will find specifications from each of the six regions for botanical ingredients that are used as components of herbal medicinal products and/or natural health products: Aloe ferox bitter powder (Africa; South Africa), Chrysanthemum flower (Eastern Asian Countries: China), English lavender flower (Europe; Bulgaria, Albania, France), Rauwolfia root (India and other Asian countries), Candelilla wax (North America; Mexico), and Jaborandi leaf tincture (South America; Brazil). Back Issues: Each edition also includes an alphabetical reference list of trade specifications that are available in back issues of the MNS since 2001. Global Herb Trade Association Directory: Each edition includes a regularly updated directory with contact information for herb trade associations, councils and export promotion organizations that represent the growers, wild collectors, processors, and traders of medicinal herbs and extracts. Links to Sustainability Standards and Guidance Documents Relevant to the Global Trade of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Extracts: Each edition includes a regularly updated section providing links to further information on the various sustainability standards being implemented at medicinal, culinary and aromatic plant harvest sites, the standards setting organizations and certification or verification organizations. Rates of Exchange: 11 September 2011 CURRENCY CODE UNITS 1 / USD British Pound GBP 0.6297 Canadian Dollar CAD 0.9967 Chinese Yuan Renminbi CNY 6.3925 Egyptian Pound EGP 5.9833 EURO EUR 0.7322 Hong Kong Dollar HKD 7.7962 Indian Rupee INR 46.735 Japanese Yen JPY 77.765 Malaysian Ringgit MYR 3.0095 Mexican Peso MXN 12.6875 Moroccan Dirham MAD 8.205 Nepalese Rupee NPR 73.2 Peruvian Nuevo Sol PEN 2.7275 Russian Ruble RUB 30.062 South African Rand ZAR 7.286 Swiss Franc CHF 0.8837 Taiwan Dollar TWD 29.2095 United States Dollar USD 1.0000 Source: Yahoo! Finance Currency Converter UNITS 1 / EUR 0.86 1.3612 8.7306 8.1716 1.0000 10.6476 63.8284 106.2076 4.1102 17.3279 11.2059 99.973 3.725 41.0572 9.9508 1.2068 39.8929 1.36585Some Useful Terminology AEZ: API: AYUSH: BP: CBD: CCC: CCCCS: cfu/g: C&F: CFR: CIF: CITES: CL: C/S: COMTRADE: COSEWIC: EDQM: EMEA: Essential Oils: Extracts: Agri Export Zones Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy British Pharmacopoeia Convention on Biodiversity Standard Classification of Commodities of the Republic of China Commodity Classification for China Customs Statistics Colony-forming units per gram Cost & Freight; means the price includes cost and freight charges Seller has the same responsibilities as when shipping FOB, but shipping costs are prepaid by the seller Cost Insurance Freight; means the price includes cost, freight and insurance Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora & Fauna Container load Cut and sifted Commodity Trade Statistics Database Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines European Medicines Agency Odorous product, usually of complex composition, obtained from a botanically defined plant raw material by steam distillation, dry distillation, or a suitable mechanical process without heating Preparations of liquid (liquid extracts and tinctures), semi-solid (soft extracts and oleoresins) or solid (dry extracts) consistency obtained from Herbal Drugs or animal matter prepared by suitable methods using ethanol or other suitable solvents Ex works - Buyer arranges for pick up of goods at the seller's location. Seller is responsible for packing, labeling, and preparing goods for shipment on a specified date or time frame Refers to the dollar value of agricultural products that you receive from direct farm sales or the value of primary products used for processing Free alongside ship - Buyer arranges for ocean transport. Seller is responsible for packing, labeling, preparing goods for shipment and delivering the goods to the dock. Value of exports at the seaport, airport, or border port of exportation, based on the transaction price including inland freight, insurance, and other charges incurred in placing the merchandise alongside the carrier at the port of export Free carrier: seller is responsible for costs until the buyer's named freight carrier takes charge Full container load Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International Free On Board - means that the price only includes the cost of the item. Seller arranges for transport of the goods, preparing goods for shipment, and loading the goods onto the vessel Free On Rail or Free on Truck; both refer to goods being carried by rail and should only be used when the goods are carried by rail. The risk of loss or damage is transferred when the goods are loaded onto the rail. Forest Stewardship Council Free Trade Agreement Fair Trade Certified FairWild Certified FairWild Foundation Good Agricultural and Collection Practice 6EXW: Farm Gate Price: FAS: FAS Value:FCA: FCL: FLO: FOB: FOR & FOT:FSC: FTA: FTC: FWC: FWF: GACP:GAP: GMP: ha: Herbal Drug Preparations:Herbal Drugs:Herbal Teas: HPLC: HPTLC: HS Code: I/S: ITC (HS) ITC MAP: NLT: NHP: NAICS: NESOI: NMT: NOP: NTFP: OTC: PE: PhEur: PhFr: SE: TBC: TCM: THM: THMP: TLC: UPI: USD: USDA: USP: VAT:Good Agricultural Practice Good Manufacturing Practice Hectare Obtained by subjecting Herbal Drugs to treatments such as extraction, distillation, expression, fractionation, purification, concentration or fermentation. These include comminuted or powdered herbal drugs, tinctures, extracts, essential oils, expressed juices and processed exudates Whole, fragmented, or cut plants, parts of plants, algae, fungi or lichen, in an unprocessed state, usually in dried form but sometimes fresh. Certain exudates that have not been subjected to a specific treatment are also considered to be herbal drugs Consist exclusive of one or more Herbal Drugs intended for oral aqueous preparations by means of decoction, infusion or maceration; usually supplied in bulk form or in sachets High Performance Liquid Chromatography High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Harmonized System Code In-store meaning the herb (e.g. flaxseed) is in the grain elevator Indian Trade Classification Harmonized System International Trade Centre / UNCTAD / WTO Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Not less than Natural Health Product (Canada) North American Industry Classification System Not Elsewhere Specified Or Included Not more than National Organic Program (USDA) Non Timber Forest Products Over the Counter medicines: Medicines sold without a prescription Powdered Extract European Pharmacopoeia Pharmacope Franaise Soft Extract Tea bag cut Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Herbal Medicine Traditional Herbal Medicinal Product Thin Layer Chromatography Unani Pharmacopoeia of India United States Dollar United States Department of Agriculture United States Pharmacopeia Value Added Tax7AFRICA ALOE PRODUCTION AND TRADE FROM AFRICA Aloe is among Africas most important medicinal plant offerings to the global natural ingredients trade. There are approximately 360 species and subspecies in the succulent plant genus Aloe, growing wild throughout Africa, with species found mainly in the drier areas, and into the Arabian Peninsula and islands off the East Coast from Socotra to Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. Global trade is dominated however by products of the species Aloe barbadensis (syn.: A. vera), which 1 is only known in cultivation. Other species traded globally and used as components of cosmetic, food and/or medicinal products are wild harvested including Aloe africana Miller (harvested in South Africa), Aloe andongensis Baker (Angola), Aloe arborescens Miller (Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe), Aloe ferox Miller (Lesotho, South Africa), Aloe perryi Baker (Yemen), and Aloe spicata L.f. (Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe). Commerce and Botanical names African aloe: Barbados aloe: Cape aloe: Curaao aloe: Krantz aloe: Perrys aloe: Common names Afrikaans: Arabic: Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia: Chinese: Dutch: English: French: German: Hindi: Indian trade name: Persian: Sanskrit: Sesotho: Spanish: Unani pharmacopoeia: Urdu: Xhosa: Zulu: Pharmacopoeial names Aloe barbadensis Aloe capensis Aloe pulverata Aloes extractum siccum normatum Aloe africana Miller Aloe barbadensis Miller (syn. Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.) Aloe ferox Miller and hybrids of this species with Aloe africana Miller and Aloe spicata Baker Aloe barbadensis Miller (syn. Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f.) Aloe arborescens Miller Aloe perryi Baker Bitteraalwyn; Bergaalwyn; Tapaalwyn (A. ferox); Kransaalwyn (A. arborescens); Uitenhaagsaalwyn (A. africana) Sibr (A. barbadensis) Kanyasara (A. barbadensis) Lu hui () (A. ferox and/or A. barbadensis) Kaapse Aloi; Alo (A. ferox) Aloe vera (A. vera); Cape aloe (A. ferox) Alos des Barbades; Alos de Curaao (A. barbadensis); Alos du Cap (A. ferox) Curaao-Aloes (A. barbadensis); Kap-Aloe (A. ferox) Musabhar; Elva; Ghikanvar; Kumari (A. barbadensis) Kumari (A. barbadensis) Sibr (A. barbadensis) Kumarirasasambhava; Sahasara; Ghritra Kumari; Kanya (A. barbadensis) Lekhala la Quthing (A. ferox) Aloe de Barbados (A. barbadensis); Aloe del Cabo (A. ferox) Sibr (A. barbadensis) Musabbar; Ailva; Sibr; Ghikwar (A. barbadensis) iKhala (A. ferox); Unomaweni (A. arborescens) iNhlaba; umHlaba (A. ferox); Inkalane (A. arborescens) Barbados Aloes Cape Aloes Powdered Aloes Standardized Aloes Dry Extract1Convention on International Trade in Endangered Flora and Fauna (CITES). Review of Significant Trade: East African Aloes. PC14 Doc. 9.2.2, Annex 4. November 2003. Available at: http://www.cites.org/eng/com/pc/14/E-PC14-09-02-02-A4.pdf8Harmonized System Tariff Codes (HS Codes) 1211908590 Aloe Vera Gel, fresh, as chips (3 3 3 mm) for use as raw material for drink preparations for food industry, not put up for retail sale. Source: BTI 1302190050 Aloe extracts. Source: CAPMAS 13021910000 Saps and extracts of Aloes (other than extracted oleoresins); Source: CCC 1302198000 Saps or extracts of Aloe Vera in bulk liquid form used for the manufacture of cosmetic products or food products. Source: BTI 1302199040 Aloe Ferox Bitter Crystal and Aloe Ferox Bitter Powder, imported in bulk form, from South Africa. Source: HTSUS 2008998000 Aloe Vera (frozen), a pulpy mass from fresh leaves (diced, washed, pasteurized, and frozen), used as a food additive or supplement. Source: HTSUS 210690 Aloe Vera tablets, put up for retail sale (e.g., 60 tablets), consisting of 3% aloe vera powder (containing 0.11% aloin) and excipients. Source: WCO 2106909260 Capsules containing freeze dried powdered Aloe Vera, put up for retail sale Source: BTI 21069099 Aloe Vera gel (drinkable), put up for retail sale in 1 liter containers. Source: HTSUS 2106909998 Aloe dietary supplement products in liquid form, put up for retail sale. Source: HTSUS 2202901019 Aloe Vera gel drink as a food supplement. Source: BTI 2202901099 A ready-to-drink health drink made from Aloe Vera inner leaf gel. Source: BTI 2202909090 Aloe Vera Drink, packaged in 250 ml pop-top cans and ready for immediate consumption, consisting of aloe vera juice, aloe vera pulp, and sugar, flavored by either lime juice or honey. Source: HTSUS 2309909990 Aloe Vera Drinking Gel for animals. Source: BTI 33019016003 Extracted oleoresins of Aloes. Source: CCC 3304990000 Aloe Vera Gel beauty and cosmetic creams, put up for retail sale. Source: BTI 3305100000 Shampoos containing stabilized Aloe Vera Gel. Source: BTI 3305300000 Hair sprays containing Aloe Vera. Source: BTI 3305900000 Hair styling gel containing stabilized Aloe Vera Gel. Source: BTI 3306100000 Toothpastes containing stabilized Aloe Vera Gel. Source: BTI 3307100000 Shaving preparations containing Aloe Vera Gel. Source: BTI 3307900000 Skin cleansing, massage, or moisturizing products containing Aloe Vera Gel for animal or human use. Source: BTIHS Code Sources Legend: BTI Binding Tariff Information (BTI) rulings of the European Commission Taxation and Customs Union CAPMAS Central Agency for Public Mobilization And Statistics (CAPMAS) Arab Republic of Egypt CCC Standard Classification of Commodities (CCC) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) HTSUS U.S. Customs rulings for Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) WCO World Customs Organization (WCO) Compendium of Classification OpinionsNorth American Industry Classification System Code (NAICS Code) 111998 Aloe farming is classified under the 6-digit NAICS Code 111998 (All Other 2 Miscellaneous Crop Farming). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. NAICS was developed under the auspices of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and adopted in 1997 to replace the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. It was developed jointly by the U.S. Economic Classification Policy Committee (ECPC), Statistics Canada, and Mexico's Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia to allow for a high level of comparability in business statistics among the North American countries. Native habitat and distribution Aloe africana: Native to South Africa (southeastern part in the Eastern Cape). Aloe andongensis: Native to Angola (Pungo Andongo in the Cuanzo Norte district). Aloe arborescens: Native to Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe.2Aloe farming. In: U.S. Census Bureau | North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) | (888) 756-2427 | naics@census.gov | Last Revised: February 18, 2011. Available at: http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics9Aloe barbadensis (syn.: A. vera): Probably native to northern Africa along the upper Nile in the Sudan, subsequently introduced and naturalized in the Mediterranean region, most of the tropics 3 and warmer areas of the world. Barbados Aloe has become completely naturalized in India, 4 especially in the hot dry valleys of northwestern Himalayas, and grows wild along the coasts of 5 Mumbai, Gujarat and southern India. In China, this species may be naturalized in the hot, dry 6 Yuan Jiang valley in southern Yunnan Province. Aloe ferox: Native and endemic to South Africa and Lesotho. Its distribution extends from the Swellendam district in the Western Cape Province, through the Eastern Cape Province, southern 7 Lesotho and into southern KwaZulu-Natal. Aloe perryi: Native and endemic to the island of Socotra, Yemen. Aloe spicata: Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe.Main producing areas of main traded species 8 Aloe arborescens: Wild collected in South Africa; also in Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. Widely cultivated in Asian (China, Israel, Japan), European (Italy) and South American countries (Uruguay). Aloe barbadensis (syn.: A. vera): Widely cultivated mainly in North America (Mexico [States of Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi], southern United States of America [States of Florida, Texas, 9 Louisiana and Arizona], Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Netherland Antilles ), South America (coastal Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina), and Asia (China, Thailand, India, Malaysia). 10 Aloe ferox: Mainly wild collected in South Africa; also Lesotho. Also some supply from cultivation. Product definitions: 11 Aloe USP: The dried latex of the leaves of Aloe barbadensis Mill. (Aloe vera L.), known in commerce as Curaao Aloe, or of Aloe ferox Mill. and hybrids of this species with Aloe africana Mill. and Aloe spicata Baker, known in commerce as Cape Aloe (Fam. Liliaceae). 12 Aloe Vera Gel WHO: The colorless mucilaginous gel obtained from the parenchymatous cells in the fresh leaves of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. (Liliaceae). 13 Standardized Aloes Dry Extract PhEur: Prepared from Barbados aloes or Cape aloes, or a mixture of both; contains 19.0% to 21.0% of hydroxyanthracene derivatives, expressed as barbaloin adjusted, if necessary (dried extract). Aloe Extract and Juice Products that are used in cosmetics as listed in the European Commission 14 Cosmetic Ingredients & Substances (CosIng) Database:3World Health Organization (WHO). Aloe Vera Gel. In: WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants, Volume 1. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO. 1999;43-49. 4 Handa SS, Mundkinajeddu D, Mangal AK. Aloe Barbadensis. In: Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia, Volume I. Jammu-Tawi, India: Regional Research Laboratory Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, and Mumbai, India: Indian Drug Manufacturers Association. 1998;11-17. 5 Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM). Barg-E-Gheekwar. In: Standardisation of Single Drugs of Unani Medicine, Part II. New Delhi, India: CCRUM. 1992;54-59. 6 Chen Xinqi, Gilbert MG. Aloe. In: Flora of China. St. Louis, MO: Flora of China Editorial Committee; Missouri Botanical Garden Press.2000;24:160-161. Available at: http://flora.huh.harvard.edu/china/PDF/PDF24/aloe.pdf 7 Knapp, A. A review of the trade in Aloe ferox, with a focus on the role of the European Union. Brussels, Belgium: A TRAFFIC Europe Report for the European Commission. 2006. 8 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Net exports of Appendix II Plants, 2004-2009. Geneva, Switzerland: CITES. April 2001. Available at: http://www.cites.org/common/com/PC/19/E19i-02.pdf 9 United States International Trade Commission (USITC). Caribbean Region: Review of Economic Growth and Development. Investigation No. 332-496. Washington, DC: USITC. May 2008. Available at: http://www.usitc.gov/publications/332/pub4000.pdf 10 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Net exports of Appendix II Plants, 2004-2009. Geneva, Switzerland: CITES. April 2001. Available at: http://www.cites.org/common/com/PC/19/E19i-02.pdf 11 United States Pharmacopoeial Convention. Aloe. In: United States Pharmacopeia 34rd Revision National Formulary 29th Edition (USP34-NF29). Rockville, MD: United States Pharmacopeial Convention. 2011. 12 World Health Organization. Aloe Vera Gel. In: WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants, Volume 1. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization. 1999. 13 European Pharmacopoeial Commission. Barbados Aloe; Cape Aloe. In: European Pharmacopoeia, 7th edition (PhEur 7.0). Strasbourg, France: European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM). 2011;1137-1139. 14 European Commission Health & Consumers Directorate. Cosmetic Ingredients and Substances (CosIng) Database. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission. Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/cosmetics/cosing101. Aloe Andongensis Leaf Extract is an extract of the leaves of the aloe, Aloe andongensis, Liliaceae. Functions: Humectant, Skin Conditioning. 2. Aloe Andongensis Leaf Juice is the liquid expressed from the leaves of Aloe andongensis, Liliaceae. Functions: Humectant, Skin Conditioning. 3. Aloe Arborescens Flower Extract is an extract of the flowers of Aloe arborescens, Liliaceae. Function: Skin Conditioning. 4. Aloe Arborescens Leaf Extract is an extract of the leaves of Aloe arborescens, Liliaceae. Functions: Moisturizing, Skin Conditioning, Soothing. 5. Aloe Arborescens Leaf Juice is the liquid expressed from the leaves of Aloe arborescens, Liliaceae. Functions: Skin Conditioning. 6. Aloe Arborescens Leaf Protoplasts are the protoplast obtained from the leaves of Aloe arborescens, Liliaceae. Functions: Humectant, Skin Conditioning. 7. Aloe Barbadensis Callus Culture Extract is the extract of a culture of the callus cells of Aloe barbadensis, Liliaceae. CAS #: 85507-69-3 / 94349-62-9. EINECS/ELINCS # 287-390-8 / 305181-2. Functions: Antioxidant. 8. Aloe Barbadensis Extract is the extract of the whole plant, Aloe barbadensis, Xanthorrhoeaceae. CAS # 85507-69-3 / 94349-62-9. EINECS/ELINCS # 287-390-8 / 305-181-2. Functions: Skin Conditioning. 9. Aloe Barbadensis Flower Extract is an extract of the flowers of the aloe, Aloe barbadensis, Liliaceae. CAS #: 85507-69-3 / 94349-62-9. EINECS #: 287-390-8 / 305-181-2. Functions: Emollient, Skin Conditioning. 10. Aloe Barbadensis Leaf is a plant material from the leaves of the aloe, Aloe barbadensis, Liliaceae. CAS #: 8001-97-6. Functions: Masking. 11. Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract is an extract of the leaves of the aloe, Aloe barbadensis, Liliaceae. CAS #: 85507-69-3 / 94349-62-9. EINECS #: 287-390-8 / 305-181-2. Functions: Emollient, Humectant, Oral Care, Skin Conditioning. 12. Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice is the juice expressed from the leaves of the aloe, Aloe barbadensis, Liliaceae. CAS #: 85507-69-3 / 94349-62-9. EINECS #: 287-390-8 / 305-181-2. Functions: Skin Conditioning. 13. Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder is the powder obtained from the dried juice leaves of the aloe, Aloe barbadensis, Liliaceae. CAS #: 85507-69-3 / 94349-62-9. EINECS #: 287-390-8 / 305181-2. Functions: Skin Conditioning. 14. Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Polysaccharides is the polysaccharide fraction isolated from the leaf of the aloe, Aloe barbadensis, Liliaceae. Functions: Emollient, Film Forming, Humectant, Skin Conditioning. 15. Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Powder is the powder obtained from the dried ground leaves of the aloe, Aloe barbadensis, Liliaceae. CAS #: 85507-69-3 / 94349-62-9. EINECS #: 287-390-8 / 305-181-2. Functions: Skin Conditioning. 16. Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Water is an aqueous solution of the steam distillate obtained from the leaves of the aloe, Aloe barbadensis, Liliaceae. CAS #: 85507-69-3 / 94349-62-9. EINECS #: 287-390-8 / 305-181-2. Functions: Masking. 17. Aloe Ferox Leaf Extract is an extract of the leaves of Aloe ferox, Liliaceae. CAS #: 84649-82-1. EINECS #: 283-462-8. Functions: Skin Conditioning. 18. Aloe Ferox Leaf Juice is the liquid expressed from the leaves of the aloe, Aloe ferox, Liliaceae. CAS #: 84649-82-1. EINECS #: 283-462-8. Functions: Skin Conditioning. 19. Aloe Ferox Leaf Juice Extract is an extract of the juice of the leaf of the aloe, Aloe ferox, Liliaceae. CAS #: 84649-82-1. EINECS #: 283-462-8. Functions: Skin Conditioning. 20. Aloe Ferox Leaf Juice Powder is the powder obtained from the dried juice of the leaf of the aloe, Aloe ferox, Liliaceae. CAS #: 84649-82-1. EINECS #: 283-462-8. Functions: Skin Conditioning. 21. Aloe Perryi Extract is an extract of the whole plant, Aloe perryi. CAS #: 90320-39-1. EINECS #: 291-065-6. Functions: Emollient, Skin Conditioning. 22. Aloe Species Resin is a resin obtained from various species of aloe, Aloe spp., Liliaceae. CAS #: 84837-08-1. EINECS #: 284-293-2. Functions: Perfuming. Cosmetic uses In the EU, various processed forms (e.g. aqueous solution of steam distillate, expressed juice, extract, powdered dried juice, polysaccharide fraction, powdered plant material, protoplast, and resin) of various Aloe species (e.g. A. andongensis, A. arborescens, A. barbadensis, A. ferox, and A. perryi) are used for various different functions in cosmetic products including antioxidant (inhibits reactions promoted by oxygen, thus avoiding oxidation and rancidity), emollient (softens and smooths the skin), 11film forming (produces, upon application, a continuous film on skin, hair or nails), humectant (holds and retains moisture), masking (reduces or inhibits the basic odour or taste of the product), oral care (provides cosmetic effects to the oral cavity, e.g. cleansing, deodorizing, protecting), perfuming (used for perfume and aromatic raw materials), skin conditioning (maintains the skin in good condition), and 15 soothing (helps lightening discomfort of the skin or of the scalp). Food additive uses In the US, aloe (plant parts, fluid and solid extracts) obtained from Aloe perryi, A. barbadensis, A. ferox, and hybrids of this species with A. africana and A. spicata may be used as a natural flavoring substance and/or natural adjuvant in food products so long as the minimum quantity required to 16 produce the intended physical or technical effect is used. Therapeutic uses (Aloe Vera Gel) - Table 1: Therapeutic uses of Aloe vera gelSource Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Therapeutic use Aids the relief of sunburn, insect bites, chafing rashes and irritation of other sensitive skin areas. For the first-aid care of minor burns: cool the affected area with cold water or ice first for a suitable period before applying gel. Medical advice should be sought for the care of more serious burns. Aids the relief of sunburn, insect bites, chafing rashes and irritation of other sensitive skin areas. For the first-aid care of minor burns: cool the affected area with cold water or ice first for a suitable period before applying gel. Medical advice should 17 be sought for the care of more serious burns. Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve minor burns including sunburn. Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to assist healing of minor wounds such as cuts and 18 burns, and minor skin irritations. Category III Active Ingredient (insufficient data to permit final classification). Insufficient data to permit final classification of the effectiveness of Aloe vera gel proposed as an OTC 19 antigingivitis / antiplaque active ingredient. FDA also proposes that certain Aloe vera ingredients that are not generally recognized as safe and effective (GRASE) and are without an approved new drug application (NDA) to be classified as Category II (nonmonograph). The proposal includes any topical antimicrobial drug products and/or any external analgesic drug products that contain aloe vera as well as any blemish remedies or wet dressings or other topical application drugs 20 that contain aloe vera. 21 Medicinal uses supported by clinical data: None. Medicinal uses described in pharmacopoeias and in traditional systems of medicine: Aloe Vera Gel is widely used for the external treatment of minor wounds and inflammatory skin disorders. The gel is used in the treatment of minor skin irritations, including burns, bruises, and abrasions. The gel is further used in the cosmetics industry as a hydrating ingredient in liquids, creams, sun lotions, shaving creams, lip balms, healing ointments, and face packs. Aloe Vera Gel has been traditionally used as a natural remedy for burns. Aloe Vera Gel has been effectively used in the treatment of first- and second-degree thermal burns and radiation burns. Both thermal and radiation burns healed faster with less necrosis when treated with preparations containing Aloe Vera Gel. In most cases the gel must be freshly prepared because of its sensitivity to enzymatic, oxidative, or microbial degradation. Aloe Vera Gel is not approved as an internal medication, and internal administration of the gel has not been shown to exert any consistent therapeutic effect.Health Canada Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)World Health Organization (WHO)15 1617European Commission Health & Consumers Directorate. Cosmetic Ingredients and Substances (CosIng) Database. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission. Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/cosmetics/cosing Food and Drug Administration. 172.510 Natural flavoring substances and natural substances used in conjunction with flavors. In: Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Food and Drugs, Parts 170-199. Washington (DC): National Archives and Records Administration. 2011: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2011-title21-vol3/pdf/CFR-2011-title21-vol3-sec172-510.pdf Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Summary for ARTG Entry: 15276. Thursday Plantation Aloe Vera Gel. In: Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG). 23 April 2010. Available athttps://www.ebs.tga.gov.au/servlet/xmlmillr6?dbid=ebs/PublicHTML/pdfStore.nsf&docid=15276&agid=%28PrintDetailsPublic%29&actionid=118Health Canada Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD). Monograph: Aloe Topical. In: Natural Health Products Ingredients Database. 31 October 2008. Available at: http://webprod.hc-sc.gc.ca/nhpidbdipsn/monoReq.do?id=32&lang=eng 19 Food and Drug Administration. 21 CFR Part 356Oral Health Care Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use; Antigingivitis / Antiplaque Drug Products; Establishment of a Monograph; Proposed Rule. Federal Register. 2003;68(103):32232-32287:http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/DevelopmentResources/Over-the-CounterOTCDrugs/StatusofOTCRulemakings/ucm096081.pdf 2021Food and Drug Administration. 21 CFR Part 310Status of Certain Additional Over-the-Counter Drug Category II Active Ingredients; Proposed Rule. Federal Register. 2008;73(119):34895-34902: http://www.fda.gov/OHRMS/DOCKETS/98fr/E813826.pdf World Health Organization. Aloe Vera Gel. In: WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants, Volume 1. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization. 1999;43-49.12Therapeutic Uses (Aloes dried latex) Table 2: Therapeutic uses of Aloes latex (dried juice of Aloe barbadensis and/or Aloe ferox)Source Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API) European Medicines Agency (EMEA) Health Canada Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China (PPRC) Unani Pharmacopoeia of India (UPI) United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Therapeutic use Udararoga (diseases of abdomen), Kastartrava (dysmenorrheal), Jvara (fever), 22 Yakrdvikara (disorder of liver). Herbal medicinal product for short-term use in cases of occasional constipation.23Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a stimulant laxative. Used in Herbal Medicine for the short-term relief of occasional constipation. Used in 24 Herbal Medicine to promote bowel movement (by direct action on the large intestine). Action: To remove heat from the liver, and relax the bowels. Indications: Constipation; infantile malnutrition due to improper feeding and convulsion; 25 external use for eczema and ringworm. Qabz (constipation), Deedan-e-Ama (helminthiasis), Waram-e-Kabid (hepatitis), WajulMafasil (rheumatoid arthritis), Izm-e-Tehal (enlargement of the spleen), Ethebas-e26 Tams (Amenorrhea). In 2002, FDA issued a final rule stating that the stimulant laxative ingredient aloe dried latex (and extracts thereof) in over-the-counter (OTC) drug products is not generally recognized as safe and effective (GRASE) for OTC use. FDA reclassified aloe from category I (GRASE) to category II (nonmonograph) and added it to the list of stimulant laxative ingredients for which the data are inadequate to establish general recognition of 27 safety and effectiveness for use. Aloe dried latex (Aloe USP) however occurs as a component of a Category I GRASE OTC drug product Compound Benzoin Tincture USP, an alcoholic liquid extract prepared from a mixture of Benzoin USP (balsamic resin obtained from Styrax benzoin, S. paralleloneurus, or S. tonkinensis), Aloe USP (dried latex of the leaves of Aloe barbadensis or of A. ferox and hybrids of this species with A. africana and A. spicata), Storax USP (balsam obtained from the trunk of Liquidambar orientalis or of L. 28 styraciflua), and Tolu Balsam USP (balsam obtained from Myroxylon balsamum).Quality Standards Before exporting it is important to understand the various defined quality grades and standards that buyers (and/or regulations in destination market) may specify and/or require. There are pharmacopoeial monographs published for Aloes published in the European Pharmacopoeia 29 30 (PhEur) , Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) , Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 31 32 (PPRC) , and United States Pharmacopeia (USP) , as well as in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of22Ayurveda Pharmacopoeia Committee. Kanyasara. In: The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Volume-I, First Edition. New Delhi, India: Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. 1989;62-63. 23 European Medicines Agency (EMA) Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC). Final community herbal monograph on Aloe barbadensis Miller and on Aloe (various species, mainly Aloe ferox Miller and its hybrids. London, UK: EMA. 26 Oct 2006: http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Herbal_-_Community_herbal_monograph/2009/12/WC500017826.pdf 24 Health Canada Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD). Monograph: Aloe Oral. In: Natural Health Products Ingredients Database. Ottawa, Ontario: NHPD. 31 October 2008: http://webprod.hc-sc.gc.ca/nhpidbdipsn/monoReq.do?id=31&lang=eng 25 State Pharmacopoeia Commission of the Peoples Republic of China. Aloe. In: Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China, English Edition 2005. Beijing, P.R. China: Peoples Medical Publishing House. 2005;3-4. 26 Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee. Sibr. In: The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India, Part I, Volume I. New Delhi, India: Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. 2007;82-83. 27 Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 21 CFR Part 310Status of Certain Additional Over-the-Counter Drug Category II and II Active Ingredients. Final rule. Federal Register. 09 May 2002; 67(90):31125-31127: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/DevelopmentResources/Over-theCounterOTCDrugs/StatusofOTCRulemakings/ucm094018.pdf 28 Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Listing of OTC active ingredients (updated 4/9/2010). Washington, DC: FDA. 09 April 2010: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/CDER/UCM135688.pdf 29 European Pharmacopoeial Commission. Barbados Aloe; Cape Aloe. In: European Pharmacopoeia, 7th edition (PhEur 7.0). Strasbourg, France: European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM). 2011;1137-1139. 30 Committee of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. Aloe. In: Japanese Pharmacopoeia Fifteenth Edition (JP XV). Tokyo, Japan: Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare. 2007;1254-1255. 31 State Pharmacopoeia Commission of the Peoples Republic of China. Aloe. In: Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China, English Edition 2005. Beijing, P.R. China: Peoples Medical Publishing House. 2005;3-4. 32 United States Pharmacopoeial Convention. Aloe. In: United States Pharmacopeia 34 rd Revision National Formulary 29th Edition (USP34-NF29). Rockville, MD: United States Pharmacopeial Convention. 2011.13India (API) , Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia (KHP) , Mexican Herbal Pharmacopoeia (FHEUM) , 36 and Unani Pharmacopoeia of India (UPI) , among others. The South African Bureau of Standards 37 (SARB) has also established a South African National Standard (SANS) for Aloe raw material, which specifies requirements and related test methods for Aloe ferox raw material intended to be used in consumer products including health, cosmetic, health food, medicinal, veterinary and industrial products. Table 3 compares the Aloe quality standards of the JP, PhEur, and USP, which can be used as the basis of quality specifications for test and release of Aloe latex (dried juice).Standard333435Table 3:Comparison of Selected Aloe Quality StandardsAloe JP XV Dried juice of the leaves mainly of Aloe ferox, or of hybrids of the species with A. africana or A. spicata Aloe USP 34 Dried latex of the leaves of Aloe barbadensis (Aloe vera) or of Aloe ferox and hybrids of this species with A. africana and A. spicata Botanic characteristics Color reaction tests Odor: has a characteristic, somewhat sour and disagreeable, odorDefinitionBarbados Aloes PhEur 7.0 Concentrated and dried juice of the leaves of Aloe barbadensisCape Aloes PhEur 7.0 Concentrated and dried juice of the leaves of various species of Aloe, mainly Aloe ferox and its hybrids TLC ID tests A and B Color reaction ID test C Appearance: dark brown masses tinged with green and having a shiny conchoidal fracture, or greenish-brown powder Solubility: partly soluble in boiling water, soluble in hot ethanol (96 %) NLT 18.0% of hydroxyanthracene derivatives, expressed as barbaloin (C21H22O9; M r 418.4) (dried drug) No standard NMT 10.0% NMT 2.0%Identification tests CharactersContentPurity Loss on drying Total ashColor reaction ID test (1) TLC ID text (2) Appearance: blackish brown to dark brown, irregular masses; sometimes the external surface covered with a yellow powder; Odor: characteristic; Taste: extremely bitter NLT 4.0% of barbaloin, calculated on the basis of dried material; NLT 40.0% watersoluble extractive NMT 5.0% resin NMT 10% ethanolinsoluble substances NMT 12.0% NMT 2.0%TLC ID tests A and B Color reaction ID test C Appearance: dark brown masses, slightly shiny or opaque with a conchoidal fracture, or brown powder Solubility: partly soluble in boiling water, soluble in hot ethanol (96 %) NLT 28.0% of hydroxyanthracene derivatives, expressed as barbaloin (C21H22O9; M r 418.4) (dried drug) No standard NMT 12.0% NMT 2.0%NLT 10.0% alcohol insoluble substances; NLT 50.0% watersoluble extractive No standard NMT 12.0% NMT 4.0%Tolerances for pesticide residues Table 4 shows the pesticide residue tolerances for Aloe vera established by the United States 38 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Table 4: EPA-established Tolerances for Aloe vera Residue Glyphosate N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine resulting from the application of glyphosate, the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate, the ethanolamine salt of glyphosate, the dimethylamine salt of glyphosate, the ammonium salt of glyphosate, and the potassium salt of glyphosate Regulation 40 CFR 180.364 Tolerance 0.5 ppm33Ayurveda Pharmacopoeia Committee. Kanyasara. In: The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part-I, Volume-I, First Edition. New Delhi, India: Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. 1989;62-63. 34 Korea Food and Drug Administration. Aloe. In: The Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia (English Edition). Seoul, South Korea: Korea Food and Drug Administration. 2002;10. 35 Comisin Permanente de la Farmacopea de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Aloe. In: Farmacopea Herbolaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Secretaria de Salud, Mxico D.F., 2001. 36 Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee. Sibr. In: The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India, Part I, Volume I. New Delhi, India: Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. 2007;82-83. 37 South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). South African National Standard (SANS) 368: Aloe Raw Material. Pretoria, South Africa. 2008. 38 United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Tolerances and exemptions for pesticide chemical residues in food. In: Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 180. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). 2010. Available at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2010-title40-vol23/pdf/CFR-2010-title40-vol23-part180.pdf14Production scenario Useful publications for Aloe growers and processors are available including the following listed documents. In particular, the first listed publication, published by the International Aloe Science Council (IASC), provides Aloe vera production and cultivation information including 1) Climate; 2) Soil and fertilization; 3) Propagation; 4) Species identification; 5) Harvesting and yields; and 6) Postharvest processing. International Aloe Science Council (IASC). Aloe Scientific Primer. Silver Spring, MD: IASC. Available at: http://www.iasc.org/pdfs/IASC_Aloe_vera_A_Scientific_Primer.pdf Das N, Chattopadhay RN. Commercial cultivation of Aloe vera. Natural Product Radiance. 2004;3(2):85-87: http://nopr.niscair.res.in/bitstream/123456789/9406/1/NPR%203%282%29%2085-87.pdf Farooqi AA, Vasundhara M, Agarwal A. Aloe. In: Production Technology of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops. Bangalore, India: Trust for Medicinal Plant Research & Development. 2004;3-4. Hasanuzzaman M, Uddin Ahamed K, Khalequzzaman KM, Shamsuzzaman, Nahar K. Plant characteristics, growth and leaf yield of Aloe vera as affected by organic manure in pot culture. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 2008; 2(3):158-163. Available at: http://www.cropj.com/Microsoft%20Word%20-%20main%20mirza%20158-163.pdf Hazrati S, Sarvestani ZT, Ramezani S. Effect of Different Harvest Dates on Growth Characteristics and Aloin Content of Aloe Barbadensis Miller. Advances in Environmental Biology. 2011;5(2): 439-442. Available at: http://www.aensionline.com/aeb/2011/439-442.pdf Lubia IK, Kyalo SN, Mukonyi KW, Lusweti AM, Situma CA. Strategy for Conservation and Management of Commercial Aloe Species in Kenya. Kenya Wildlife Service. June 2008:http://www.kws.org/export/sites/kws/info/publications/strategies/Strategy_of_Conversation_Management_of_ALoe_BOOK_for_Web.pdfMaiti S, Chandra R. Cultivation of Aloe vera. Boriavi, Anand, Gujarat, India: National Research Centre for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (NRCMAP). February 2002. Available at: http://www.dmapr.org.in/Research/bulletins/Cultivation%20of%20Aloe%20vera.pdf Parthapan M, Binu Thomas, Rajendran A. Habitat diversity, Morphological and systematic analysis of multipotential species of Aloe barbadensis Mill. (Liliaceae) from the Southern Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Research in Biology. 2011;1(3):237-241. Available at: http://jresearchbiology.com/Documents/RA0068.pdf Rodriguez S. World Aloe Production, Cultivation http://www.iasc.org/aloe_market_presentation.pps and Market. 2004. Available at:Ross D. Determination of sustainability of Aloe harvesting empowerment project in the Emnambithi (former Ladysmith) Municipality, Kwazulu Natal. Mini-Dissertation Faculty of Science at the University of Johannesburg. December 2005. Available at: http://ujdigispace.uj.ac.za:8080/dspace/bitstream/10210/2023/1/DROSS.pdf Sahu PK, Nema J, Shrivastava A. Comparative performance of Aloe vera and Aloe ferox species under pH along with desiccation stresses. International Journal of Drug Discovery and Herbal Research. 2011;1(1):14-17: http://www.ijddhrjournal.com/PDF/1st%20issues%20pdf/4.pdfSelected South African suppliers of Aloe ingredients African Aloe (Pty) Limited Afrigetics Botanicals Afrinatural Holdings Afriplex Bulk Botanicals Mokuti Herbs International Organic Aloe http://www.africanaloe.co.za http://www.afrigetics.com http://www.afrinatural.com http://www.afriplex.co.za http://www.bulkbotanicals.com http://www.mokuti.co.za http://www.organicaloe.co.za15Aloe Associations and Councils Aloe Council of South Africa (ACSA) P.O. Box 524, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2006, South Africa Tel: 011 559-3469 Fax: 011 559-241 Web: http://www.aloesa.co.za Aloe Industry Committee China Association for Promotion of Non-Governmental Sci-Tech Enterprises (CAPSNE) 111 Room, No. 54, San Li He Road, Xi Cheng District, Peking, China 100045 Tel: (86-10)68527951 Fax: (86-10)68527951 E-mail: aisc-adm@vip.sina.com Web: http://www.aisc.org.cn Aloe Vera Processors Association of India 43/4, Harvey Road, Kadambur, Tuticorin District, Tamilnadu, India E-mail: gans@bsnl.in Web: http://www.aloeconnect.com International Aloe Science Council (IASC) 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 918, Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA Tel: (301)-588-2420 Fax: (301)-588-1174 Web: http://www.iasc.org The Succulent Society of South Africa P.O. Box 12580, Hatfield, Gauteng, 00287, South Africa Tel: +27 12 993 3588 Fax: +27 12 993 3588 Web: https://www.succulentsociety.co.za Uganda Commercial Aloe Vera Farmers Association Plot 34 Rashid Khamis Road, P.O. Box 6179, Kampala, Uganda Plot 22 A Tangue Street, P.O. Box 302, Masindi, Uganda Tel: +256-772-696702, (PD) +256-41-345737 Fax: +256-41-257343 E-mail: ssesangaali@yahoo.com Web: http://ucavfa.cfsites.org16BOTANICAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Aloe Ferox Bitter Powder a product of South Africa PRODUCT Botanical name Pharmacopoeial name Part used Production Preservatives Cultivated or wild Packing Storage IDENTIFICATION Characters Aloe Ferox Bitter Powder Aloe ferox Miller (Fam. Liliaceae) Aloe Capensis Pulvis Concentrated and dried juice of the leaves Produced by removing the bitter sap from the Aloe ferox plant, processing the sap into crystalline lump form, crushing into smaller crystalline shapes, until a powder None Wild harvested 20 kg bags Stable for an unlimited time if kept in a moisture-free environment Appearance: course powder Colour: yellow / brown Consistency: homogenous powder Odour: slight, unique Taste: extremely bitter Less than 8% 92% Greater than 8% aloin BOTANICAL RAW MATERIALS (indicative bulk prices)Product Chamomile flower** Clove flower bud Fennel fruit Botanical Name Matricaria recutita Syzygium aromaticum Foeniculum vulgare Cultivated or Wild C C C Origin Egypt Madagascar/Zanzibar Egypt Price USD / kg 12 21.83 2.76 Basis FOB USA Spot NY Spot NY39TESTS Moisture Solids Content (Aloin)* Certified organic / **Certified organic & Fair Trade / NK = not knownBOTANICAL EXTRACTS (indicative bulk prices) Product Devil's claw root dry extract (Harpagophytum procumbens) Kola nut dry extract (Cola nitida) Standard 6:1 (w/w) 10% caffeine Origin Africa Africa Price Basis USD/kg 32 FOB Origin 12.6 FOB OriginNotes: (1) Quality Standards: Official quality standards monographs for most the above listed botanical raw th materials can be found in either the Egyptian Pharmacopoeia (4 edition 2005; Arabic and English st nd editions), the Ghana Herbal Pharmacopoeia (1 Edition 1992; 2 Edition 2007), and/or the European th Pharmacopoeia (PhEur 7 edition 2011) or French Pharmacopoeia (PhFr X).39African Aloe (Pty) Ltd. Uniondale, Western Province, South Africa. Bitter powder specifications: http://www.africanaloe.co.za/bitter.html17MEETINGS AND TRADE SHOWS AFRICA October 23-26, 2011 th SAHARA; 24 INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION FOR AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST Venue: Cairo International Conference Center (CICC), Cairo, Egypt Contact: TEL: +202 3346 4216 / 3344 7980 FAX: +202 3347 1155 E-MAIL: info@saharaexpo.com WEB: http://www.saharaexpo.com SAHARA is attended by traders, government officials, managers and experts from the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, farm managers and experts from national and foreign agricultural companies, wholesale trade firms, brokers, farmers and business people. December 6-8, 2011 ST THE 1 ANNUAL MEETING ON TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF HERBS & MEDICINAL PLANTS & THEIR PRODUCTS: Packaging Technologies System for Enhancing the Exploration Venue: Egyptian International Center for Agriculture Conference Hall, Giza, Egypt Organizers: Agricultural Research Center, Food Technology Research Institute (FTRI), Horticultural Research Institute (HRI), Central Lab. For Organic Farming, Egyptian Society for producers, manufacturers and exporters of herbs and medicinal plants (ESMAP) Contact: Conference General Secretariat & Exhibition Prof. Dr. Samah Allam, TEL: +20101160141 E-MAIL: samahallam@yahoo.com WEB: http://www.tqm-herbs.com/index-eng.html Main Topics: Herbs and medicinal plants feasibility studies and marketing strategies, international regulations and exportation obstacles, quality control and extracts standards, planting and manufacturing, modern system in packaging technologies, the role of herbs and medicinal plants in complementary medicine, functional foods, food processing, flavor and aroma enhancers and pharmaceutical and cosmetics. December 11-13, 2011 BIO NAT II, THE SECOND EURO-MED CONFERENCE PLANT NATURAL PRODUCTS FROM BIODIVERSITY TO BIOINDUSTRY Venue: Conference Center, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt Contact: Ashraf A Khalil, PhD E-MAIL: bionat02@gmail.com, info@bionats.org WEB: http://www.bionats.org The conference will be accompanied by an exhibition open to academic institutions, scientific associations, non-profit foundations, banks, international organizations, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agriculture and chemical industries, raw materials, and others who share a concern with medicinal plants, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and natural products. December 9-12, 2011 FOOD GATE & FRESH GATE EGYPT 2011 Venue: Congress Center, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt Organized by: Agricultural Export Council (AEC): www.aecegypt.com and Food Export Council (FEC): http://www.feceg.com Exhibitor profile: Egypts top producers and exporters of herbs, spices and essential oils, as well as food ingredients, fresh fruits and vegetables.18March 22-24, 2012 FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS (SIPAM 2012) Venue: Djerba, Tunisia Organizers: The Institut des Rgions Arides (IRA), Institution de la Recherch et de lEnseignement Suprieur Agricoles (IRESA), the Ecole doctorale Sciences, Ingnierie et Socit, the International Center of Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), and the International Society of Horticultural Science (ISHS). Contact: Dr. Neffati Mohamed TEL +216 75 633 839 FAX +216 75 633 006 WEB: http://www.sipam.ira.rnrt.tn Topics: Agro-Ecophysiology, Genetics and Biotechnology of MAP, Extraction process, analysis and chemistry of natural compounds, Valorisation of natural compounds in different industries (food, pharmacy, cosmetic), Phytotherapy between traditional use and alternative medicine, MAPs and animal health, and MAP chain value: Socio-economical aspects, regulatory and normative requirements.19CHINA and other East Asian CountriesPRODUCTION AND TRADE OF CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER FROM THE PRC The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) is the worlds leading consumer, producer and exporter of the herbal drug Chrysanthemum flower, with a 2010 export trade volume of 11,655,963 kg (customs value of USD $22,477,542). In terms of volume, the top-five importers of Chrysanthemum flower from the PRC in 2010 were (1) Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the PRC, (2) Socialist Republic of Vietnam, (3) Malaysia, (4) Republic of Singapore, and (5) Kingdom of Thailand. Botanical names: Chrysanthemum indicum Linn (Wild Chrysanthemum); syn.: Dendranthema indicum (L.) Des Moul. [Fam. Asteraceae] Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramatuelle (Cultivated Chrysanthemum); syn.: Dendranthema grandiflorum (Ramat.) Kitam. [Fam. Asteraceae] Ju hua (C. morifolium); Ye ju hua (C. indicum) Chrysanthemum (C. morifolium); Wild chrysanthemum (C. indicum) Kikuka (C. morifolium); Nogikuka (C. indicum) Gam-guk; Kukhwa (C. morifolium); Yagukhwa (C. indicum)Common names: Chinese: English: Japanese: Korean:Pharmacopoeial names: Flos Chrysanthemi (cultivated C. morifolium) Flos Chrysanthemi Indici (wild C. indicum) Definitions Chrysanthemi flos JP is the capitulum of 1) Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramatuelle or 2) 40 Chrysanthemum indicum Linn or (Compositae). Chrysanthemi flos KHP is the dried capitulum of Chrysanthemum indicum Linn or Chrysanthemum 41 Linn or Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramatuelle (Compositae). Flos Chrysanthemi PPRC is the dried capitulum of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. (Fam. 42 Compositae). Flos Chrysanthemi Indici PPRC is the dried capitulum of Chrysanthemum indicum L. (Fam. Compositae). Harmonized System Tariff Codes (HS Codes) 43 HS 12119015 (CCCCS) 44 HS 12119091503 (CCC) Native Habitat Chrysanthemum morifolium is known only in cultivation. It is a very complex hybrid, developed over many centuries of breeding, involving the primary parental species C. indicum L. and possibly several other species. C. indicum occurs in grasslands on mountain slopes, thickets, wet places by rivers, fields, roadsides, saline places by seashores, under shrubs; at between 1002900 m. in altitude, in Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Taiwan, and Yunnan. Also occurs outside of China in Bhutan, India, Japan, 45 Korea, Nepal, Russia and Uzbekistan.40Committee of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. Chrysanthemi flos. In: Japanese Pharmacopoeia Fifteenth Edition (JP XV). Tokyo, Japan: Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare. 2007;1271-1272. 41 Korea Food and Drug Administration. Chrysanthemi flos. In: The Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia (English Edition). Seoul, South Korea: Korea Food and Drug Administration. 2002. 42 State Pharmacopoeia Commission of the Peoples Republic of China. Flos Chrysanthemi. In: Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China, English Edition 2005. Beijing, P.R. China: Peoples Medical Publishing House. 2005. 43 Commodity Classification for China Customs Statistics (CCCCS): Peoples Republic of China. 44 Standard Classification of Commodities of the Republic of China (CCC): Taiwan. 45 Lin Yourun et al.. Anthemideae. In: Flora of China. St. Louis, MO: Flora of China Editorial Committee; Missouri Botanical Garden Press. 2011.20Main Producing Areas Bo ju hua (whitish florets) grown in Bo County, Anhui Province. Chu ju hua (whitish florets) grown in Chu County, Anhui Province. Gong ju hua (white or whitish florets) grown in Anhui Province. Hang ju hua (yellow and/or white florets) is distributed from Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province. Medicinal Uses in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Action: To dispel wind-heat, to subdue hyperactivity of the liver, and improve eyesight. Indications: Wind-heat type common cold, headache and dizziness; inflammation of the eye; blurred vision. Quality Standards For the quality control testing of Chrysanthemum flower as an active medicinal ingredient, there are official pharmacopoeial monographs published in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP), Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia (KHP) and Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China (PPRC), which can be utilized for test and release specifications. Table 1 compares the pharmacopoeial quality standards used in Japan and Korea. Table 1: Comparison of Chrysanthemum Pharmacopoeial Quality Standards / Japan and Korea Standard Chrysanthemi flos JP Chrysanthemi flos KHP Definition Capitulum of 1) Chrysanthemum Dried capitulum of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramatuelle or 2) indicum Linn or Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum indicum Linn or morifolium Ramatuelle (Compositae). (Compositae). Identification tests: Macroscopic Macroscopic Organoleptic Color reaction test Thin-layer chromatography Loss on drying NMT 15.0% NM% 10.0% Foreign matter No standard NMT 3% of stalks and leaves Total ash NMT 8.5% NMT 10.0% Acid-insoluble ash NMT 1.0% NMT 1.5% Extract content NLT 30.0% of dilute ethanol-soluble More than 5.0% ether-soluble extract extractLEGEND JP XV 2007: Japanese Pharmacopoeia KHP IV 2002: Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia PPRC 2005: Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China46Production Scenario Cultivated chrysanthemum flower is harvested in batches in September to November while flowering. It is dried in the shade or by baking or dried in the sun after fuming and steaming. It is classified into B oju, Chuju, Gongju and Hangju according to different localities of production and variations in processing methods. Wild chrysanthemum flower is harvested at the early state of flowering in autumn and winter, dried in the sun or dried after steaming. Market Prices The Chengdu medicinal plant price index can be accessed on-line at: http://www.ysindex.com and is presently available in Chinese language only. Here is an example of an entry for Hangzhou Bai Ju Hua (dried white chrysanthemum flower from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province) with pricing quoted for 11 October 2011 and past 12 weeks comparison chart.46State Pharmacopoeia Commission of the Peoples Republic of China. Flos Chrysanthemi. In: Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China, English Edition 2005. Beijing, P.R. China: Peoples Medical Publishing House. 2005.21()(/) Hangzhou Bai Ju Hua (Yuan/kilogram) (Increase / Decrease from (Date) (Quoted price) previous week) 111010 50.00 Yuan / kg -10.00 (Percentage Change from previous week) -16.67%Information on the average prices paid by importing countries (customs value) is available through various trade databases. The average prices however are only indicative and not specific enough to be applicable to any particular grade or quality of chrysanthemum flower. Nor is there certainty that the declared customs values correspond to actual invoiced prices. In 2011, the average price being paid by the leading importer, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the PRC, is USD $2.369 / kg. Average prices paid in other markets however were significantly higher than Hong Kong. Table 2 shows the average prices paid, in units of USD per kg, for Chinas main export markets for chrysanthemum flower, 2009, 2010 and year-to-date 2011. Table 2: Average prices of Chrysanthemum flower in selected importing countries / 2009, 2010 and 2011 / USD per kg / %Change of price Average Price (USD) % change of price 2009 0.763 5.478 5.383 2.937 5.135 2010 0.854 8.938 10.758 3.403 10.073 2011 2.369 7.604 9.819 4.182 9.315 2010 11.92% 63.16% 99.84% 15.85% 96.18% 2011 177.52% -14.93% -8.73% 22.91% -7.53%Importer Unit Hong Kong $ per kg Malaysia $ per kg Singapore $ per kg Vietnam $ per kg Thailand $ per kg SOURCE: China Trade DataValue and Volume of Chinas Exports of Flos Chrysanthemi (HS 1211.9015) In calendar year 2010, China exported 11,655,963 kg (customs value of USD $22,477,542) of chrysanthemum flower, about 25% more than previous year. See Table 3. In terms of volume (kg), the top-five importers of medicinal chrysanthemum flower were Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the PRC 9,425,152 kg (80.86% of total PRC exports; presumably mainly for re-export), Socialist Republic of Vietnam 854,891 kg (7.33%), Malaysia 440,674 kg (3.78%), Republic of Singapore 341,276 kg (2.93%), and Kingdom of Thailand 239.355 kg (2.05%). See Table 3, which shows the PRCs exports of Chrysanthemum flower, in terms of value and volume, for the years 2008, 2009 and 2010. 22Table 3:China Exports of Chrysanthemum flower 2008, 2009, 2010 / Trade value (USD) / Trade quantity (kg) Flos Chrysanthemi used in pharmacy Export Trade Value (USD) Export Trade Volume (kg) HS 12119015 Partner 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 TOTAL 14907892 15182670 22477542 5106163 8746859 11655963 Hong Kong 3016836 4574654 8046716 2913159 5997202 9425152 Malaysia 3562086 1900897 3938946 434133 346977 440674 Singapore 3548685 3003430 3671486 443415 557917 341276 Vietnam 1387436 2840680 2908900 489899 967195 854891 Thailand 1275164 1327312 2411117 269328 258498 239355 United Kingdom 355389 276321 477777 42659 50100 40941 United States 461219 155981 323087 59908 28695 30653 Korea Rep. 173557 108354 308787 45931 23810 45520 Japan 155597 196927 133408 34176 23006 15968 Taiwan prov. 769897 591387 113119 334267 427008 186237 Canada 72183 34402 43429 10500 6741 4258 Indonesia 79965 119981 40304 10967 33656 8800 Macau 19246 23799 25271 13558 20510 17343 France 0 0 13161 0 0 1445 Australia 18164 15218 5610 2430 4272 1900 Netherlands 4816 2193 4828 818 261 632 Belgium 445 2581 4080 58 255 302 Czech Rep 0 1872 3056 0 111 114 Germany 966 5077 2491 121 328 164 Brazil 0 0 1507 0 0 289 Russia 35 0 300 19 0 39 Israel 0 77 162 0 4 10 New Zealand 1013 363 0 141 86 0 Italy 0 869 0 0 169 0 Spain 0 295 0 0 58 0 U.A.E. 5193 0 0 676 0 0SOURCE: China Trade DataPRODUCT Botanical name Pharmacopoeial name Part used Cultivated or wild Drug-to-extract ratio Extraction solvents Storage Packaging Shelf life TESTS Characters Loss on drying Sieve analysis Bulk density Water solubilityBOTANICAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Chrysanthemum Powdered Extract 15:1 a product of China Chrysanthemum Extract Powder 15:1 Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramatuelle (Fam. Asteraceae) Chrysanthemi Flos Extractum Dried flower Cultivated 15:1 (w/w) Water and alcohol Store in cool & dry place. Keep away from strong light and heat. 25kg/Fiber drum--Inner double plastic bags 5kg/Aluminum foil bag--Inner double plastic bags 1kg/Aluminum foil bag--Inner double plastic bags 2 years when properly stored. Appearance: brown fine powder; Odor and Taste: characteristic Less than 5.0% Pass through 80 mesh screen 45-55g / 100mL Soluble in water 23Foreign matter Free of foreign matter CONTAMINANTS Heavy metals NMT 20 ppm Arsenic NMT 2 ppm Residual solvents Complies with European Pharmacopoeia 5.4. Residual Solvents Total plate count NMT 1000 cfu/g Yeast and Mold NMT 100 cfu/g E. coli Negative Salmonella Negative Source: Based on product specification published by Jory Herb Ltd: http://joryherb.com BOTANICAL RAW MATERIALS (indicative bulk prices) CNY = Chinese Yuan Renminbi USD = United States Dollar Botanical Name Cultivated Origin Price / kg or Wild Cinnamomum aromaticum Cult/Wild China 7.50 USD Cordyceps sinensis Cordyceps sinensis Cuminum cyminum Allium sativum Wild Wild Sichuan Tibet 200,000 CNY 230,000 CNY 4.26 USD 3.09 USD 650.00 CNY 26.50 CNY 5.07 USD 55.00 CNY 50.00 CNY 11.50 CNYProduct Cassia bark, powdered steam sterilized Cordyceps fungus ( ) Cordyceps fungus ( ) Cumin fruit Garlic bulbBasis FOB CA Chengdu Market Chengdu Market Spot NY Spot NY Chengdu Market Chengdu Market Spot NY Chengdu Market Chengdu Market Chengdu MarketCultivated China Cultivated China Wild ChinaGastrodia elata Gastrodia rhizome ( ) Zingiber officinale Ginger rhizome, whole () Zingiber officinale Ginger rhizome, whole peeled Lycium barbarum Lycium fruit, whole dried () Lycium barbarum Lycium fruit, whole dried () Cassia angustifolia Senna leaf () Source: http://www.ysindex.comCultivated China Cultivated China Cult/Wild Cult/Wild Cult Ningxia Xinjiang ChinaNotes: (1) Monographs providing quality standards and tests for the above listed Chinese herbs are published in the Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China (PPRC English Edition 2005). Many are also published in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP XV English Edition 2007) and/or the Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia (KHP 2002 English Edition). BOTANICAL EXTRACTS (indicative bulk prices) CNY = Chinese Yuan Renminbi USD = United States Dollar Product Standard Origin Price per kg Gotu kola herb extract 20% asiaticosides China CNY 750 (Centella asiatica) Gotu kola herb extract 10% asiaticosides China CNY 220-400 (Centella asiatica) Gotu kola herb extract 80% asiaticosides China CNY 3500-3900 (Centella asiatica) Lycium fruit extract 10% polysaccharides China CNY 500 (Lycium barbarum)Basis Guangxi Shaanxi/Guangxi Shaanxi/Guangxi Hubei24Product Standard Lycium fruit extract 10% polysaccharides (Lycium barbarum) Milk thistle fruit acetone extract 30% silybin (by UV) (Silybum marianum) Rhodiola root extract 1% salidroside (Rhodiola crenulata) Rhodiola root extract 2% salidroside (Rhodiola crenulata) Rhodiola root extract 3% rosavins (Rhodiola crenulata) Turmeric rhizome extract 95% curcumin (by UV) (Curcuma longa) Turmeric rhizome extract 95% curcumin (by HPLC) (Curcuma longa) Source: China Natural Ingredients Express August 2011Origin Price per kg China CNY 90 China CNY 460-480 China CNY 95 China CNY 140 China CNY 520 China CNY 1300 China CNY 1500Basis Shaanxi Panjin Market Shaanxi Shaanxi Shaanxi Hebei ZhejiangMEETINGS AND TRADE SHOWS CHINA & OTHER EASTERN ASIAN COUNTRIES September 4-9, 2011 th 5 INTERNATIONAL SEABUCKTHORN ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE (ISA 2011) Developing Seabuckthorn: For the Harmonious Ecosystem & Healthy Life Venue: Qinghai Conference Centre, Xining, Qinghai Province, PRC Organizers: International Seabuckthorn Association (ISA) & Qinghai Provincial Government Sponsors: Commerce Department of Qinghai Province, PRC, Chamber of Commerce, Qinghai Province, Qinghai Tsinghua Biotry Bio-Tech Co., Ltd. Contact: ISA Secretariat: Dr. Xia Jingfan TEL: 86 10 63204363 / FAX: 86 10 63204359 E-MAIL: isahome@163.com WEB: http://www.isahome.net September 7-9, 2011 VITAFOODS ASIA, THE GLOBAL NUTRACEUTICAL EVENT Venue: AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong Organizers: IIR Exhibitions (www.informa.com) Contact: TEL: +44 (0)20 7017 7036 E-MAIL: clee@iirx.co.uk WEB: http://vitafoodsasia.com Exhibitor profile: Suppliers of: Nutraceutical ingredients, Functional foods and drinks, Pharmaceutical ingredients, Botanical extracts, Nutricosmetics, Contract manufacturing services, Consultancy, regulatory and marketing services. September 7-27, 2011 INTERNATIONAL TRAINING WORKSHOP ON INTEGRATED SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN MOUNTAIN AREAS AND NON-TIMBER-FOREST-PRODUCTS (NTFPS) INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Venue: Zhejiang Province, China Organizers: MOST, International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), Linan Modern Forestry Technology Service Center (LMFTSC). Contact: Zhu Zhaohua, Jin Wei, Coordinator. TEL: 86 10 64706161 ext. 310 / FAX: 86 10 64703166 zhzh@inbar.int, Wjin@inbar.int EMAIL: WEB: http://www.inbar.int/show.asp?BoardID=171&NewsID=696 Conference topics: Sustainable development of Economy in mountainous regions 25Poverty alleviation in mountainous regions Mountain forest sustainable management Sustainable management, industrialization and commercialization of NTFPs NTFPs in China and their development, industrialization and commercialization Company + farmers the best model for NTFPs industrialization Cultivation and processing technologies of wild medicinal plants and edible/medicinal fungus Industrial cooperation and NGOs are the links among companies, markets and farmersField visit program will be arranged in combination with the indoor courses during the workshop. During the workshop, 70% of the time will be for field visit. This workshop will give introduction to NTFPs development experiences of China, especially on the aspects of industrialization and commercialization. The participants will also be able to see the development and utilization of the local medicinal plants, the cultivation of edible and medicinal fungus and Chinas biggest honey industry base Tonglu. September 20-22, 2011 ST THE 1 INDONESIAN SPICES CONGRESS 2011 (ISC) Venue: Pendopo Agung Sasono Utomo, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Jakarta, Indonesia Organizer: Bimatama Inka E-MAIL: dri_indonesia2007@yahoo.com, bimatama_inka@yahoo.com WEB: www.Indonesian-spices.com This event aims to increase international trade of Indonesian spice commodities ad well as the development of world spice trade and increase awareness of sustainable spice trade by 2015. Attended by European and Asian spice importers organizations, exporters, producer, food and beverage industry, cosmetic industry, spa industry. September 29 October 2, 2011 HERBAL AND HEALTH FOOD INDONESIA 2011 CO-LOCATED WITH INTERFOOD INDONESIA 2011 Venue: Jakarta International Exhibition Centre, Kemayoran, Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia Organizer: Krista Media Pratama PT, Krista Exhibitions, Jln. Blandongan 28 DG, Jakarta TEL: + (62) (21) 6345861 / 6345862 / 6334581 / 6345002 FAX: + (62) (21) 6340140 / 6342113 EMAIL: info@kristamedia.com WEB: http://www.interfood-indonesia.com Exhibitor profile: Suppliers of medicinal plants & extracts, herbs and spices, essential oils and oleoresins, aromas and flavors, fruit and vegetable products, organic ingredients, seasonings, soy products, starches, sweeteners, vitamins and minerals, and more. October 5-7, 2011 HEALTH INGREDIENTS (Hi) JAPAN 2011 Venue: Tokyo Big Sight Exhibition Center, West Halls 1.2& Atrium, Japan Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Japan Health & Nutrition Food Association Organizer: United Business Media (UBM) International Contact: Mr. Takuro Azuma, UBM, Kanda 91 bldg, 1-8-3 Kajicho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 101 0044 Japan / TEL: +81 3 5296 1017 / FAX: +81 3 5296 1018. E-MAIL: f-expo@cmpjapan.com WEB: http://www.hijapan.info/eng/index.php October 22-23, 2011 SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE AND NATURAL MEDICINE Venue: Shanghai Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel, Shanghai, China Organizers: Modern Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Industry Office of Shanghai Municipality 26Co-Sponsors:Contact:E-MAIL: WEB:American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP), Society of Medicinal Plant Research (GA), TCM Pharmaceutical Analysis Specialty Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Society, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica (CAS), Second Military Medical University, China, University of Mississippi, USA. Shanghai Technological & Industrial Promotion Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 199 Guoshoujin Road, Z.J. Hi-tek Park, Pu Dong New Area, Shanghai 201203 P.R. China TEL: (86-21) 5027 2737, (86-21) 5080 1050 / FAX: (86-21) 5080 5932. shtcm2010@yahoo.com http://www.s-tcm.com/english.htmlOctober 27-30, 2011 rd 3 ANNUAL CHINA NATURAL INGREDIENT CONFERENCE 2011: Controllable and Sustainable Venue: Inner Mongolian Grand Hotel, Beijing China Organizers: CCCMHPIE Org., Herbridge Media Sponsors: Xi An Haotian, JL Stevia, Honsea Contact: Gloria Zhang TEL: 86 010 89709801 / FAX: 86 010 89709801 E-MAIL: herbridge@vip.163.com WEB: www.herbridge.com The goal of this event is to enhance the exchange of information in natural ingredients industry, optimize Chine herb extract industry development, promote development of Chinese nutrition industry and recommend broader reliable cooperation resources. Participant will include manufactures, traders and purchasers. November 1-3, 2011 BIO-FACH WORLD TRADE FAIR FOR ORGANIC FOOD AND NATURAL PRODUCTS Venue: The Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight), West Hall 4, Tokyo Patron: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Acknowledged by: Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Ministry of the Environment, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Asean-Japan Centre, Tokyo Metropolitan Gvt., Delegation of the European Commission in Japan, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. Supported by: Japan Self-Service Ass., Japan Retailers Association, Japan Chain Stores Ass., Nihon Wellness Movement, Organic Cotton Association. Contact Nrnberg Global Affairs GmbH; Mrs. Miriam Stahel TEL: +49 (0)9 11.8606-86 92 / FAX: +49 (0)9 11.86.06-86 94 E-MAIL: biofach@ngfmail.com WEB: www.biofach-japan.com Although the BIO-FACH trade show is primarily for buyers & sellers of certified organic finished products, there will be many exhibitors of bulk botanical raw materials and extracts. November 2-4, 2011 IN-COSMETICS ASIA Venue: BITEC, Bangkok Thailand Organizer: Reed Exhibitions, part of Reed Elsevier Contact: TEL: +44 (0) 20 8910 7847 / FAX: +44 (0) 20 8910 7926 E-MAIL: incosasiateam@reedexpo.co.uk WEB: http://www.in-cosmeticsasia.com This trade show is for cosmetic manufacturers, formulators, scientists and sales & marketing experts. There will be exhibitors of natural botanical ingredients used in cosmetic products. November 15-18, 2011 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS Venue: Chiang Mai, Thailand Organizers/Sponsors: International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Horticultural Science Society of Thailand (HSST), Department of Agriculture (DOA), Kasetsart University27Contact: E-MAIL: WEB:(KU), Chiang Mai University (CMU), Maejo University (MU), Thailand Research Fund (TRF). Peyanoot Naka, Secretary (Horticultural Research Institute), Chatuchak Bangkok 10900 Thailand. TEL: 66 2 579 8553, 940 5484 5 ext.117 / FAX: 66 2 561 4667 Peyanoot@hotmail.com, royalflorasymposium2011@yahoo.com http://www.royalflora2011.com/images/Medicinal.pdfConference Topics: World production and marketing, genetic resources and breeding, biotechnology, cultural practices and physiology, plant protection, post-harvest technology, processing and processed products, health potential of tropical and sub-tropical, fruits production potential of MAP, spa and aromatherapy, cosmetic role of MAP, industrial production of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products, industrial production of essential oil. November 22-23, 2011 BIO MALAYSIA 2011 Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia Organizer: Protemp Exhibitions Sdn Bhd Contact: TEL: +603 6140 6666 / FAX: +603 6140 8833 E-MAIL: karendass@protempgroup.com WEB: http://www.biomalaysia.com.my Exhibitor profile: Agriculture, Biofuels, Bioactive therapeutics, Cosmetics, Drug discovery & development, Environmental technologies, Herbal products, Nutraceuticals and more. November 22-26, 2011 TH 39 SESSION & OTHER MEETINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PEPPER COMMUNITY (IPC) Venue: Santosa Villas and Resort Hotel, Senggigi Beach, Lombok Island, Indonesia Organizers: The International Pepper Community, Directorate General of International Trade Corporations, Ministry of Trade, Government of Indonesia. Contact: Directorate for APEC & Others Intl Organization Coop. D. G. of International Trade Corporation Ministry of Trade, Republic of Indonesia. TEL: 62-21 384-0139, 3858171-5 #1106 / FAX: 62-21 3840139 E-MAIL: Edward_indonesia2005@yahoo.co.id, istiati_hendra@yahoo.co.id WEB: http://www.ipcnet.org/session39id/index.php This event will host several meetings including: the Executive Meeting of Heads of Delegation, The Peppertech meeting, the meeting of Pepper Exporters, The Pepperexim Meeting, Meeting of IPC Committee on quality, plenary sessions and an Exhibition. May 13-15, 2012 ASIAN AROMA INGREDIENTS CONGRESS & EXPO (AAIC) 2012 Venue: Grand Hyatt, Nusa Dua, Bali Organizer: Dewan Atsiri Indonesia, Indonesian Essential Oil Council Supporters: Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, Essential Oil Association of India, China Essential Oils, Aroma and Spices Trade Association, Fragrance & Flavour Association of India, The Spice Council of Sri Lanka WEB: http://www.aaic2012.com May 24-26, 2012 BIO-FACH CHINA 2011, WORLD TRADE FAIR FOR ORGANIC FOOD AND NATURAL PRODUCTS Venue: INTEX Shanghai, China Patron: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Contact: Nurnberg Global Affairs GmbH; Mrs. Miriam Hempel TEL: +49 (0)9 11.8606-86 92 / FAX: +49 (0)9 11.86.06-86 94 E-MAIL: biofach@nuernbergmesse.de WEB: http://www.biofach-china.com28Although the BIO-FACH trade show is primarily for buyers & sellers of certified organic finished products, there will be many exhibitors of bulk botanical raw materials and extracts. August, 2012 (dates to be determined) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION OF THE MODERINIZATION OF CHINESE MEDICINE AND HEALTH PRODUCTS 2010 Concurrent Event: Hong Kong International Tea Fair Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Harbour Road Entrance) Organizers: Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association Ltd (MCMIA) WEB: http://gbcode.hktdc.com/uniS/icmcm.hktdc.com Exhibitor profile: Suppliers of medicinal plants & extracts, traditional Chinese medicinal products, health supplements, and trade associations. September 5-7, 2012 VITAFOODS ASIA 2012, THE GLOBAL NUTRACEUTICAL EVENT Venue: AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong Organizers: IIR Exhibitions (www.informa.com) Contact: TEL: +44 (0)20 7017 7036 EMAIL: lynnor.wong@informa.com WEB: http://vitafoodsasia.com Exhibitor profile: Suppliers of: Nutraceutical ingredients, Functional foods and drinks, Pharmaceutical ingredients, Botanical extracts, Nutricosmetics, Contract manufacturing services, Consultancy, regulatory and marketing services. October 3-5, 2012 FOOD INGREDIENTS ASIA INDONESIA 2012 Venue: Jakarta International Expo, Arena PRJ Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia Organizer: The Indonesian Food Technologist Association (PATPI), The Department of Food Science and Technology (FST), Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology (SEAFAST) Center IPB. Contact: Secretariat of International Seminar 2010, Attn: Gitapratiwi & Virna Berliani Putri. FAX: (+62) 251 8629901 E-MAIL: patpiseminar2010@yahoo.com WEB: http://fiasia.ingredientsnetwork.com/conference Exhibitor profile: Though mainly a show with suppliers of food ingredients, some of the exhibitors offer natural botanical ingredients made from medicinal and aromatic plants. Exhibitors of botanical ingredients will include Chengdu Root Industry Co., Ltd., Mafco, Naturex among others.29`EUROPEPRODUCTION AND TRADE OF LAVENDER FLOWER FROM EUROPEAN COUNTRIES European countries are the worlds largest producers and exporters of the herbal drug Lavender flower and value-added lavender preparations including essential oil and extracts. The main producers are the Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Albania, and French Republic but also the Italian Republic, Hellenic Republic, Kingdom of Spain, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. English lavender preparations are used as active components of herbal medicinal products, aromatherapy and balneotherapy products, and cosmetic products. Botanical name: Common names: Lavandula angustifolia P. Mill. (Family: Lamiaceae) Bulgarian: English: French: German: Hungarian: Romanian: Spanish: , English lavender flower (USA); Lavender flower (EU) Fleur de lavande Lavendelblten Levendulavirg floare de levnic Flor de lavandaPharmacopoeial names: Lavandulae flos (flower) ; Lavandulae aetheroleum (essential oil) Definitions Lavender flower PhEur is the dried flower of Lavandula angustifolia P. Mill. (L. officinalis Chaix) containing minimum 13 ml / kg essential oil (anhydrous drug). Lavender Oil PhEur is the essential oil obtained by steam distillation from the flowering tops of Lavandula angustifolia P. Mill. (L. officinalis Chaix). Oil of Lavender ISO 3515:2002 specifies characteristics of the oils of spontaneous lavender (population lavender, France) and of clonal lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia Mill.), from various origins. Harmonized System Tariff Codes (HS Codes) HS 1211.90 (WCO) Lavender flower HS 3301.23.00 (ITC-HS) Essential oil of lavender or lavandin HS 3301.29.5118 (HTSUS) Essential oil of lavender or lavandinHS Code Sources Legend: BTI Binding Tariff Information (BTI) rulings of the European Commission Taxation and Customs Union HTSUS Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States ITC-HS India Trade Classification of Harmonized System Codes WCO World Customs Organization (WCO) Compendium of Classification OpinionsNative Habitat European Mediterranean region. Main Producing Areas Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Albania, and French Republic but also the Italian Republic, Hellenic Republic, Kingdom of Spain, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. According to the European Herb Growers Association (Europam), there are nearly 4,000 ha of 47 English lavender flower cultivation in Bulgaria and about 4,500 ha in France. According to Kathe et al (2003), there are about 400 ha of lavender cultivation in Albania, 105 ha in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it is also one of the most important cultivated MAP crops in Republic of Croatia (on 48 the Island of Hvar). Outside of Europe there is also commercial production in the Peoples Republic of China (Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region), the Republic of South Africa, and in the United States of America (Pacific Northwest).4748European Herb Growers Association: http://www.europam.netKathe W, Honnef S, Heym A. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania. Bonn, Germany: German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). 2003. Available at: http://www.bfn.de/fileadmin/MDB/documents/skript91.pdf30Quality Standards Before exporting, it is important to understand the quality standards that may be required by the buyers in the destination market. There are quality standards available for Lavender Flower and Lavender Oil published in the European Pharmacopoeia. There are also specifications for Lavender Oil available in the Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) and from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Therapeutic uses The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published draft labeling standards monographs for the use of lavender flower and essential oil as active substances of registered Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products (THMPs) for marketing authorization in the European Union: Lavender Essential Oil EMA: Traditional herbal medicinal product (THMP) prepared in liquid dosage form for oral use and as a bath additive for relief of mild symptoms of mental stress and 49 exhaustion and to aid sleep . Lavender Flower EMA: Traditional herbal medicinal product (THMP) prepared as an Herbal Tea or Tincture (1:5) for oral use for relief of mild symptoms of mental stress and exhaustion and to 50 aid sleep.Cosmetic uses Lavender ingredients that are used in cosmetics are defined in the European Commission Cosmetic 51 Ingredients & Substances (CosIng) Database: Lavandula Angustifolia Herb Extract is an extract obtained from the flowering herbs of the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. Functions: Perfuming. Lavandula Angustifolia Herb Oil is an essential oil distilled from the flowering herbs of the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. ISO 8902:2009. Functions: Perfuming: Lavandula Angustifolia Extract is the extract of the whole plant of the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. Functions: Skin conditioning. Lavandula Angustifolia Flowers are the dried flowers obtained from the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. Functions: Skin Conditioning. Lavandula Angustifolia Flower Cera is a wax obtained from the flower of the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae Functions: Emollient; Skin conditioning. Lavandula Angustifolia Flower Extract is an extract of the flowers of the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. Functions: Cleansing; Deodorant; Masking; Refreshing; Tonic. Lavandula Angustifolia Flower Powder is the product obtained from the crushed, dried flowers of the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. Functions: Masking. Lavandula Angustifolia Flower Water is an aqueous solution of the steam distillate obtained from the flowers of the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. Functions: Skin conditioning. Lavandula Angustifolia Flower/Leaf/Stem Extract is the extract of the flowers, leaves and stems of the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. Functions: Flavouring; Masking; Oral Care; Perfuming; Skin conditioning. Lavandula Angustifolia Flower/Leaf/Stem Juice is the extract of the flowers, leaves and stems of the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. Functions: Flavouring; Masking; Oral Care; Perfuming; Skin conditioning. Lavandula Angustifolia Leaf Cell Extract is the extract of a culture of the leaf cells of the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. Functions: Flavouring; Masking; Perfuming; Skin protecting.Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) European Medicines Agency (EMA). Draft Community Herbal Monograph on Lavandula angustifolia Mill., aetheroleum. London, UK: European Medicines Agency. 27 January 2011. Available at: http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Herbal__Community_herbal_monograph/2011/02/WC500102065.pdf Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) European Medicines Agency (EMA). Draft Community Herbal Monograph on Lavandula angustifolia Mill., flos. London, UK: European Medicines Agency. 27 January 2011. Available at: http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Herbal__Community_herbal_monograph/2011/02/WC500102064.pdf European Commission Health & Consumers Directorate. Cosmetic Ingredients and Substances (CosIng) Database. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission. Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/cosmetics/cosing49505131Lavandula Angustifolia Oil is the volatile oil obtained from the flowers of the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. ISO 8902:2009. Functions: Masking; Tonic. Lavandula Angustifolia Water is an aqueous solution of the steam distillate obtained from the Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, Labiatae. Functions: Masking.Production Scenario Info for cultivation and production of Lavender flower and oil is available from the following sources: British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries. Certified Organic Versus Non-Organic Budgets For Lavender Flower. 2002. Available at: http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/busmgmt/budgets/budget_pdf/specialty_organic/lavender.pdf Republic of South Africa Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Production Guidelines for Lavender. 2009. Available at: http://www.daff.gov.za/docs/Brochures/EssOilsLavender.pdf Stanev S. valuation of the stability and adaptability of the Bulgarian lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) sorts yield. AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 2, No 3, pp 121123, 2010. Available at: http://tru.uniUSAID Fostering Agricultural Markets Activity Project (FARMA) in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Lavanda. 2009. Available at: http://www.bosniafarma.ba/download/97 BOTANICAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Lavender Flower a product of Bulgaria, Albania, France, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and other European Countries PRODUCT Botanical name Pharmacopoeial name Part used Cultivated or wild Storage IDENTIFICATION Characters Macroscopic Microscopic Thin-layer chromatography TESTS Foreign matter Other species and varieties of lavender Water Total ash CONTAMINATION Aerobic bacteria Molds and yeasts Escherichia coli Salmonella Heavy metals Pesticide residues Lavender flower Lavandula angustifolia P. Mill. (L. officinalis Chaix) Lavandulae flos PhEur Dried flower Cultivated Store protected from moisture Strongly aromatic odour. PhEur Lavender Flower Monograph ID Test A PhEur Lavender Flower Monograph ID Test B PhEur Lavender Flower Monograph ID Tests C & D (PhEur 2.2.27) Maximum 3% of stems and maximum 2% of other foreign matter (PhEur 2.8.2) Maximum 1% camphor in the essential oil as determined by Gas Chromatography test in Lavender flower PhEur monograph (PhEur 2.2.28) Maximum 100 ml/kg (PhEur 2.2.13) Maximum 9.0% (PhEur 2.4.16) Microbial enumeration limits for herbal drugs and their preparations to which boiling water is added before use 7 10 cfu/g 4 10 cfu/g 2 10 cfu/g Not detected NMT 1.0 ppm cadmium NMT 5.0 ppm lead NMT 0.1 ppm mercury Meets the requirements PhEur General Chapter 2.8.1352sz.bg/ascitech/7_2010/03_Evaluation%20of%20the%20stability%20and%20adaptability%20of%20the%20B ulgarian%20lavender%20%28Lavandula%20angustifolia%20Mill.%29%20sorts%20yield.pdf52European Pharmacopoeial Commission. Lavender flower. In: European Pharmacopoeia, 7 edition (PhEur 7.0). Strasbourg, France: European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM). 2010;1163.th32Product Bilberry fruit extract (Vaccinium myrtillus) Ginkgo leaf dry extract (Ginkgo biloba) Maritime pine dry extract (Pinus pinaster) Milk thistle fruit dry extract (Silybum marianum) Nettle root dry extract (Urtica dioica) St. Johns wort herb dry extract (Hypericum perforatum) Valerian root dry extract (Valeriana officinalis)BOTANICAL EXTRACTS (Indicative bulk prices) Standard 25% anthocyanins min 24% ginkgoflavoneglycosides; 2.6-3.2% bilobalide; 2.8-3.4% ginkgolides A, B & C 65% procyanidins min. 80% silymarin calculated as silybin min 30 ppm scopoletin, min 0.8% -sitosterol min. 0.3% hypericins expressed as hypericin, 1.0-4.0% Hyperforin min 0.8% valerenic acidPrice Basis USD/kg 700-800 FOB USA 175-275 FOB USA 1500-3500 FOB USA 75-150 FOB USA 65-85 FOB USA 30-55 FOB USA 60-75 FOB USANotes: Quality Standards: Monographs providing quality standards and tests for most all of the above listed herbs can be found either in the European Pharmacopoeia (PhEur) or United States Pharmacopeia National Formulary (USP-NF).MEETINGS AND TRADE SHOWS EUROPEAN COUNTRIES September 25-29, 2011 TH THE 6 INTERNATIONAL MEDICINAL MUSHROOM CONFERENCE, IMMC6 Venue: Zagreb, Croatia Organizer: Dr. Myko San Health from Mushrooms Co., University of Zagreb, Croatia Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Forestry, Croatian Society of Food Technologists and Nutritionists. Contact: Dr Myko San, Miramarska 109, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia NA 385 TEL: +385 1 4660095 / FAX: +385 1 4660095 E-mail: immc6.loc@gmail.com WEB: http://www.immc6.com October 8-12, 2011 ANUGA Venue: Cologne Exhibition Center, Germany Organizer: Koelnmesse GmbH, Messeplatz 1, 50679 Kln, Germany & Bundesverband des Deutschen Lebensmittelhandels e.V. (BVL), Am Weidendamm 1A, 10117 Berlin Contact: Dietmar Eiden, TEL: +49 221 821 2240 / FAX: +49 221 821 3410 E-MAIL: d.eiden@koelnmesse.de or bvl@einzelhandel.de WEB: http://www.anuga.com Although primarily a food show there will be some exhibitors of natural botanical ingredients at Anuga. October 10-12, 2011 ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS (AOAC) EUROPE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP: Quality Control of Botanicals, TCM, Herbal Food Supplements and Herbal Medicinal Products Venue: University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Organizer: PhytoLab GmbH and the Working Group Separation Science of the German Chemical Society Contact: Dr. Klaus Reif, c/o PhytoLab GmbH & Co. KG, AOAC Europe Executive Committee Dutendorfer Str.: 5-7, D-91487 Vestenbergsgreuth Klaus.reif@phytolab.de E-MAIL: 33WEB:http://www.aoaceurope.comOctober 15-17, 2011 NATEXPO TRADE SHOW Venue: Paris Nord Villepinte, Hall 8, France Organizers: Federation Francaise de la Dietetique & Comexpo Paris Contact: Roger Serrault, Fair Chairman; TEL/FAX: +33 (0)1 47 75 03 09 E-MAIL: info@federation-dietebio.org WEB: http://www.natexpo.com Exhibitor Profile: While mainly an expo for finished products, there will also be a suppliers marketplace for exhibitors of raw materials, processing and packaging. Visitor profile: Natural product manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, organic and health food retailers, medical professionals, import-export representatives. October 19-21, 2011 COSMETHICA: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON RAW MATERIALS IN COSMETICS Venue: Palais des Congrs, 22, Cours Honor Cresp - 06130 GRASSE France Contact: Genevive JUGE, Organising Committee TEL: +33 (0)4 92 42 34 08 / FAX: +33 (0)4 92 42 34 01 E-MAIL contact@cosmethica-grasse.com WEB: http://www.cosmethica-grasse.com October 25-27, 2011 CPhI WORLDWIDE Venue: Messe Frankfurt, Germany Organizer: UBM Information Ltd Contact: TEL: +31 20 40 99 544 / FAX: +31 20 36 32 616 E-Mail: cpihi@ubm.com WEB: http://www.cphi.com CPhI Exhibitors of medicinal plants & extracts include, among others: Alchem International Ltd. http://www.alcheminternational.com Burgundy Botanical Extracts http://www.burgundy-extracts.com Finzelberg GmbH & Co. KG http://www.finzelberg.de Gehrlicher GmbH http://www.gehrlicher.de Indena SpA http://www.indena.com Linnea SA http://www.linnea-worldwide.com Naturex http://www.naturex.com November 6-10, 2011 IFEAT 2011 CONFERENCE: Bridging Continents and Cultures Venue: Barcelona, Spain Organizer: The International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades (IFEAT), 9 Lincolns In Fields, London, WC2A 3BP, UK. Contact: TEL: +44 (0) 20 7814 9666 / FAX: +44 (0) 20 7814 8383 E-MAIL: events@ifeat.org WEB: http://www.ifeat.org November 9-12, 2011 MAPS (MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS) 2011 st Medicinal and aromatic plants in generating of new values in 21 century Venue: Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Contact: Chairman Sulejman Redi, Bistrik 7, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. TEL: +387 33 210 902 / FAX: +387 33 206 033 E-MAIL: mplants@yahoo.com, sredzic@anubih.ba WEB: http://www.map-sarajevo.com34Themes: Cultivation, Sustainable Use and Conservation, International Trade of MAPs, Economy of Herbal Sector November 29 December 1, 2011 FOOD INGREDIENTS EUROPE & NATURAL INGREDIENTS 2011 Venue: Paris Nord Villepointe, Paris, France Contact: UBMi BV, P.O. Box 12740, 1100 AS Amsterdam Z.O. TEL: +31 (0) 20 40 99 544 / FAX: +31 (0) 20 36 32 616 E-MAIL: Fieurope@ubm.com WEB: http://fieurope.ingredientsnetwork.com February 15-18, 2012 BIO-FACH WORLD TRADE FAIR FOR ORGANIC FOOD AND NATURAL PRODUCTS Venue: Exhibition Centre Nuremberg, Germany Patron: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) TEL: +49 (0)9 11.8606-0 / FAX: +49 (0)9 11.86.06-82-28 Organizer: NrnbergMesse GmbH, Messezentrum D-90471 Nrnberg E-MAIL: biofach@nuernbergmesse.de WEB: http://www.biofach.de Although the BIO-FACH trade show is primarily for buyers & sellers of certified organic finished products, there will be many exhibitors of bulk botanical raw materials and extracts. October 4-5, 2012 nd 2 EUROPEAN WORKSHOP ON SEA BUCKTHORN Venue: Vilnius, Lithuania Organizers: German Society for Seabuckthorn and Wild Fruits; Lithuanian Association of Seabuckthorn growers WEB: http://www.sanddorn.net November 13-15, 2012 HEALTH INGREDIENTS EUROPE & NATURAL INGREDIENTS 2012 Venue: Messe Frankfurt, Germany Organizer: CMP Information, a division of United Business Media Contact: CMP Information, PO Box 200, 3600 AE Maarssen, the Netherlands TEL: + 31 346 559 444 / FAX: + 31 346 573 811 E-MAIL: Fi@cmpi.biz WEB: http://hieurope.ingredientsnetwork.com Exhibitor profile: Companies that cultivate, extract, process or supply health, nutraceuticals, organic and functional ingredients, and natural ingredients that are used in cosmetics, health food products, medicinal herbal products, and nutraceutical products. 2013 (dates to be determined) th 6 INTERNATIONAL SEABUCKTHORN ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE (ISA 2011) Venue: Potsdam, Germany Organizers: International Seabuckthorn Association (ISA) Sponsors: Ministry of Infrastructure and Agriculture of the Government of Brandenburg (MIL) E-MAIL: isa-2013@sanddorn.net WEB: http://www.isahome.net35INDIA and other Asian CountriesPRODUCTION AND TRADE OF RAUWOLFIA ROOT FROM INDIA The Republic of India is the worlds leading producer and consumer of rauwolfia root with estimated annual domestic consumption ranging from 200,000 to 500,000 kg. Rauwolfia root, which is mainly wild harvested but also produced somewhat from cultivated sources, is used in the Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani systems of medicine, as well as in folk medicine and homoeopathic medicine. It is listed in Appendix II of CITES, which means that it is a species that is not necessarily now threatened with extinction but that may become so unless trade is closely controlled. Export permits are granted if the relevant authorities are satisfied that certain conditions are met, above all that trade will not be detrimental to the survival of the species in the wild. As such, there is presently very little export trade and mainly domestic consumption. Only the Kingdom of Thailand and the Republic of India export small amounts of the root predominantly to the Federal Republic of Germany where it is value-added (standardized extracts) and either used as a pharmaceutical active ingredient in Germany or reexported, mainly to the Swiss Confederation. Definition The whole or cut dried roots of Rauwolfia serpentina (L.) Bentham ex Kurz.(Fam. Apocynaceae). Common names: Bangladesh Bhutan China Germany India Korea Nepal Pakistan Vietnam Sarpagandha, Chhoto Chadar, Chhoto Chand, Chandra 54 nakbhel, sarpagandah 55 (she gen mu) 56 Rauwolfiawurzel 57 58 Asrol (root) (UPI V) ; Sarpagandh (root) (API V) 59 60 , , Chand maruwa, Sarpa gandha Chhota Chand, Asrol 62 ba gac hoa do Rauwolfiae radix61 53Pharmacopoeial name:Harmonized System Tariff Codes (HS Codes) 1211.9044 (Indian Trade Classification) Serpentina RootsNative Habitat and Distribution Distributed in the Sub-Himalayan tract from Punjab eastwards to Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Assam, in the lower hills of the Gangetic plains, Eastern and Western Ghats, in some parts of Central India and 63 in the Andaman Islands. Outside of India, it occurs in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Indonesia, Lao Peoples Democratic 64 Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam. In China it occurs in montane forests between 800-1500 m altitude in Southern Yunnan (Gengma, Jing-hong) and is also cultivated in Southern Guangdong, Southern Guangxi, and Hainan 65 Provinces.53 54Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh: http://www.mpbd.info/plants/rauvolfia-serpentina.php FAO Non-wood forest products of Bhutan: http://www.fao.org/docrep/X5335E/X5335E00.htm 55 Flora of China: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200018451 56 Deutsches Arzneibuch (DAB 1999) 57 Unani Pharmacopoeia of India (UPI Volume V) 58 Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API Volume V) 59 Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia (KHP 2002) 60 Flora of Pakistan: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=110&taxon_id=200018451 61 Flora of Nepal: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=5&taxon_id=200018451 62 Sach do Viet Nam Phan Thuc Vat (Red Data Book of Vietnam Volume 2. Plants).1996. 63 Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia Revised New Edition 2002 64 CITES Species Database: http://www.cites.org/eng/resources/species.html 65 Flora of China: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=20001845136Main Producing Areas Republic of India is the main producing and consuming country. The major supply source of wild harvested roots is from tropical forest areas. Thailand is also an exporter of wild harvested roots and there is significant trade reported in Myanmar. . Therapeutic Uses The principal use today is in the treatment of mild essential hypertension. Treatment is usually administered in combination with a diuretic agent to support the drugs antihypertensive activity, and to prevent fluid retention which may develop if Radix Rauwolfiae is given alone. Dose; Powder, 200 mg daily in divided doses for 13 weeks; maintenance 50300 mg daily. Doses of other preparations should be calculated accordingly. Doses of Radix Rauwolfiae should be based on the recommended dosage of rauwolfia alkaloids, which must be adjusted according to the patient's requirements and tolerance in small increments at intervals of at least 10 days. Debilitated and geriatric patients may require lower dosages of rauwolfia alkaloids than do other adults. Rauwolfia alkaloids may be 66 administered orally in a single daily dose or divided into two daily doses. Quality Standards Before trading it is important to understand the various defined quality grades and standards that buyers may specify. There are pharmacopoeial monographs published in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API) and Unani Pharmacopoeia of India (UPI) as well as in the German Pharmacopoeia (DAB), Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia (KHP) and United States Pharmacopoeia (USP). Table 1 compares these standards, which can be used as the basis of quality specifications for test and release of rauwolfia root as an active ingredient. Table 1: Standard Identification tests: Loss on Drying Foreign matter Comparison of Rauwolfia root Quality Standards API DAB KHP Macroscopic Macroscopic Macroscopic Microscopic Microscopic Microscopic Thin-layer Thin-layer Color reaction chromatography chromatography test No standard NMT 12.0% No standard NMT 2.0% NMT 2.0% of NMT 2.0 % of stems and NMT branches and 3.0% of other NMT 0.5 % of foreign matter foreign matter, except stems NMT 8.0% NMT 10.0% No standard NMT 1.0% NMT 2.0% No standard NLT 4.0% No standard No standard NLT 10.0% Indole alkaloids present: reserpinine, serpentinine and ajmalicine No standard NLT 1.0% of total alkaloids, calculated as reserpine (C33H40O9N2, Mr 609) No Standard NLT 0.8 % of total alkaloids [reserpine (C33H40N2O9 : 608.69)] UPI Macroscopic Microscopic Thin-layer chromatography No standard NMT 2.0% USP Macroscopic Histology Chemical ID by chromatography NMT 12.0% NMT 2.0% of stems and NMT 3.0% of other foreign organic matter No standard NMT 2.0% No standard No standard NLT 0.15% of reserpinerescinnamine group alkaloids, calculated as reserpineTotal ash Acid-insoluble ash Alcohol-soluble extractive Water-soluble extractive ContentNMT 8.0% NMT 1.0% NLT 4.0% NLT 10.0% Indole alkaloids present: reserpinine, serpentinine and ajmalicineLEGEND API V DAB KHP UPI V USP 34Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part I, Volume V Pharmacopoeia of Germany 1999 Korean Herbal Pharmacopoeia 2002 Unani Pharmacopoeia of India, Part I, Volume V United States Pharmacopeia 34th Revision66World Health Organization (WHO) Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants, Volume 1, 1999: http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/en/d/Js2200e/24.html37Production Scenario Of the estimated 960 medicinal plant species that form the source of 1,289 botanical raw drugs in trade in India, rauwolfia root is among the top 178 medicinal plants considered to be in high volume trade and consumption with an estimated annual domestic trade volume of 200 to 500 metric tons 67 (MT). A forest management booklet for rauwolfia is available from the Asia Network for Sustainable 68 Agriculture and Bioresources (ANSAB): http://www.ansab.org/UserFiles/ntfplets/sarpagandha.pdf The Government of India National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) provides cultivation practices 69 information in its Cultivation Practices of Some Commercially Important Medicinal Plants , available at: http://nmpb.nic.in/WriteReadData/links/560036043sarpgandha.pdf Market Prices Market pricing for Rauwolfia root is tracked through the National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) Weekly Online Pricing System of Medicinal Plants For example, Table 2 shows the minimum, maximum and average prices (Indian Rupees per kg) from selected Indian markets. Table 2: Rauwolfia root / Market Prices / Rs./kg / 01 February 2011Location Kolkata Bhubaneshwar Bokaro Nagaon Mandi Solan Bhopal Bangalore Delhi Saharanpur Species Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) Week Date 01 Feb, 2011 01 Feb, 2011 01 Feb, 2011 01 Feb, 2011 01 Feb, 2011 01 Feb, 2011 01 Feb, 2011 01 Feb, 2011 01 Feb, 2011 01 Feb, 2011 Minimum Price (Rs./kg) 350 250 300 350 260 220 250 325 290 300 Maximum Price (Rs./kg) 400 270 375 400 300 300 300 375 325 350 Average Price (Rs./kg) 375 260 338 375 280 260 275 350 307 325Export Trade Nearly all rauwolfia is traded domestically for use in Indian systems of medicine. Only a minor amount is exported to Germany under CITES permits. All parts and derivatives of Rauvolfia serpentina except a) seeds and pollen; and b) finished products packaged and ready for retail trade, are listed on CITES Appendix II, which means that it is not necessarily now threatened with extinction but that may 70 become so unless trade is closely controlled. Over-collection of rauwolfia root in India has significantly diminished supply and since 1997 there has been an embargo on export of the wild67Ved DK, Goraya GS. Demand and Supply of Medicinal Plants in India . Dehra Dun, India: Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh. 2008. 68 Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources (AMSAB) Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) NTFP Management Booklets: http://www.ansab.org/market-information/resources/ntfp-management-booklets 69 National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) Cultivation Practices of Some Commercially Important Medicinal Plants: http://nmpb.nic.in/index1.php?level=1&sublinkid=693&lid=345 70 CITES Appendices as of 27 April 2011: http://www.cites.org/eng/app/E-Apr27.pdf38harvested drug from India. The purified substance reserpine is currently either extracted from the 71 roots of Rauvolfia vomitoria of African origin or produced by total synthesis. BOTANICAL RAW MATERIALS (indicative bulk prices) INR = Indian Rupees / NPR = Nepalese Rupees / USD = United States DollarsBotanical Name Phyllanthus emblica Terminalia bellerica Terminalia bellerica Elettaria cardamomum Acorus calamus Acorus calamus Terminalia chebula Terminalia chebula Cinnamomum zeylanicum Cinnamomum zeylanicum Syzygium aromaticum Coriandrum sativum Cuminum cyminum Foeniculum vulgare Trigonella foenum-graecum Allium sativum Zingiber officinale Zingiber officinale Rheum australe Rheum australe Rheum australe Amomum subulatum Nardostachys grandiflora Piper longum Myristica fragrans Morchella conica Morchella conica Myristica fragrans Myristica fragrans Cultivated or Wild Wild/Cult. Wild/Cult. Wild/Cult. Cultivated Cult./Wild Cult./Wild Wild Wild Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Wild Wild Wild Cult/Wild Wild Cult/Wild Cultivated Wild Wild Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Wild/Cult. Wild/Cult Cultivated Wild Wild Origin Price per kg Nepal India Nepal India Nepal India Nepal India India Nepal India India India India India India India Nepal Nepal Nepal India Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal India India Nepal India India India India India Nepal India India Nepal NPR 85-110 NPR 16-27 NPR 60 INR 775 NPR 45-60 NPR 90-99 NPR 65 NPR 34-45 NPR 104-120 NPR 95 INR 1010 INR 66.5-67.5 INR 107.5 INR 35 INR 41.5 INR 107.5-125 NPR 190-275 NPR 25 NPR 85-130 NPR 115-144 NPR 80-100 NPR 1100 NPR 400-410 NPR 325-400 INR 1160 NPR 14400 NPR 12500 INR 334.5 INR 632.5 USD 9.5 USD 4.65 NPR 736-800 NPR 400-550 INR 51.8-97.5 NPR 125-136 NPR 120-265Product Amla fruit Belleric myrobalan fruit Belleric myrobalan fruit Cardamom seed, small Calamus root Calamus root Chebulic myrobalan fruit Chebulic myrobalan fruit Cinnamon bark Cinnamon bark (Dalchini) Clove flower bud Coriander fruit Cumin seed Fennel fruit Fenugreek seed Garlic bulb Ginger rhizomeBasisKathmandu/Nepalgunj Tanakpur/Lucknow/Kolkata/Delhi Kathmandu Gangtok Nepagunj/Kathmandu Tanakpur/Lucknow/Kolkata/Delhi Kathmandu Tanakpur/Lucknow/Delhi/Kolkata Tanakpur/Delhi/Kolkata/Lucknow Nepalgunj Cochin Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Cochin Nepagunj/Kathmandu Nepalgunj Kathmandu/Nepagunj Tanakpur/Delhi/Lucknow/Kolkata Nepagunj/Kathmandu Kathmandu Nepagunj/Kathmandu Kathmandu/Nepalgunj Cochin Delhi/Lucknow Nepalgunj Cochin Cochin FOB CA FOB Origin Tanakpur/Lucknow/Delhi/Kolkata Nepagunj/Kathmandu Erode/Chennai Tanakpur/Delhi/Kolkata/Lucknow Nepagunj/KathmanduINR 162.5-172.5 ChennaiGinger rhizome, dried (Suntho) Zingiber officinale Ginger rhizome, fresh (Aduwa) Himalayan rhubarb petiole (Amalbed / Chulthi) Himalayan rhubarb petiole (Amalbed / Chulthi) Himalayan rhubarb root and rhizome (Padamchal) Indian cardamom seed (Alaichi) Jatamansi root Long pepper fruit (Pipla) Mace aril Morel mushroom Morel mushroom (Guchhichyau) Nutmeg kernel (with shell) Nutmeg kernel (w/o shell)Psyllium seed, powdered steam Plantago ovata sterilized Senna leaf, TBC, steam Cassia angustifolia sterilized Shatavari root Asparagus racemosus Shatavari root Turmeric rhizome Winged Prickly ash fruit (with seed) Winged Prickly ash fruit (with seed) (Timur)71Asparagus racemosus Curcuma longa Zanthoxylum armatum Zanthoxylum armatumWorld Health Organization (WHO) Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants, Volume 1, 1999: http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/en/d/Js2200e/24.html39*Certified Organic / ** Certified Organic & Fair Trade Notes: (1) Quality Standards: Monographs providing quality standards and tests for most all of the above listed herbs can be found either in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (Volumes I through V), the Siddha Pharmacopoeia of India (Part I, Volume I), the Unani Pharmacopoeia of India (Volumes I through V), the Indian Pharmacopoeia 2010, and/or the Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia 2002.MEETINGS AND TRADE SHOWS INDIA and other Southern, Central and Western Asian Countries September 4-9, 2011 th 59 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS AND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR MEDICINAL PLANT AND NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH Venue: Maritim Pine Beach Hotel, Belek, Antalya, Turkey Contact: Chairman K. Hsn Can Baer TEL: +90 312 439 68 04 FAX: +90 312 439 68 02 E-MAIL: info@ga2011.org WEB: http://www.ga2011.org Topics: Conservation and biodiversity issues, Quality control and safety assessments of phytomedicines, and Cosmetics, flavors and aromas, among others. Workshops include: Regulatory Affairs of Herbal Medicinal Products, Manufacturing and Quality Control of Herbal Remedies, and Breeding and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants. September 11-14, 2011 nd 42 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ESSENTIAL OILS (ISEO 2011) Venue: Maritim Pine Beach Resort, Hotel Antalya, Turkey Supporters: ICMAP, International Year of Chemistry 2011 Sponsor: MG Glcicek International Fragrance Company, CAMAG Contact: FTS Turizm Hilal Mahallesi 4. Cadde 65/10 Yildiz ankaya Ankara, Turkey TEL: +90 312 439 68 04 FAX: +90 312 439 68 02 / FAX: +48 71 328 40 64 E-MAIL: info@iseo2011.org WEB: http://www.ideo2011.org Main Topics include cultivation of plants used for the production of essential oils and oil production. There will also be an exhibition. September 20-26, 2011 TRAINING ON MUSHROOM CULTIVATION FOR SMALL / MARGINAL FARMERS / GROWERS-II Venue: Chambagaht, Solan India Sponsors: Directorate of Mushroom Research, Indian Council for Agricultural Research, Contact: Directorate of Mushroom Research, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Chambaghat 173213, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. TEL: 91-1792-230767, 230541 E-MAIL: Directormr@gmail.com WEB: http://www.nrcmushroom.org/html/training_calender_.html September 25-27, 2011 ASIAN HERBAL SHOW & EXHIBITION Venue: NSIC Exhibition Grounds, Okhla, New Delhi, India Host: Society for Conservation and Resource Development of Medicinal Plants, New Delhi and Services International Contact: D-4, A block, LSC, Naraina Vihar, Ring Road, New Delhi-110028, India TEL: +91 11 45055500 FAX: +91 11 45055566 info@servintonline.com E-MAIL: WEB: http://www.asianherbalshow.com 40Exhibitor profile: Suppliers of herbal extracts and ingredients, Medicinal Plants Boards, Forest Departments, Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani herbal drugs, manufacturers of herbal foods and herbal teas, health drinks and dietary supplements, manufacturers of equipment and machines used in manufacture of Ayurvedic and other herbal medicinal products. October 3-4, 2011 FOOD INGREDIENTS INDIA 2011 Venue: Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India Contact: UBM International Media, PO Box 12740, 1100 AS Amsterdam Z.O., Netherlands. TEL: +31 (0) 20 40 99 544 FAX: +31 (0) 20 36 32 616 E-MAIL: Jonathon.vis@ubm.com WEB: http://fiindia.ingredientsnetwork.com Although most exhibitors represent the food ingredient value chain, there will be some exhibitors of medicinal and aromatic plants & extracts. October 20-22, 2011 2nd GLOBAL SUMMIT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND BIODIVERSITY (GLOSS 2011) Venue: Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Host: Council for Tribal and Rural Development (CTRD), Society for International Development (SID), African Bound Corporation, German Association for Homa therapy, AEI Research and Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Contact: Dr. R.N. Pati, Conference Coordinator Mahamaya Bhawan, HIG-101, Kanan Vihar, Phase-1, PO Patia, Bhubaneswar TEL: +91 674 274 1025/395 1598 FAX: +91 674 395 1598 E-MAIL: drpati54@gmail.com WEB: http://www.gloss2011.com Conference theme: Traditional knowledge and biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, public interest environmental laws, energy and biodiversity, conservation and sustainable use of wild plant diversity. Exhibitor profile: Producers, processors and exporters of medicinal herbs, certified organic ingredients, essential oils, equipment for packaging herbal products. October 29-31, 2011 THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VETIVER (ICV-5) Venue: Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow India Organizers: Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), The Chaipattana Foundation (Bangkok, Thailand), Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) (Bangkok Thailand), The Vetiver Network International (TVNI), The India Vetiver Network, National Science Agencies in India (CSIR, DST, ICAR, National Medicinal Plant Board, Ministry of Environment and Forests, etc.) Contact: ICV-5 Secretariat Dr. U. C. Lavania, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP) / TEL: +91 522 271743 FAX: +91 522 2342666 E-MAIL: icv-5@cimpa.res.in WEB: http://icv-5.cimap.res.in Conference Theme: The fast growing and deep roots of Vetiver and high biomass has opened new opportunities for its utilization in mitigating global warming through photosynthetic capture of atmospheric carbon and its sequestration in subsoil horizons. Technical advances are also being made in cellulosic conversion of plant biomass into biofuel offering an integrated approach for optimum utilization of vetiver plantations thereby reducing the load from anthropogenic emissions. The conference aims to review the states of art developments on the prospects and potential of Vetiver in addressing issues related to climate change and mitigation of global warming, update the latest developments of Vetiver applications to underscore its promises and potential in the service of the global community, overview the Vetiver Ecosystem Services.41November 10-12, 2011 BIOFACH INDIA 2011 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIC TRADE FAIR Venue: Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai India Patron: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Supporters: NCOF, Ministry of Agriculture, APEDA, MOFPI Organizer: NrnbergMesse, Nurnberg Global Fairs, International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture (ICCOA). Contact: Miriam Stahel, Nurnberg Global fairs Messezentrum 90471 Nurnberg Germany. TEL: +49 (0) 9 11 86 06-86 92 FAX: +49 911 8606 8694 E-MAIL: biofach-globally@nuernbergmesse.de WEB: http://www.biofach-india.com Exhibitor profile: Although primarily a trade show for certified organic finished products, there will be some suppliers of botanical raw materials and extracts. December 5-7, 2011 MIDDLE EAST NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EXPO (MENOPE) 2011 Venue: Dubai International Exhibition & Convention Centre, Dubai, UAE Patrons: UAE Ministry of Health, UAE Ministry of Environment & Water, Dubai Municipality. Organizer: Global Links Dubai LLC, a division of Conex Exhibitions LLC. Supporters: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Chamber of Herbal Industries of the Philippines, Korea Health Supplement Association, International Competence Centre of Agriculture, MEVEG. Contact: Global Links Dubai LLC P.O. Box 34351, Dubai, U.A.E TEL: +971 4 3322283, 3327274 FAX: +971 4 3322253 EMAIL: info@naturalproductme.com WEB: http://www.naturalproductme.com Exhibitor Profile: Herbs & spices, herbal extracts, herbal teas & coffees, phytopharmaceutical products, traditional medicines (Ayurveda, Homeopathic, Naturopathic), dietary supplements, organic foods, natural juice, aromatherapy products February 17-19, 2012 TH 12 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY Venue: School of Natural Product Studies Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India Contact: Dr. Pulok K. Mukherjee PhD, FRSC, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata TEL/FAX: +91 33 24146046 / +9 1801 7783910 E-MAIL: info@ise-snpsju.org or natprodpk@yahoo.com WEB: http://www.ise-snpsju.org Sessions of interest to producers, traders and exporters of medicinal plants & extracts will include: Global trade and commercialization of Ayurveda and other ancient systems of medicine Ethnopharmacology, bio-cultural diversity and conservation of medicinal plants International co-operation for promotion and development of natural products. February 23-25, 2012 th PANACEA 5 NATURAL PRODUCTS EXPO INDIA Venue: World Trade Centre Complex, Mumbai, India Organizers: Seishido Communications Contact: Ms. Mini Chakravarty, CEO mini@seishidocommunications.com E-MAIL: WEB: http://www.seishidocommunications.com Exhibitor Profile: Raw Material & Ingredients: Plant Extracts, Raw and Encapsulated Herbs, Spices, Natural Ingredients, Nutraceuticals, Pro-Biotics Functional Food & Bakery Ingredients, Cosmeceutical, Oilseeds & Oilseed extract Natural Essence, Natural colors & Flavorings etc. Natural Medicinal products: Herbal, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Unani, Siddha, Chinese 42medicines and other Traditional medicines. Other Natural Products: Textile Fibers, Detergents, Pesticides, Fertilizers & Crop Care, Household Cleaners, Forest Produce, Bio-energetics & Essence Sticks December 27-30, 2012 TH th 5 WORLD AYURVEDA CONGRESS (5 WAC) AND AROGYA EXPO Venue: Lal Parade Ground, Bhopal, India Organizers: Vijnana Bharati India (VIBHA); Department of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India Partners: Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council (PHARMEXCIL), Dhootapapeshwar, Ministry of Commerce & Industry Government of India, Avs, Kottakal. Contacts: WAC Secretariat Organising Committee Office, ZCCK Premises, OPD Entrance NIMHANS Bengaluru, Karnataka 560029 India; TEL: 91 80 265 62 555 Arogya Expo Contact: Mr Ranjit Puranik EMAIL: arogya@ayurworld.org / TEL: +91 98470 75750 Buyer-Seller Meet Contact: Mr. S Murali Krishna EMAIL: info@pharmexcil.com or research@pharmexcil.com TEL: +91 92461 99792 WEB: http://www.ayurworld.org AROGYA Expo Exhibitor profile includes collectors, cultivators, suppliers and traders of medicinal plants for use in Ayurvedic herbal medicinal products. There will also be an organized buyer-seller meet with a focus on Ayurveda and herbal value-added products, powders and extracts, Ayurvedic and herbal formulations, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, functional foods and botanical drugs developed for specific world markets.43NORTH AMERICAPRODUCTION AND TRADE OF CANDELILLA WAX FROM MEXICO The United Mexican States (Mexico) is the worlds main producer and exporter of candelilla wax, which is used as a component of cosmetics, foods and medicines. In 2010, Mexico exported 1,663,718 kg mainly to the United States of America, French Republic, Japan, and Federal Republic of Germany. This species also occurs in parts of the southern USA. All plant parts and derivatives that are not packaged and ready for retail trade are included in Appendix II (e.g. candelilla wax) of CITES, which means that it is a species that is not necessarily now threatened with extinction but that may become so unless trade is closely controlled. Export permits are granted if the relevant authorities are satisfied that certain conditions are met, above all that trade will not be detrimental to the survival of the species in the wild. Excluded from CITES Appendix II are finished products for 72 retail sale such as lipsticks. Botanical name: Common name: Euphorbia antisyphilitica Zucc. (Fam. Euphorbiaceae) Candelilla Wax (English) Cera de Candelilla (Spanish)Definitions: Candelilla Wax CFR is obtained from the candelilla plant. It is a hard, yellowish-brown, opaque-totranslucent wax. Candelilla wax is prepared by immersing the plants in boiling water containing sulfuric acid and skimming off the wax that rises to the surface. It is composed of about 50 percent hydrocarbons with smaller amounts of esters and free acids. Candelilla Wax FCC occurs as a hard, yellow-brown, opaque to translucent wax. It is a purified wax obtained from the leaves of the candelilla plant, Euphorbia antisyphilitica (Fam. Euphorbiaceae). Its specific gravity is about 0.983. It is soluble in chloroform and in toluene, but insoluble in water. Candelilla Wax NF is the purified wax obtained from the leaves of the candelilla plant, Euphorbia antisyphilitica. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number: 008006448 International Numbering System of the Codex Alimentarius (INS) Number: 902 Harmonized System Tariff Codes (HS Codes): HS 1301.90.0000 (BTI) Candelilla resin HS 1521.10.0020 (HTSUS) Vegetable waxes: Candelilla HS 1521.10.0000 (BTI) Candelilla waxHS Code Sources Legend: BTI Binding Tariff Information (BTI) rulings of the European Commission Taxation and Customs Union HTSUS Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States WCO World Customs Organization (WCO) Compendium of Classification OpinionsSubject to Prior Notice before import into the United States:HTS Code 1521100020 Article Description CANDELILLA VEGETABLE WAX, WHETHER OR NOT REFINED OR COLORED FDA Flag for Prior Notice FD3FD3 - Indicates that the article may be subject to prior notice under section 801(m) of the FD&C Act and 21 CFR Part1, subpart I. , e.g., the article has both food and non-food uses.72CITES Notification to the Parties. 19 November 2010: http://www.cites.org/eng/notif/2010/E036.pdf44Native Habitat Mainly found growing wild in the Chihuahuan Desert which straddles the Mexican and U.S. border. It is distributed in the Mexican states of Durango, Zacatecas, Chihuahua, Nuevo Len, San Luis Potos, Tamaulipas, and Coahuila. It also occurs in the USA; in southwest Texas and in New Mexico. Main Producing Areas Mexican states of Coahuila and Chihuahua and in Texas. Main Uses in Cosmetic, Food and Pharmaceutical Products (1) As a substance added directly to food affirmed as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS): 21 CFR Sec. 184.1976 (2) As a component of chewing gum: 21 CFR Sec. 170.3(n)(6) (3) As a component of hard candy and cough drops: 21 CFR Sec. 170.3(n)(25) (4) As a lubricant substance in foods: 21 CFR Sec. 170.3(o)(18): (5) As a surface-finishing agent in foods: 21 CFR Sec. 170.3(o)(30) (6) As a food additive substance that is a component of adhesives: 21 CFR Sec. 175.105(c) (7) As a component of resinous and polymeric coatings for polyolefin films [adjuvants (release agents, waxes, and dispersants)]: 21 CFR Sec. 175.320(b)(3)(iii) (8) As a component of paper and paperboard in contact with dry food: 21 CFR Sec. 176.180 (9) As a thickener and wax used in cosmetic stick products such as lipsticks and blushers (10) As an excipient component of pharmaceutical products so long as it conforms to the standards of the National Formulary monograph (Candelilla Wax NF) (11) As a food ingredient (e.g. masticatory substance in chewing gum base; surface-finishing agent) so long as it conforms to the standards of the Food Chemicals Codex monograph (Candelilla Wax FCC) Quality Standards Before exporting it is important to understand the various defined quality grades and standards that buyers may specify. There are pharmacopoeial monographs for Candelilla Wax available in the Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) as well as in the United States Pharmacopeia National Formulary (USP-NF). Production Scenario Candelilla wax is obtained exclusively from the wild-harvested candelilla shrubs mainly from the Mexican states of Coahuila and Chihuahua and in Texas. The entire mature plant is uprooted. The wax is prepared by immersing the plants in boiling water containing sulfuric acid and skimming off the wax that rises to the surface. It is composed of about 50 percent hydrocarbons with smaller amounts of esters and free acids. Useful publications on the harvest and processing of Candelilla shrubs include the following: Barsch F. Candelilla (Euphorbia antisyphilitica). Utilisation in Mexico and international trade. Medicinal Plant Conservation. August 2004; Volume 9/10:46-50. Available at: http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/mpc10.pdf Gutierrez EC et al. Candelilla, del desierto mexicano hacia el mundo. Biodiversitas. Nov-Dec 2006; No. 69. Available at: http://www.conabio.gob.mx/otros/biodiversitas/doctos/pdf/biodiv69.pdf Schneider E. Trade survey study on succulent Euphorbia species protected by CITES and used as cosmetic, food and medicine, with special focus on Candelilla wax. Eighteenth meeting of the Plants Committee Buenos Aires (Argentina), 17-21 March 2009: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna. Available at: http://www.cites.org/common/com/PC/18/X-PC18-Inf06.pdf More info is available from the Candelilla Institute website: http://www.candelilla.org45Selected Suppliers of Candelilla Wax: Henka S.A. Koster Keunen LLC Multiceras S.A. de C.V. Produccion de Cera S.A. de C.V. Strahl & Pitsch http://www.alibaba.com/member/mx107657873/contactinfo.html http://www.kosterkeunen.com http://www.multiceras.com http://www.ceradecandelilla.com http://www.spwax.com/spcandel.htmVolume of Candelilla Trade: Mexicos export trade volume of Candelilla wax is reported in the CITES Trade Database. In 2010, Mexico exported 1,663,718 kg, which was nearly the same quantity as exported in 2009 (1,672,245 kg). Main importers in 2010, collectively accounting for over 92% of the total export volume, were the United States 563,000 kg, Japan 395,195 kg, France 315,025 kg, and Germany 269,023 kg. BOTANICAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Candelilla Wax a product of MEXICO PRODUCT Botanical name Part used and Form Packaging and Storage CHARACTERS Appearance Solubility Specific gravity IDENTIFICATION Infrared absorption Melting range TESTS Acid value Saponification value Heavy metals Limit for lead Candelilla Wax NF Euphorbia antisyphilitica Zucc. (Fam. Euphorbiaceae) Purified wax obtained from the leaves. Preserve in well-closed containers. No storage requirements specified. A hard, yellowish-brown-opaque to translucent wax. Soluble in chloroform and in toluene; insoluble in water. About 0.983 As per Candelilla Wax NF monograph test Between 68.5 and 72.5 (USP 741) Between 12 and 22 (USP 401) Between 43 and 65 (USP 401) Maximum 0.002% (USP 231) As per Candelilla Wax NF monograph test (USP 251)7373United States Pharmacopoeial Convention. Candelilla Wax. In: United States Pharmacopeia 34 Revision th National Formulary 29 Edition (USP34-NF29). Rockville, MD: United States Pharmacopeial Convention. 2011.rd46BOTANICAL RAW MATERIALS (indicative bulk prices) CAD = Canadian Dollar USD = United States DollarProduct American ginseng root American ginseng root American ginseng root American ginseng root American ginseng root* Black cohosh rhizome Cardamom seed Coriander fruit Echinacea herb* Echinacea root* Echinacea root* Goldenseal rhizome Goldenseal rhizome Botanical Name Panax quinquefolius Panax quinquefolius Panax quinquefolius Panax quinquefolius Panax quinquefolius Actaea racemosa Elettaria cardamomum Coriandrum sativum Echinacea purpurea Echinacea purpurea Echinacea purpurea Hydrastis canadensis Hydrastis canadensis Grade Hong Kong top USP-NF Small legs Medium USP-NF Extract quality USP-NF NK PhEur USP-NF PhEur Extract quality NK California Prop 65 compliant NK PhEur BHP USP-NF USP BHP Cultivated Or Wild Wild Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Wild Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Wild Wild/Cult Cultivated Cultivated Cultivated Wild Wild Wild Origin USD Wisconsin Minnesota Minnesota Canada USA Guatemala Canada Pacific NW California Pacific NW Wisconsin USA USA USA USA USA Florida USA USA Price per kg USD 1158 USD 60 USD 61.73 USD 99.21 USD 55 USD 16.95 USD 79 USD 1.48 USD 5.95 USD 12.9 USD 22.04 USD 78.5 USD 75 USD 95 USD 13.9 USD 8.15 USD 41.77 USD 7.05 USD 30.42 USD 16.5 Basis FOB Farmgate-WI FOB SF FOB SF Farmgate EXW FOB Spot NY FOB Pac NW Farmgate-CA FOB Pac NW Farmgate WI EXW FOB CA FOB Pac NW FOB Pac NW FOB CA EXW-FL FOB USA FOB CAGoldenseal rhizome Hydrastis canadensis powdered steam sterilized Marshmallow root Althaea officinalis Peppermint leaf* Pleurisy root Saw palmetto fruit Slippery elm bark* Wild Cherry bark Mentha piperita Asclepias tuberosa Serenoa repens Ulmus rubra Prunus serotina* Certified organic NK = Grade not known Notes: (1) Quality Standards: Standards for the above listed medicinal plants are published in the United States Pharmacopeia - National Formulary (USP-NF). Some also has quality standards published in the Farmacopea Herbolaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (FHEUM) and/or in the European Pharmacopoeia (PhEur). (2) Echinacea angustifolia root is up in price as it is not readily available.BOTANICAL EXTRACTS (Indicative bulk prices)Product Black cohosh rhizome dry extract (Actaea racemosa) Echinacea purpurea herb dry extract (Echinacea purpurea) Goldenseal rhizome, powdered extract (Hydrastis canadensis) Saw palmetto fruit extract (EU standard) (Serenoa repens) Saw palmetto fruit CO2 soft extract (Serenoa repens) Standard min 2.5% triterpene glycosides as 27-deoxyactein min 4% phenols expressed as chlorogenic acid 5% alkaloids (hydrastine & berberine) min 85% and max 95% fatty acids Min 85% fatty acids, 15% phytosterols Origin USA USA USA USA USA Price USD/kg 65-85 35-48 90 85-110 77 Basis FOB USA FOB USA FOB USA FOB USA FOB CANotes: (1) Black Cohosh rhizome prices rose over the last quarter of 2010 due to a late harvest coming which was a result of a severe winter in the southeast, early snow, and a low stock of the harvest from the previous year.47MEETINGS AND TRADE SHOWS NORTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES October 5, 2011 2011 ASTA REGULATORY/LEGISLATIVE WORKSHOP: The Food Safety Modernization Act and Its Impact on the Spice Industry Venue: Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA Organizer: American Spice Trade Association (ASTA) Contact: ASTA TEL: 202 367 1127 / FAX: 202 367 2127 E-MAIL: info@astaspice.org WEB: http://www.astaspice.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageID=4230 Speakers from the FDA will discuss food safety in the spice industry, noxious weed/seed issues will be addressed by USDA staff plus an update on the Reportable Food Registry. October 8, 2011 HAWAII PACIFIC ISLANDS KAVA FESTIVAL Venue: UH Manoa main campus, McCarthy Mall Honolulu Hawaii Contact: Awa Development Council, P.O. Box 26344 Honolulu HI 96825 TEL: (808) 256 5606 / FAX: (808) 395 3772 E-MAIL: secy.adc@gmail.com WEB: http://awadevelopment.org/kavafestival/ October 10-14, 2011 SUPPLY SIDE WEST INTERNATIONAL TRADE SHOW AND CONFERENCE Venue: Venetian Hotel and Sands Exposition Center, Las Vegas, USA Organizer: Virgo Publishing, Phoenix, Arizona USA WEB: http://www.supplysideshow.com/west Exhibitor Profile: Exhibitors of natural health ingredients and medicinal herbs & extracts. March 9-11, 2012 ENGREDEA INGREDIENTS & INNOVATION Venue: Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California USA Producer: New Hope Natural Media, Boulder, Colorado USA Contact: New Hope Natural Media, 1401 Pearl Street, Suite 200, Boulder CO 80302 USA. TEL: 303 390 1776 E-MAIL: tradeshows@newhope.com WEB: http://engredea.com/engredea12/Public/enter.aspx Engredea, co-located in Natural Product Expo West, brings together natural ingredient suppliers and product manufacturers to source new ingredients, packaging, technologies, equipment and services. May 8-10, 2012 SUPPLY SIDE MARKET PLACE Venue: Javits Center, New York City Organizer: Virgo Publishing, Phoenix, Arizona USA Contact: Todd Willis TEL: 480 990 1101 ext. 1171 E-MAIL: twillis@vpico.com WEB: http://www.supplysideshow.com/2012/marketplace/exhibit.html Exhibitor Profile: Exhibitors of natural health ingredients and medicinal herbs & extracts.48SOUTH AMERICASUSTAINBLE PRODUCTION AND TRADE OF JABORANDI FROM BRAZIL The leaves of the Brazilian medicinal plant Jaborandi provide the starting material of herbal origin for the production of natural herbal extracts as well as for extraction of the alkaloid pilocarpine, which is used as a prescription drug in ophthalmology for treatment of glaucoma. Jaborandi is listed as an 74 endangered species of Brazil. As such, methods of sustainable wild harvesting and sustainable agriculture are being implemented. Information on sustainable production and use from selected projects are discussed here. Botanical name: Common names: Pilocarpus microphyllus Stapf. (Fam. Rutaceae) English: French: German: Italian: Portuguese: Spanish: Jaborandi Folium Jaborandi Infusum Jaborandi Tinctura Pilocarpi Folium Pilocarpi Fluidextractum Jaborandi leaf Feuille de jaborandi Jaborandibltter Foglia di iaborandi Maranho jaborandi Hoja de jaborandi Jaborandi leaf Jaborandi tea Jaborandi tincture Jaborandi leaf Jaborandi fluidextractPharmacopoeial names:Definitions Jaborandi Folium is the dried leaflet of Pilocarpus microphyllus Stapf. (Fam. Rutaceae). Jaborandi Tinctura FB is the 1:10 (w/v) liquid extract prepared from Jaborandi Folium by maceration or percolation using ethanol 65% (v/v) as extraction solvent, containing minimum 75 0,06% of total alkaloids expressed as pilocarpine (C11H16N2O2; M 208,26). Pilocarpine USP contains not less than 95.0 percent and not more than 100.5 percent of pilocarpine (C11H16N2O2), calculated on the anhydrous basis. Related monographs include Pilocarpine Ocular System USP; Pilocarpine Hydrochloride USP; Pilocarpine Hydrochloride Ophthalmic Solution USP; Pilocarpine Hydrochloride Tablets USP; Pilocarpine Nitrate USP; and Pilocarpine Nitrate Ophthalmic Solution USP.Harmonized System Tariff Codes (HS Codes) HS 1211.90 (WCO) Jaborandi leaf HS 2939.90.1000 (HTSUS) Pilocarpine; extracted, through a series of steps, from dried crushed leaves of Pilocarpus microphyllus, or other suitable Pilocarpus species. HS 2939.90.5000 (HTSUS) Pilocarpine hydrochloride and Pilocarpine nitrate. Native Habitat Par and Maranho States; a region of mid-northern Brazil known as Pre-Amaznia (Pre-Amazon). Main Producing Areas Brazilian States of Maranho, Par and Piau. Cosmetic uses Pilocarpus Microphyllus Leaf Extract (the extract of the leaves of Pilocarpus microphyllus, Rutaceae) is listed in the European Commission Cosmetic Ingredients and Substances (CosIng) database: CAS # 84604-03-5; EINECS/ELINCS # 283-279-3; Function: Skin conditioning (maintains the skin in 76 good condition).74 75Lista Oficial de Espcies da Flora Brasileira Ameaadas de Extino (Brasil, IBAMA, 1992) Jaborandi tinctura. In: Farmacopeia Brasileira, 5 edio, Volume II: 2010; 1075. Available at: http://www.anvisa.gov.br/hotsite/cd_farmacopeia/pdf/farmacopeia_volume_2_2803.pdf 76 Pilocarpus Microphyllus Leaf Extract. In: European Commission CosIng Database: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/cosmetics/cosing/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.detailsPDF&id=8688249Therapeutic uses Jaborandi Tinctura and dilutions of the tincture are used in homoeopathic medicine in formulations for treatment of ocular fatigue, weakening vision, presbyopia (condition in which the lens of the eye loses its ability to focus, making it difficult to see objects up close) and for 77 astigmatism (condition that causes blurred vision). Pilocarpine hydrochloride tablets are approved in the United States for the treatment of symptoms of dry mouth from salivary gland hypofunction caused by radiotherapy for cancer of the head and 78 neck and for the treatment of symptoms of dry mouth in patients with Sjogren's Syndrome. Pilocarpine hydrochloride ophthalmic gel 4% is a sterile topical ophthalmic aqueous gel approved in the United States to control intraocular pressure. Pilocarpine ophthalmic solution is a prescription medication for treating glaucoma.Quality Standards Before exporting it is important to understand the various defined quality grades and standards that buyers may specify. The Brazilian Pharmacopoeia provides quality standards monographs for 79 Jaborandi Tinctura as well as for Pilocarpini hydrochloridum. Sustainable Production Scenario Case Study Located in the city of Parnaba, Piau State, Vegeflora Extraes do Nordeste Ltda, a company of the Centroflora Group, produces pilocarpine salts, extracted from the leaves of the Pilocarpus microphyllus Stapf (jaborandi) plant. For its jaborandi harvesting, Vegeflora has implemented the sustainability standard BioTrade 80 Verification Framework for Native Natural Ingredients , which has been audited and certified by IBD (Instituto Biodinmico for Rural Development), an accredited independent inspection and certification organization (http://www.ibd.com.br). A public summary of IBDs 2010 inspection (updated 22 March 2011) is available at: http://www.ibdsocioambiental.com.br/images/Vegeflora_UEBT_Public_Summary_Report.pdf. In the Territrio dos Cocais, one of the poorest regions of Brazil: Vegefloras project which they call Valorization Project of Native Jaborandi, is being implemented in the areas of Matias Olmpio, Luzilndia, So Joo do Arraial, Porto, Campo Largo, Morro do Chapu and Esperantina. A partnership between the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Floravida Institute created the Casa do Jaborandi, which supports the approximately 250 harvesters in this region who are trained in sustainable pruning practices. Definition of fair prices for all involved in the supply chain and establishment of contracts of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) have been implemented in the project. For additional household income, in addition to the harvesting of jaborandi leaves, the harvesters from Territrio dos Cocais region also harvest babau mesocarp (Orbignya phalerata Mart. [Arecaceae (Palmae)]) and carnaba leaf (Copernica prunifera (Mill.) H.E. Moore [Arecaceae]). To insure a sustainable supply that keeps up with demand, Vegeflora is sponsoring the production of jaborandi seedlings which will be placed in Tabuleiros region Parnaba littoral. The company intends to obtain about 50% of its requirements from sustainable wild harvesting and the other 50% from sustainable cultivation. The company is also cultivating acerola fruit ( Malpighia glabra L.77 78 79 80Health Canada Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD). Visuex. In: Licensed Natural Health Products Database. Ottawa, Ontario, NHPD. Available at: http://webprod3.hc-sc.gc.ca/lnhpd-bdpsnh/index-eng.jsp United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). CLINICAL REVIEW for NDA 200-890. 2010. Available at: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/DevelopmentResources/UCM218957.pdf Jaborandi tinctura. In: Farmacopeia Brasileira, 5 edio, Volume II: 2010; 1075. Available at: http://www.anvisa.gov.br/hotsite/cd_farmacopeia/pdf/farmacopeia_volume_2_2803.pdf STD01 - BioTrade Verification Framework for Native Natural Ingredients - 2007-09-20. Available at: http://www.ethicalbiotrade.org/dl/Engl-UEBT-Nat-Ingredients-Ver-framework-2007-09-20%28rev1%29b.pdf50[Malpighiaceae]), coconut (Cocos nucifera L. [Arecaceae]), erva baleeira (Cordia verbenacea DC. [Boraginaceae]) and neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss. [Meliaceae]). It is the companys policy to only purchase jaborandi leaves collected with pruning shears, refusing branches, and thereby discouraging the collection of entire plants. During trainings, the collectors receive orientation regarding the collection of plants higher than 50 cm and shorter than 2 meters, permitting reproduction and perpetuation of the species. Vegeflora provides shears, as well as Personal Protection Equipment to the collectors boots, overalls, hats. The leaves are collected in the forest and Savannas (Carajs and Xingu) or in the Caatinga (Cocais Territory). They are dried on tarps laid out in clearings (sequeiros), where they are left for nearly 3 days and turned when necessary to not ferment. When these reach an ideal level of dryness, the leaves are placed in raffia sacks and transported to the weighing stations where they are stored in jute sacks until a full load is obtained for transport to the factory. At the plant the leaves are processed for extraction of the pilocarpine salts, final product for commercial use. The jaborandi wild-harvesting areas are situated in a reservation where the indigenous Kayaps people live. As a sponsorship, Vegeflora motivated and helped the harvesters to form a cooperative called Cooperativa dos Extrativistas de Produtos No Madeireiros e Compradores de Produtos Extrativistas de So Flix do Xingu COOPEXINGU. The cooperative now has 55 members who have been trained on sustainable pruning methods that ensure regeneration. Environment education, sustainable trade and community association are concepts that were approached and evaluated together with the harvesters and the company team. Vegeflora has also established a partnership between a mining company Vale, the German GIZ and ICMBio (Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservao da Biodiversidade). In this partnership, harvesting in the National Forest of Carajs FLONA Carajs, is carried out through the cooperative Cooperativa dos Colhedores de Folha de Jaborandi YABORANDI. The 31 members of the cooperative are harvesting according to the trained sustainable pruning techniques and with the established environmental sustainability standard in collaboration together with ICMBio. In partnership with Vale, Vegeflora is supporting a structure ( base) inside of Flona with a driver to help the harvesters with food and logistics. Reforesting projects with jaborandi, on the mining area that Vale operates, is being implemented. During the harvest the company maintains periodic contact with the collectors (in Carajs and Cocais this support is daily and in Xingu once a month). At the end of the harvest there is a meeting for evaluating and validating the production report in each of the zones (in Xingu this meeting will occur this year for the first time). Vegeflora intends to expand its activities to Maranho, currently in the 81 initial development phase. Selected Exporters of Jaborandi Ingredients Brazilian Forest Centroflora Group Hervaqumica Indstria E Comrcio Ltda NU Fruits Quimer Ervas e Especiarias Santosflora Yerbalatina Phytoactives http://www.brazilianforest.com.br www.centroflora.com.br http://www.hervaquimica.com.br http://www.nufruits.com http://www.quimer.com.br http://www.santosflora.com.br http://www.yerbalatina.com81IBD CERTIFICAES LTDA. Union for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT) Public Summary: VEGEFLORA EXTRAES DO NORDESTE LTDA. Botucatu / SP, Brazil: IBD CERTIFICAES. 2011. Available at: http://www.ibdsocioambiental.com.br/images/Vegeflora_UEBT_Public_Summary_Report.pdf51BOTANICAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Jaborandi tincture a product of Brazil PRODUCT Botanical name Pharmacopoeial name Part used Type of extraction Drug-to-extract ratio Storage Jaborandi tintura Pilocarpus microphyllus Stapf - RUTACEAE Jaborandi tinctura FB Dried leaves Maceration or percolation using ethanol 65% (v/v) as extraction solvent 1:10 (w/v); 10 mL of dried leaf / 1 g tincture In well closed amber glass containers, protected from light and heat.82CHARACTERISTICS Organoleptic Appearance Liquid Color Greenish to yellowish brown Odor Pleasantly aromatic Taste Bitter TESTS Identification A. Color reaction B. Thin-layer chromatography (FB Dry residue Minimum 0.8% (FB Ethanol content 65 5% (v/v) (FB Pilocarpine content Minimum 0,06% of total alkaloids expressed as pilocarpine (C 11H16N2O2; M 208,26). MICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY 4 Total aerobic count NMT 10 cfu/gr 3 Yeast and moulds NMT 10 cfu/gr BOTANICAL EXTRACTS (indicative bulk prices)Product Cat's claw bark dry extract (Uncaria tomentosa) Guarana seed (Paulina cupana) Mat leaf powdered extract (Ilex paraguariensis) Pau darco bark dry extract (Tabebuia impetiginosa)* Certified organicStandard 1.0-1.5% total alkaloids by HPLC 12% caffeine (added caffeine from coffee bean) 4:1 (w/w) 4:1 (w/w)Origin Brazil Brazil Brazil BrazilPrice USD/kg 31.75 16.9 15 18Basis FOB export FOB CA FOB origin FOB originNotes: Quality Standards: Standards for some of the above listed botanicals and extracts may be published in the Farmacopea Argentina, Farmacopia Brasileira, Farmacopea Herbolaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (FHEUM), and/or in United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary (USP-NF).82Jaborandi tinctura. In: Farmacopeia Brasileira, 5 edio, Volume II: 2010; 1075. Available at: http://www.anvisa.gov.br/hotsite/cd_farmacopeia/pdf/farmacopeia_volume_2_2803.pdf 52MEETINGS AND TRADE SHOWS SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES September 28-30, 2011 PERU NATURA 2011 (co-located with Expoalimentaria Per 2011) Venue: Cuartel General del Ejrcito - Pentagonito. Lima, Per Organizer: PROMPERU - PERUBIODIVERSO WEB: http://www.biocomercioperu.org Exhibitor profile: Suppliers of natural food ingredients, nutraceutical and dietary supplement components and medicinal plants and extracts. October 5-7, 2011 BIOFACH AMERICA LATINA 2011 Venue: Transamrica Expo Center, Av. Dr. Mario Villas Boas Rodrigues, 387 - Santo Amaro, So Paulo, Brazil Contact: Planeta Orgnico Urquiza, 67 loja 08 Leblon Rio de Janeiro RJ 22431-040 TEL: +55 21 22 39 23 95 / FAX: +55 21 25 40 77 07 or NrnbergMesse GmbH, Messezentrum 1, 90471 Nrnberg. TEL: +49 (0) 911 8606 8692 E-MAIL: Carla Alves e Alvaro Werneck expositor@planetaorganico.com.br or Ms Miriam Hempel biofach-globally@nuernbergmesse.de WEB: http://www.biofach-americalatina.com.br http://www.ifoam.org/events/fairs/BioFach/BioFach_America_Latina.html Exhibitor profile: Although BioFach is primarily a trade show with exhibitors of organic finished natural products, there are a few suppliers of bulk natural ingredients including organic herbs and spices, essential oils, aa pulp, cacao powder, coffee, tea, dried fruits and fruit juice concentrates, nuts, honey, pollen and propolis. September 18-20, 2012 FOOD INGREDIENTS SOUTH AMERICA 2012 Venue: Expo Center Norte, So Paulo Brasil Organizer: CMP Information, a division of United Business Media Contact: Mr. Cassiano Facchinetti, Event Manager. Alameda Tocantins, 75-14 andar-sla 1401. Alphaville Barueri SP 06455-020 Brazil. TEL: +55 11 4689 1935 ext. 2094 FAX: +55 11 4689 1926 E-MAIL: cfacc@ubmbrazil.com.br WEB: http://fi-southamerica.ingredientsnetwork.com/home Exhibitor profile: Though mainly a show with suppliers of food ingredients, some of the exhibitors offer natural botanical ingredients made from medicinal and aromatic plants. Exhibitors of botanical ingredients will include Fortitech, Mafco, Naturex, and Tradal Brazil, among others. October 14, 2012 III INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICINAL AND NUTRACEUTICAL PLANTS AND III CONFERENCE OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL FRUITS Venue: Brazil Contact: Prof. Dr. Narenda Narain, Departamento de Engenharia CCET, Univ Federal de Sergipe, Cicade Universitaria, 49100-000 Sao Cristovao-Sergipe. TEL: +55 79 2105 6677 / FAX: +55 79 2105 5579 E-MAIL: 3ismnp@gmail.com53SPECIFICATIONS AVAILBLE FROM MNS BACK ISSUES HERB OR EXTRACT Acacia gummy exudate Aa fruit dry extract Ajowan fruit Aloe ferox bitter powder Althaea flower Ambrette seed American ginseng root PE American storax balsam Amla fruit PE Andrographis herb PE Arnica flower SE Aronia fruit juice concentrate Artemisia Essential Oil Artichoke leaf PE Artichoke leaf Asafetida oleo-gum-resin Ashwagandha root Ashwagandha root PE American ginseng root Asian ginseng root PE Bacopa herb PE Baobab fruit PE Benzoin tincture, compound Bilberry fruit Birch leaf Bitter orange fruit PE Black cohosh extract USP Black cohosh rhizome PE Black currant dry extract Bladderwrack thallus Boldo leaf Boldo leaf dry extract Boswellia serrata PE Buchu leaf Calendula tincture California poppy herb Camphor, natural Camu camu dry extract Candelilla wax Capsicum oleoresin Caralluma extract Caraway fruit Carob bean gum Cascara sagrada dry extract Cats claw bark dry extract Cats claw extract USP Ch-de-bugre dry extract Chamomile flower Chaste tree fruit Chaste tree fruit Chaste tree fruit extract Chinese asafetida resin Chinese cinnamon bark Chinese hawthorn fruit PE Chinese lovage rhizome REGION Africa South America India Africa China / Korea India North America North America India India Western Europe Eastern Europe India / Nepal Western Europe Africa India India India North America Japan India Africa North America Eastern Europe Eastern Europe China North America North America Western Europe Canada South America South America India South Africa Eastern Europe North America China South America North America South America India Africa Europe North America South America South America South America Africa Eastern Europe Africa Western Europe China China China China MNS EDITION MNS 24 September 2007 MNS 25 December 2007 MNS 37 December 2010 MNS 40 September 2011 MNS 29 December 2008 MNS 29 December 2008 MNS 5 December 2002 MNS 24 September 2007 MNS 16 September 2005 MNS 3 June 2002 MNS 1 September 2001 MNS 25 December 2007 MNS 14 March 2005 MNS 6 March 2003 MNS 30 March 2009 MNS 24 September 2007 MNS 28 September 2008 MNS 5 December 2002 MNS 28 September 2008 MNS 4 September 2002 MNS 11 June 2004 MNS 25 September 2007 MNS 23 - June 2007 MNS 16 September 2005 MNS 21 December 2006 MNS 21 December 2006 MNS 36 September 2010 MNS 4 September 2002 MNS 17 December 2005 MNS 20 September 2006 MNS 30 March 2009 MNS 34 March 2010 MNS 9 December 2003 MNS 33 December 2009 MNS 23 June 2007 MNS 18 March 2006 MNS 27 June 2008 MNS 39 June 2011 MNS 40 September 2011 MNS 37 December 2010 MNS 21 December 2006 MNS 35 June 2010 MNS 37 December 2010 MNS 34 March 2010 MNS 26 March 2008 MNS 36 September 2010 MNS 21 December 2006 MNS 31 June 2009 MNS 9 December 2003 MNS 16 September 2005 MNS 16 September 2005 MNS 24 September 2007 MNS 19 June 2006 MNS 1: Sept 2001 / MNS 16: Sept 2005 MNS 36 September 2010 54Chrysanthemum flower Cinnamon bark PE Citronella essential Oil Clove bud tincture Cocoa butter Cola nut Cola nut dry extract Coriander fruit Coriander fruit essential oil Corydalis Yanhusuo tuber Cottonseed oil Cranberry fruit dry conc Cranberry juice extract Cranberry liquid preparation Cupuau fruit powder Damask rose flower Damask rose essential Oil Dandelion root Danggui root PE Devils claw root PE Devils claw root tuber Dhattura seed Echinacea herb & root PE Echinacea root PE Eleuthero root Eleuthero root PE English lavender flower Ephedra herb Epimedium herb PE Eucalyptus oil European elder flower European vervain Evening primrose oil Fennel fruit Fennel fruit, sweet Fenugreek seed Fenugreek seed PE Feverfew leaf PE Fig fruit Flax seed Garcinia fruit extract Garlic bulb granules Garlic bulb PE Garlic bulb PE Garlic oil macerate Ginger rhizome Ginger rhizome PE Ginkgo leaf PE Goldenseal rhizome Gotu kola herb PE Gotu kola herb PE Grape fruit PE Greater celandine herb Greater galangal rhizome Green tea leaf PE Green tea leaf PE Griffonia seed Guarana seed PEChina China India, Sri Lanka India South America Africa Western Europe Europe North America China North America North America North America North America South America India and other Asia Eastern Europe Europe China Western Europe Africa India North America Western Europe Europe China Europe China China Europe Europe Africa North America Africa Africa Africa India Western Europe Iran North America India North America China North America Western Europe China China Japan North America India Africa Eastern Europe Eastern Europe India China China Africa Western EuropeMNS 40 September 2011 MNS 13 December 2004 MNS 27 June 2008 MNS 23 June 2007 MNS 27 June 2008 MNS 7 June 2003 MNS 21 December 2006 MNS 34 March 2010 MNS 12 September 2004 MNS 18 March 2006 MNS 29 December 2008 MNS 16 September 2005 MNS 37 December 2010 MNS 33 December 2009 MNS 29 December 2008 MNS 39 June 2011 MNS 17 December 2005 MNS 30 March 2009 MNS 12 September 2004 MNS 3 June 2002 MNS 36 September 2010 MNS 32 September 2009 MNS 8 September 2003 MNS 12 September 2004 MNS 28 September 2008 MNS 11 June 2004 MNS 31 June 2009 MNS 26 March 2008 MNS 15 June 2005 MNS 32 September 2009 MNS 38 March 2011 MNS 15 June 2005 MNS 39 June 2011 MNS 9 December 2003 MNS 34 March 2010 MNS 12 September 2004 MNS 12 September 2004 MNS 2 March 2002 MNS 33 December 2009 MNS 9 December 2003 MNS 15 June 2005 MNS 15 June 2005 MNS 9 December 2003 MNS 22 March 2007 MNS 22 March 2007 MNS 35 June 2010 MNS 4 September 2002 MNS 5 December 2002 MNS 2 March 2002 MNS 4 September 2002 MNS 27 June 2008 MNS 5 December 2002 MNS 18 March 2006 MNS 36 September 2010 MNS 2 March 2002 MNS 23 June 2007 MNS 8 September 2003 MNS 9 December 2003 55Guar gum Guggul resin PE Gynostemma herb PE Henna leaf Hibiscus flower Holarrhena bark / root Hoodia gordonii extract Hop strobile Hop strobile PE Iceland moss Indian frankincense extract Ipecac rhizome Ivy leaf PE Jaborandi tincture Jamaica quassia stem wood Japanese honeysuckle leaf/stem Juniper fruit Essential Oil Juniper tar Khella fruit Kohki leaf Labdanum gum resinoid Lavender flower Lavender flower essential oil Lemon balm leaf PE Lemon peel essential oil Lemon verbena leaf Licorice root PE Licorice root Licorice root PE Linden (Lime) flower Long-stamen onion bulb Lycium fruit freeze-dried pwd Maca hypocotyl PE Maritime pine bark Marshmallow root Mat leaf Mat leaf PE Meadowsweet herb Milk thistle fruit Milk thistle fruit PE Molokhia leaf Myrrh gum resin Myrrh tincture Neem leaf PE Nettle leaf Nettle root Nettle root PE Nigella seed Noni fruit PE Nutmeg kernel Olive leaf PE Onion essential oil Onion juice concentrate, pwd Onion oleoresin Opium poppy latex Oregon grape root Parmelia lichen extract PassionflowerIndia India China Africa Africa Africa Africa Europe North America Eastern Europe Eastern Europe South America Western Europe South America North America China, Japan, Korea Eastern Europe Europe Africa Japan Western Europe Europe Eastern Europe Western Europe North America South America China Other Asian Countries Japan Europe China China Peru Western Europe Europe South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Africa Eastern Europe Africa Asia (Yemen) Africa India Europe Eastern Europe Western Europe India India Indonesia Western Europe Africa Eastern Europe India India North America India / Nepal North AmericaMNS 35 June 2010 MNS 1: Sept 2001 / MNS 6: March 2003 MNS 10 March 2004 MNS 13 December 2004 MNS 17 Dec 2005 / MNS 39 June 2011 MNS 14 March 2005 MNS 21 December 2006 MNS 35 June 2010 MNS 10 March 2004 MNS 20 September 2006 MNS 24 September 2007 MNS 38 March 2011 MNS 13 December 2004 MNS 40 September 2011 MNS 32 September 2009 MNS 38 March 2011 MNS 10 March 2004 MNS 27 June 2008 MNS 26 March 2008 MNS 3 June 2002 MNS 24 September 2007 MNS 40 September 2011 MNS 12 September 2004 MNS 7 June 2003 MNS 35 June 2010 MNS 33 December 2009 MNS 3 June 2002 MNS 30 March 2009 MNS 1 September 2001 MNS 39 June 2011 MNS 22 March 2007 MNS 37 December 2010 MNS 17 December 2005 MNS 19- June 2006 MNS 29 December 2008 MNS 35 June 2010 MNS 8 September 2003 MNS 13 December 2004 MNS 38 March 2011 MNS 1: September 2001 / MNS 7: June 2003 MNS 29 December 2008 MNS 38- March 2011 MNS 23 June 2007 MNS 7 June 2003 MNS 33: Dec 2009 / MNS 36: Sept 2010 MNS 15 June 2005 MNS 4 September 2002 MNS 26 March 2008 MNS 25 December 2007 MNS 39 June 2011 MNS 11 June 2004 MNS 22 - March 2007 MNS 22 March 2007 MNS 22 March 2007 MNS 18 March 2006 MNS 30 March 2009 MNS 20 September 2006 MNS 31 June 2009 56Passionflower PE Peony root Pepper fruit PE Peppermint leaf Essential Oil Pleurisy root Pomegranate fruit PE Pomegranate juice powder Psyllium husk Pygeum bark Pyrethrum flower extract Rauwolfia root Red clover herb PE Red poppy extract Red poppy petals Reishi mushroom PE Rhatany root FE Rhatany tincture Rhodiola root Rhubarb root dry extract Rooibos leaf PE Rosemary leaf Essent Oil Rosemary leaf PE Safed musli root Saffron style and stigma Sage leaf Saigon cinnamon bark Sandalwood heart wood Sargassum thallus Sarsaparilla rhizome Saw palmetto fruit SE Schisandra fruit PE Schisandra fruit, Southern Seabuckthorn fruit PE Seabuckthorn pulp extract Senna leaf dry extract Senna pod Senna pod & leaf PE Slippery elm bark Soursop leaf PE Spearmint leaf St. Johns wort herb St. Johns wort herb PE Stemona root Suma root Sutherlandia herb Sweet wormwood herb EO Sweet wormwood leaf PE Thyme herb Tribulus fruit PE Tribulus fruit PE Tribulus root PE Usnea lichen extract Uva ursi leaf PE Valerian root Valerian root PE White tea leaf PE Wild cherry bark FE Wild yam root PESouth America Japan India North America North America Western Europe Africa India Africa Africa India North America Western Europe Africa China North America Western Europe China China Western Europe Africa North America India India Eastern Europe Viet Nam India China North America North America China China China Western Europe India Africa India North America South America Africa China Western Europe China South America Africa Eastern Europe China Europe China India Eastern Europe Western Europe Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Eastern Europe China North America North AmericaMNS 31 June 2009 MNS 2 March 2002 MNS 13 December 2004 MNS 11 June 2004 MNS 26 March 2008 MNS 14 March 2005 MNS 37 December 2010 MNS 10 March 2004 MNS 19 June 2006 MNS 32 September 2009 MNS 40 September 2011 MNS 6 March 2003 MNS 18 March 2006 MNS 18 March 2006 MNS 5 December 2002 MNS 14 March 2005 MNS 23 June 2007 MNS 28 September 2008 MNS 34 March 2010 MNS 15 June 2005 MNS 10 March 2004 MNS 1 - September 2001 MNS 17 December 2005 MNS 31 June 2009 MNS 8 September 2003 MNS 33 December 2009 MNS 19 June 2006 MNS 20 September 2006 MNS 38 March 2011 MNS 3 June 2002 MNS 6 March 2003 MNS 30 March 2009 MNS 7 June 2003 MNS 25- December 2007 MNS 34 March 2010 MNS 6 March 2003 MNS 8 September 2003 MNS 19 June 2006 MNS 32 September 2009 MNS 11 June 2004 MNS 31 June 2009 MNS 10 March 2004 MNS 32 September 2009 MNS 28 September 2008 MNS 28 September 2008 MNS 14 March 2005 MNS 14 March 2005 MNS 26 March 2008 MNS 17 - December 2005 MNS 2 March 2002 MNS 6 March 2003 MNS 20 September 2006 MNS 2 March 2002 MNS 3 June 2002 MNS 4 September 2002 MNS 8 September 2003 MNS 13 December 2004 MNS 7 June 2003 57Willow bark Willow bark PE Witch hazel Wolfberry PE Yarrow herb Essential OilEastern Europe Western Europe North America China Eastern EuropeMNS 19 June 2006 MNS 5 December 2002 MNS 27 June 2008 MNS 25 December 2007 MNS 11 June 200458LINKS TO SUSTAINABILITY STANDARDS AND GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS RELEVANT TO THE GLOBAL TRADE OF MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS AND EXTRACTS This section contains links to further information on the various sustainability standards being implemented at medicinal plant harvest sites, standards setting organizations and certification or verification organizations. It is possible that we are not yet aware of all of the existing sustainability certification or verification systems presently undergoing implementation at medicinal and aromatic plant production sites around the world. To add your contact details, or to update or correct the below-listed details, please contact ITC Consultant, Tasha Goldberg at: tashagoldberg@yahoo.com Demeter: http://www.demeter.net International Demeter Standards Production: http://demeter.net/standards/st_production_e.pdf International Demeter Standards Processing: http://demeter.net/standards/st_processing_e.pdf Standards for the labeling of Demeter products: http://demeter.net/standards/st_labelling_e.pdfEcoCert: http://www.ecocert.com The EcoCert Fair Trade Standard is available at: http://appli.ecocert.com/IMG/pdf/EFT_Standard.pdf Other EcoCert Fair Trade documents can be downloaded at: http://appli.ecocert.com/-EFT-.htmlEqual Exchange: http://www.equalexchange.coop/domestic-fair-trade Equal Exchange Principles for Domestic Fair Trade: http://www.equalexchange.coop/dftfilesv2/dftprinciplesflyer.pdfFairWild Foundation: http://www.fairwild.org http://www.fairwild.org/publication-downloads/fairwild-standard-ver-20/FairWild-Standard-V2.pdf http://www.fairwild.org/publication-downloads/fairwild-standard-ver-20/FairWild-Standard-Indicators-V2.pdfFairWild Standard (Version 2.0):FairWild Standard (Version 2.0 Performance Indicators):FloCert: http://www.flo-cert.net FairTrade Standards for Herbs and Spices for Small Producers Organizations (Version 01.05.2011): FairTrade Standards for Tea for Small Producers Organizations (Version 22.12.2010): FairTrade Standards for Tea for Hired Labour (Version 22.12.2010):http://www.fairtrade.net/fileadmin/user_upload/content/2009/standards/documents/2011-0506_EN_HerbsHerbalteasSpices_SPO.pdfhttp://www.fairtrade.net/fileadmin/user_upload/content/2009/standards/documents/2010-12-22_EN_Tea_SPO_2.pdf http://www.fairtrade.net/fileadmin/user_upload/content/2009/standards/documents/2010-12-22_EN_Tea_HL_2.pdfForest Stewardship Council: http://www.fsc.orghttp://www.fsc.org/fileadmin/webdata/public/document_center/international_FSC_policies/standards/FSC_STD_01_001_V4_0_EN_FSC_Principles_and_ Criteria.pdfFSC International Standard: FSC Principles and Criteria for Forest Stewardship:Institute for Market Ecology: http://www.imo.ch/index.php?seite=imo_index_enIMO Social & FairTrade Certification Programme:http://www.fairforlife.net/logicio/client/fairforlife/file/IMO_SFT_Programme_Version3_Feb08.pdfInstituto Biodinmico for Rural Development: http://www.ibd.com.br IBD EcoSocial Program: http://www.ecosocialnet.com 59http://www.ibd.com.br/downloads/dirleg/Diretrizes/8_1_3_IBD_Diretriz_IBD_Ecosocial_English_8thEdition_2009.pdfIBD EcoSocial Certification Program for Fair Relationships in Trading Socially and Environmentally Certified Products:NatureLife International Foundation for Environment, Education and Sustainability : http://www.sun-cert.com S.U.N. Certificate: http://www.sun-cert.com/application.aspxRainforest Alliance: http://www.rainforest-alliance.org Sustainable Agriculture Standard: http://www.rainforestalliance.org/agriculture/documents/sust_ag_standard.pdfSoil Association: http://www.soilassociation.org/ Soil Association Ethical Trade Standards: http://www.soilassociation.org/Whatwedo/Organicstandards/Standards/tabid/353/Default.aspxUnion for Ethical BioTrade: http://www.uebt.chGuidance for the application of the BioTrade Verification Framework:Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of Management Plans for Wild-collected Plant Species used by Organizations Working with Natural Ingredients: http://www.biotrade.org/ResourcesPublications/unctad_ditc_ted_2007_8_Eng.pdf BioTrade Verification Framework for Native Natural Ingredients: UNCTAD BioTrade Initiative BioTrade Principles and Criteria: http://www.biotrade.org/ResourcesPublications/UNCTAD_BT_PC_en.pdfhttp://www.ethicalbiotrade.org/dl/PRO03_D_Guidance_to_the_Application_of_the_Verification_Framework_2009-10-30.pdfhttp://www.ethicalbiotrade.org/dl/STD01_BioTrade_Verification_Framework_for_Native_Nat_Ingredients_2007-09-20_EN.pdfUTZ Certified: http://www.utzcertified.org http://www.utzcertified.org/index.php?pageID=111&showdoc=111_0_82 http://www.utzcertified.org/index.php?pageID=111&showdoc=111_0_79UTZ Certified Chain of Custody for Tea:UTZ Code of Conduct for Tea Farms / UTZ Code of Conduct for Tea Factories:For complete lists of certified or verified operations and/or members of fair trade organizations, see: Cooperation for Fair Trade in Africa (COFTA) members list: http://www.cofta.org/en/en/members_listing.asp FloCert Fair Trade Certified (FTC) organizations: http://www.flo-cert.net/flo-cert/main.php?id=10 Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certificate Database of certified products, species and certificate holders: http://info.fsc.org IBD EcoSocial Certified/Approved Clients: http://www.ibd.com.br/ClientCert_DefaultEng.aspx IMO Social & Fairtrade Certification Programme Certified Operators: PhytoTrade Africa members list: http://www.phytotradeafrica.com/members/ourmembers.asp Rainforest Alliance Certified farms list: http://sustainablefarmcert.com/certified_farms.cfm 60http://www.fairforlife.net/logicio/pmws/indexDOM.php?client_id=fairforlife&page_id=operators&lang_iso639=enUnion for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT) members list: http://www.uebt.ch/about/members.html United Nations Global Compact participants list: http://www.unglobalcompact.org/participants/search UTZ Certified Tea Producers list: http://www.utzcertified.org/index.php?pageID=227 World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) members list: http://www.wfto.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6&Itemid=3761MNS GLOBAL HERB TRADE ASSOCIATION DIRECTORY MNS provides a global directory of herb trade associations, collectives, councils, and export promotion organizations that represent the growers, wild collectors, producers, and traders of botanical raw materials, extracts and oils, and other herbal products. To add your association contact details, or to update or correct the below-listed details, please contact ITC Consultant, Tasha Goldberg at: tashagoldberg@yahoo.com AFRICA COMORES GIE la Maison des Epices des Comores, Cellule dAppui Conseil Sige Moroni, Btiment ex CEFADER Route de Md, BP 2510 MORONI, Union des Comores. TEL/FAX: +269 73 66 88. E-MAIL: maison.epices@comorestelecom.km / WEB: http://www.epices-comores.com EGYPT Egyptian Society for the Producers, Manufacturers and Exporters of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ESMAP), Dr. Farouk Elshobaki, 1 Elhefnawy St., Fatma Roshdi St., Elharam, Elgiza. TEL: +202 38 69 898 / FAX: +202 38 41 120 / Mobile: 012 / 3101839, E-MAIL drfarouk@elshobaki.com WEB: http://www.esmap.org/esmap/ Egyptian Spices and Herbs Export Development Association (ESHEDA), Dr. Farouk Elshobaki, Chairman, 9 Rostom St. Garden City, 1st floor, EG - 11519 Cairo, TEL: 00202/2792 417 E-MAIL: esheda@link.net Medicinal Plants Association (MPA) in St. Katherine: El-Shamiaa, Saint Katherine City, South Sinai, Egypt. TEL-FAX: +20 69 3470648 WEB: http://www.mpcpegypt.com/ Regional Medicinal & Herbal Plants Network (MHPN) of the Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (AARINENA), Dr. M.S.A. Safwat, P.O. Box 639 Baga 19381, Amman Jordan. Tel: 00962 6 4725071 / FAX: 00962 6 4726099 E-MAIL: map-aarenina@ncartt.gov.jo WEB: http://www.aarinena.org/MHPWeb/ Union of Producers and Exporters of Horticultural Crops (UPEHC), 10 floor Organizations and Companies Building, Nadi El-Seid Street, Dokky, Giza, Egypt. TEL: +20 (2) 3337-2402, 3760-0986 / FAX: +20 (2) 3336-4833 & 3336-4899, E-MAIL: mail@upehc.org WEB: http://www.upehc.org ETHIOPIA Ethiopian Pulses, Oil Seeds and Spices Processors Exporters Association (EPOSPEA), Haile th Gebre-Seassie Avenue, 22 MAzoria, Rebecca bldg. 7 floor. PO BOX 8686 Ethiopia TEL: +251-11 6623556 / FAX: +251 11 6623504 E-MAIL: agroprom@ethionet.et or epospe.association@ethionet.et WEB: http://www.eahead.net/epospea/ GHANA Agribusiness in Sustainable Natural African Plant Products (ASNAPP), P.M.B. (18) Kanda, Accra H/NO C 205/29, Mempeasem, East Legon, Accra, Mr. Dan Acquaye. TEL: +233 302 505617/ FAX: +233 302 505617, E-MAIL: asnappwest@yahoo.com WEB: http://www.asnapp.org Botanical Products Association of Ghana (BOTPAG) WEB: http://www.asnapp.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=89:botanical-productsassociation-of-ghana-botpag&catid=52:ghana-partners&Itemid=100 KENYA Network for Natural Gums and Resins in Africa (NGARA), Secretariat c/o KEFRI, Karura P.O. Box 64636 00620 Mobil Plaza, Nairobi, Kenya. TEL: ++254 20 2020623 / FAX: +254 20 3750497. E-MAIL: info@ngara.org 62thWEB: http://www.ngara.org The Tea Board of Kenya, Naivasha Road Off Ngong Road, P.O. Box 20064 City Square 00200 Nairobi, Kenya. TEL: +254 20 3874446 / 2536886 / 2536869 / FAX: +254 20 3862120 / 3876337. E-MAIL: info@teaboard.or.ke / WEB: http://www.teaboard.or.ke MAURITIUS nd Association for African Medicinal Plants Standards (AAMPS), c/o Executive Services Ltd. 2 Les Jamalacs Building, Vieux Conseil Street, Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius. TEL: (230) 454 1041 / FAX: (230) 465 6928. E-MAIL: secretary@aamps.org or Denzil Phillips, CDE Associate Expert Herbals and Pharmaceuticals. E-MAIL: denzil@denzil.com WEB: http://www.aamps.org MOROCCO Assila Medicinal and Aromatic Plant AL AMAL Association, Mlle. EL BOUAANANI Malika, CELL: 072 69 84 26 Association fminine des herbes mdicinales et aromatiques de Beni yider, Commune rurale beni yider, Ben Kerrich, Ttouan, Morocco. TEL: Association Marocaine des Plantes Aromatiques et Mdicinales (AMAPAM) , Mr. Mohamed Marzouk, CELL: (+212)63 48 45 40, Mr. Drissi Hassan, CELL: (+212)67637176, E-MAIL: fidanature@menara.ma Association Marocaine pour le Dveloppement des Plantes Aromatiques et Mdicinales (ADEPAM), Institut Agronomique et Vtrinaire Hassan II, BP 6202 - Rabat Instituts, Rabat, Morocco. Aboulkassim El Hassan or Zrira Saadia, TEL: (+212) 537 68 66 12 E-MAIL: s.zrira@iav.ac.ma, or saadia.zrira@gmail.com or aboulkassim.hassan@gmail.com Socit Marocaine des Plantes Aromatiques et Mdicinales (SOMAPAM): President Pr. Ismaili Alaoui My Mustapha and Secretary Pr. EL Rhaffari Lloussaine, IAV Hassan II, BP 6202 Rabat Instituts TEL/FAX: 212 37 77 23 01 E-MAIL: somapam@yahoo.com.fr or m.ismaili@aiv.ac.ma or elrhaffari@yahoo.com.fr WEB: http://site.voila.fr/somapam NAMIBIA Devils Claw Working Group, PO Box 23778, Windhoek, Namibia. Chairperson: Magdalena Ya Kasita, TEL: +061220117 / FAX: +061232293, E-MAIL: criaawhk@iafrica.com.na WEB: http://www.criaasadc.org/devilsclaw.htm Hoodia Growers Association of Namibia (HOGRAN). Windhoek, Namibia, Chairman Jrn Miller E-MAIL: jdsmiller@iway.na NIGERIA Herb Sellers Association of Nigeria, Mrs. Quincy Ayodele REUNION Association pour les Plantes Aromatiques et Medicinales de la Runion (APLAMEDOM), 2, avenue Maxime Rivire Parc Technor, 97 490 STE CLOTILDE, Ile de la Runion. TEL: (00) 262 262 93 88 18/ FAX: (00) 262 262 93 88 01 E-MAIL: contact@aplamedom.com WEB: http://www.aplamedom.com SOUTH AFRICA Cape Ethnobotanical Growers Association, P.O. Box 15134 Vlaeberg 8018 Cape Town. TEL: +2721-7913953 / FAX: +27-21-7914398, E-MAIL: mirosaj@iafrica.com robby@zizamele-natural-health.com Southern African Hoodia Growers Association (SAHGA), Chairman - Robby Gassof Zizamele Herbs, P. O. Box 85, Onrus River 7201. Council members Volker Miros & Adolf Joubert. 63TEL: +27 (0) 28 284 9244 / FAX: 086 545 3975 E-MAIL: robby@zizamele.com, or Volker@miros.co.za, adolf@afrinatural.com. South African Rooibos Council, P.O. Box 55356, Sunset Beach, Cape Town, South Africa 7441. TEL: +27 (0)21 552 8845 / FAX: +27 (0)21 552 8845 WEB: http://www.sarooibos.co.za/ TOGO Organisme de Promotion des Plantes Aromatiques et Mdicinales du Togo (OPPAM TOGO), Vitalis Yao Sodatonou, Building Luxolin BP 107 14 PK Road Anecho, ZI Baguida, Baguida, Togo. TEL: (00 228) 904 10 45 / 997 21 75 / 320 28 10 / FAX: (00 228) 221 57 06 E-MAIL: vita.sodatonou@oppamtogo.com TUNISIA Association Tunisienne des Plantes Mdicinales, Hammam Sousse, FAX: 71.783.928 UGANDA Uganda Commercial Aloe Vera Farmers Association, Mr. Ali Ssesanga, Plot 34 Rashid Khamis Road, P.O. Box 6179 Kampala, Uganda. TEL: +256 772 696702 / FAX: +256 41 257343, E-MAIL: ssesangaali@yahoo.com WEB: http://www.ucavfa.cfsites.org ZIMBABWE Phyto Trade Africa The Southern African Natural Products Trade Association (SANPTA), PO Box BE 385, Belvedere, Harare, Zimbabwe. TEL: +263 4 740 730/806/ FAX: +263-4-740 476 E-MAIL: info@phytotradeafrica.com WEB: http://www.sanprota.com ASIA BANGLADESH Bangladesh Herbal Products Manufactories Association (BHPMA), Secretary General Mr. Hasibur Rahman. ACME Laboratories Ltd, 1/4 Kallayanpur, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1207 Bangladesh. TEL: 880 2 900 41 94 96 / FAX: +880 2 901 68 72, E-MAIL: hrahman.ed@acmeglobal.com Business Promotion Council for Herbal Sector of the Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau, Dhaka, 1215, Bangladesh. TEL: 880-2-9144821-3 / FAX: 880-2-9119531 CHINA China Chamber of Commerce of Medicines & Health Products Importers & Exporters (CCCMHPIE), 8/F., No. 12, Panjiayuan nanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing China 100021. TEL: 86 10 67732799, 87784447 / FAX: 86 10 87784484, E-MAIL: service@cccmhpie.org.cn WEB: http://www.mhpie.com International Centre of Research and Training on Seabuckthorn (ICRTS) WEB: http://www.icrts.org. Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association , Hong Kong G.P.O. Box 5301. TEL: 2492-2713 / FAX: 2906-9330, E-MAIL: mcmia@mcmia.org WEB: http://www.mcmia.org JAPAN Japan Oilseed Processors Association (JOPA), http://www.oil.or.jp INDIA All India Aromatic Plants Growers Association (AIAPGA), President Thakur Randhir Singh, 298, EP Flat, Wazarat Road, Jammu Tawi-180001, Jammu & Kashmir Asian Medicinal Plants & Health Care Trust (AMPHCT), Sonamukhi Nagar, Sangaria Fanta, Salawas Road, Jodhpur 342 005 Rajasthan, India. TEL: 0091.291.2748488 / FAX: 0091.291.5120509, E-MAIL: amptrust@yahoo.com 64Central Herbal Agro Marketing Federation (CHAMF), Dr. Rajaram Tripathy, 39-A, Rohit Villa, Pachpedi Chowk, Ring Road No. 1, Raipur (C.G.) 492001. TEL: +91 771-4001197 E-MAIL: chamfmail@gmail.com, mdhorganic@gmail.com WEB: http://www.chamf.org Central Organisation for Oil Industry and Trade (COOIT), Shri Mansukhbai Patel, President 4-M, DCM Building 16, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110 001. TEL: +91 11 371 2058 / FAX: +91 11 3 Essential Oil Association of India, Mr. S. C. Jain, Executive Secretary.301, 4832/24 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi, 110002. TEL: +910 11-325-0322; / FAX: +910 11-325-0443; E-MAIL: eoai@bol.net.in WEB: http://www.eoai.in Federation of Indian Herbal Industry (FIHI), Prof. Vimala Devi, M/S Auro Pharma, Flat No. 3-12, Captaine Marius Xavier Street, Pondicherry 605001, India. TEL: 91-0413-2346950, 3090491 FAX: 91-0413-346950, E-MAIL: fihi@fihionline.com / bkurup@fihionline.com WEB: http://www.fihionline.com/aboutus.htm Fragrances & Flavours Association of India, Navinchandra Ranchhoddas Shah Hall, 2-B Floor, 35, Sir Vithaldas Thackersey Marg, Mumbai 400 020. TEL: 022 220 90284 / 220 76075 / FAX: 022 2205875 E-MAIL: fafai@mtnl.net.in / WEB: http://www.fafai.org Health Foods and Dietary Supplements Association (HADSA), 1011 Dalamal House, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021, India. Ms. Dipali Mahadik TEL: 91 022 2287 25 57/58/59 / FAX: 91 022 2287 25 60. E-MAIL: hadsa@vsnl.net, pro@hadsa.com / WEB: http://www.hadsa.com Herbal Farmers Association, Guntakal, Hanumesh Nagar, 20/1483, Guntakal, Andhra Pradesh, India, 515 801. TEL: +91 8552 227030 Herbs & Herbal Export Promotion Association of India (HEPAI), 207, Silver Arch plaza 20/1 New Palasia, Indore - 452001 - (MP) INDIA. TEL: 91-731-3018833-34-35 / FAX: 91-7312435003; MOB: +91-94250-59407, +91-9302121830, E-MAIL: contact@hepai.org WEB: http://www.hepai.org India Pepper and Spice Trade Association, M.A. Thomas (Secretary), VI/150 Jew Town, Kohi 682 002. TEL: 91 484 227582 / 91 484 224263, 225173 / FAX: 91 484 227434. E-MAIL: ipsta@vsnl.com WEB: http://www.ipsta.com Lauhal & Spiti Seabuckthorn Society, Lauhal & Spiti District, Himachal Pradesh, India Maharashtra Rajya Sugandhi Aushadhi Vanaspati Utpadak Prakriya Sangh, Dr. S.G.Patil, President, 120/9, Pashan Flats, Behind Lenyadri Society, Pashan Soos Road, Pune 411 021. TEL: 020-25882263 Malabar Herbs & Musli Growers Society (Regd), Abraham Kurian, Treasurer, T.C.4/1082, Kripa Bhavan, R.P.Lane, A-7, Kawadiar. P.O, Trivandrum Dist; Kerala. 695003. TEL: +91.471.5538863, +91.471.2437185 / MOBILE: +91.989.5187185 / FAX: +91.471.2316314 E-MAIL: abr_bincy@hotmail.com Medicinal, Aromatic and Dye Plants Stakeholders Consortium (MAPSCON), National Secretariat MAPSCON, C-193, IInd Floor, Opposite M Block Market, Greater Kailash - I, New Delhi 110 048, India. TEL: +91.11.4165.7166 / FAX: +91.11.4165.7167, E-MAIL: info@mapscon.com National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), Department of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homoeopathy), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, Chandralok Building, 36, Janpath, New Delhi 110001, TEL: 011-23319360 / FAX: 011 23319356, EMAIL: info-nmpb@nic.in, ceo-nmpb@nic.in 65WEB: http://nmpb.nic.in/index.htm Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council (Pharmexcil) H.O.: 101, Aditya Trade Centre, Ameerpret, Hyderabad 500038, India. TEL: 91 40 23735462 / 5466 / FAX: 91- 40 23735464 E-MAIL: info@pharmexcil.com WEB: http://www.pharmexcil.com Samagra Adivasi Medicinal Plants Development Association (SAMPDA) 39 A Rohit Villa, Ring Road No.1, Raipur, C. G., India TEL/FAX: 0771 4001197 E-MAIL: sampdango@gmail.com WEB: http://www.sampda.org Shellac and Forest Products Export Promotion Council (SHEFEXIL) International Trade Facilitation Centre, 1/1 Wood Street, 2nd Floor, Kolkata - 700 016, India. TEL: 91 33 2283 4417/ FAX: 91 33 2283 4699 E-MAIL: sepc@vsnl.net WEB: http://www.shellacepc.com Spice & Food Stuff Exporters Association of India (SFEAI), 530/531 Commodity Exchange th Building, 5 Floor, Opp: Dana Bunder Sector 19- Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400705. TEL: 91 22 278 316 75 / FAX: 91 22 278 317 11 E-MAIL: sfea@mtnl.net.in or kkcdipak@bom3.vsnl.net.in WEB: http://www.sfeaindia.net Spices Board of India (SBI), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, Sugandha Bhavan, N.H. Bypass, Palarivattom PO Cochin 682 025. TEL: 91-484-2333610-616 / FAX: 91 484 2334429, 2331429 E-MAIL: spicesboard@vsnl.com WEB: http://www.indianspices.com Tuticorin Senna Exporters Association (TSEA), P.S.S. Ramachandran, President. Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India. INDONESIA Agribusiness Club (ABC), Wisma Nusantara Lt 23, Jln M.H. Thamrin 59, Jakarta Pusat 10350, Indonesia. TEL: 021 336426 / FAX: 021 3916944. Asosiasi Eksportir Cassia Vera Indonesia (AECI), Jl. M.H. Thamrin 21, Padang. TEL: 0751 33261. Asosiasi Eksportir Lada (AELI) (The Indonesian Pepper Exporter Association), Kertaniaga Building Lt 2, Jl. Roa Malaka Selatan 35, Jakarta 11230. TEL: 021 6926401, 021 39001566 / FAX: 021 6926401. Asosiasi Eksportir Pala Indonesia (AEPA) (The Indonesia Nutmeg Exporters Association), Jl. Hayam Wuruk 103-104 Jakarta Barat 11160. TEL: 021 6297539, 021 6292508 / FAX: 021 6297432. Asosiasi Eksportir Paniliindonesia (AEPI) (The Indonesia Vanilla Exporters Association), D/a Persh. Daerah Prop. Bali, Jl. W.R. Supratman Denpasar. TEL: 0361 463332 / FAX: 0361 462245. Asosiasi Kakao Indonesia (ASKINDO) (The Indonesian Cocoa Association), Wisma Nugraha Lt. 5Jl. Raden Saleh VI No.6 Jakarta Pusat 10430. TEL: 021 3919554 / 021 3919556 / FAX: 201 3919556. Asosiasi Pala Indonesia (API) (The Indonesian Nutmeg Association), Jl. Majapahit B 1A No. 18, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia. Asosiasi Perdagangan Minyak Atsiri Indonesia (The Indonesian Essential Oil Trade Association), c/o PT Djasula Wangi Jl. Garuda 99 Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat 10610, Indonesia. TEL: 021 4209808 / FAX: 021 4244173.66JORDAN Association of Agricultural Research in the Near East & North Africa (AARINENA), AARINENA Secretariat, C/O ICARDA West Asia Regional Program (WARP), P. O. Box 950764 Amman 11195 Jordan. TEL: +962 6 5525750 / FAX: +962 6 5525930. E-MAIL: i.hamdan@cgiar.org WEB: http://www.aarinena.org NEPAL Herbs & NTFP Coordination Committee of the Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources (ANSAB), Mr. Bhishma P. Subedi, P.O. Box 11035, Kathmandu, Nepal. TEL: (977-01)-4497547/4478412 / FAX: (977-01)-4476586 E-MAIL: ansab@ansab.org WEB: http://www.ansab.org/nnn.php Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Program in Asia (MAPPA), Dy. Director General Programs and Team Leader. P. O. Box 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal. TEL: (977-1) 55255313 ext. 102 / FAX: (977-1) 5524509 E-MAIL: mkarki@icoimod.org WEB: http://www.mappa-asia.org PHILIPPINES Chamber of Herbal Industries of the Philippines (CHIP), Mezzanine Flr., Strata 300 Bldg. P. Guevarra Street, San Juan 1500 Philippines. TEL: (63 2) 703 0799, 584 6241, 725 6470 / FAX: (63 2) 584 6241, 725 6470 E-MAIL: sec@chipi.org.ph WEB: http://www.chipi.org.ph SINGAPORE Singapore Chinese Medicines and Health Products Merchant Association, 346A King Georges Avenue, Singapore 208577. TEL: (65) 6293 8019 / FAX: (65) 6293 5803. E-MAIL: meheproassn@yahoo.com.sg WEB: http://www.tcm.org.sg Singapore Chinese Drug Importers & Exporters Guild, 2 Alexandra Road, #02-07 Delta House, Singapore 159919. TEL: (65) 6278 2270 / FAX: (65) 6275 4900. E-MAIL: davetang@pacific.net.sg SRI LANKA The Spices & Allied Products Producers and Traders Association, c/o Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, No. 50, Nawam Mawatha Colombo 02, Sri Lanka. TEL: 94 11 2421745-6 / 2380157-8 / FAX: 94 11 2449352 / 2437477 E-MAIL: sappta@chamber.lk WEB: http://www.sappta.com VIET NAM Association of Essential Oils, Perfumes and Cosmetics Viet Nam, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thuong Dong, 32/C1 - Tap the Quan Doi Mai Dich, Cau Giay, Hanoi. TEL: +84 4 7 648 426 E-MAIL: htqt-imm@hn.vnn.vn Sa Pa Indigenous Medicinal Plants Association (SIMPA), Ta Phin village, Ta Phin town, Sapa, Viet Nam EUROPE ALBANIA Albanian Spice and Herbal Trade Association (ASHTA), Contact details not available AUSTRIA European Herb Growers Association (EUROPAM), Veterinaerplatz 1, A-1210 Wien, Austria. TEL: 0043 1 250 77 3104 / FAX: 0043 1 250 77 3190 E-MAIL: Johannes.Novak@europam.net WEB: http://www.europam.net 67sterreichischen Verbandes fr Heil- und Gewrzpflanzen (AGV) (Austrian Association for Medicinal and Herbal Horticulture), AGV Chairwoman Ms. Agnes Schierhuber E-MAIL: agnes.schierhuber@europarl.europa.eu BELGIUM World Association of Seaweed Processors, Marinalg International, Avenue Brugmann 12A Box 1060, Brussels. TEL: +32 (0) 2 538 3825 / FAX: +32 (0) 2 538 2826 E-MAIL: marinalg@marinalg.org WEB: http://www.marinalg.org BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Association of Medicinal Plants and Wild Forest Products of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Department of Branch Associations, Branislava ureva 10, BIH-71000 Sarajevo. TEL: +387.33.202.968 / FAX: +387.33.214.292, E-MAIL: faveda@bih.net.ba MAP Association of ZLATNICA, Biha, Pokoj bb, 77101 Biha / TEL/FAX: +387.37.300.887 E-MAIL: alma012@bih.net.ba BULGARIA Bulgarian Association of Herb and Mushroom Gatherers, Mr. JIVKO DRAGANOV, President, 27 Dondukov Blvd., 1000 Sofia. TEL: (+359 2) 986 29 90 / TEL/FAX: (+359 2) 986 28 16 Bulgarian Exchange for Spices, 1592 Sofia, 4-8 Prof. Cvetan Lazarov Bul, Borsa Bulgarplod Slatinea - Cara Sklad 105. TEL/FAX: +359 2 9744986 E-MAIL: office@bg-spices.com WEB: http://www.bg-spices.com Bulgarian National Association Essential Oils, Perfumery & Cosmetics (BNAEOPC), 93 Maritza Blvd., Plovdiv 4003 / TEL/FAX: +359 32 96 78 35; +359 32 96 78 34 E-MAIL: office@bnaeopc.com WEB: http://www.bnaeopc.com CZECH REPUBLIC PELERO CZ o.s. (Association of the Producers and Processors of Medicinals and Aromatic Plant and Spices), Ing. Blanka Kocourkov, CSc., Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, Department of Crop Science, Plant Breeding and Plant Medicine, office N3099 TEL: +420 545 133131 / FAX: +420 545 133302 E-MAIL: blanka@mendelu.cz or info@pelero.cz WEB: http://www.pelero.cz/ FINLAND Arctic Flavours Association (AFA), Kauppakatu 20, 89600 SUOMUSSALMI, Finland. TEL: +358 861 555 590, +358 861 555 591 / FAX: +358 861 555 592 E-MAIL: info@arctic-flavours.fi WEB: http://www.arctic-flavours.fi FRANCE Association of Delegates of the Professional Organizations of Producers and Collectors of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the EEC, 6 bd Marechal-Joffre, F-91490 Milly-la-Foret Association Internationale pour le Dveloppement des Gommes Naturelles (AIDGUM), 129, Chemin de Croisser BP 4151 76723 Rouen Cedex, France. TEL: +33 232 831 818 / FAX: +33 232 831 919. E-MAIL: fthevenet@cniworld.com or john@jrlupien.net Comit des Plantes Parfum, Aromatiques et Mdicinales (CPPARM), Les Quintrands Route de Voix, 04100 Manosque. TEL: +33 (0)4 92 72 47 62 / FAX: +33 (0)4 92 72 72 09 E-MAIL: contact@cepparm.com WEB: http://www.cepparm.com68Comit Interprofessionnel des Huiles Essentielles Franaises (CIHEF), ZI St Joseph - Traverse des Mtiers 04100 Manosque. TEL:, FAX: E-MAIL: Michel-krausz@wanadoo.fr European Confederation of Distributors, Producers and Importers of Medicinal Plants , 23 Rue du Peintre Lebrun, F-78000 Versailles Office National Interprofessionnel de Plantes a Parfum Aromatiques et Medicinales (ONIPPAM), BP 8 - 04130 VOLX. TEL: 04 9279 3446 / FAX: 04 9279 3322 E-MAIL: onippam@onippam.fr WEB: http://www.onippam.fr GERMANY The Association For the International Promotion of Gums (AIPG), Secretariat at WGA Hamburg e.V. (HARZVEREIN), Gotenstrae 21 D-20097 Hamburg City Sd. TEL: +49 (0)40 23 60 16 13/15 / FAX: +49 (0) 40 23 60 16 10 E-MAIL: aipg@wga-hh.de WEB: http://www.treegums.org Deutscher Fachausschuss fr Arznei-, Gewrz- und Aromapflanzen (DFA), Prof. Dr. U. Bomme, Bad Hersfeld Erzeugerring fr Heil- & Gewrzpflanzen in Bayern e.V., Tal 35, 80331 Mnchen, Herr Hans Mser. TEL: +49 089 290 06316 / FAX: +49 089 290 06320 E-MAIL: hans.moeser@lkp.bayern.de WEB: http://www.kraeuteranbau.de European Federation of Essential Oils (EFEO), EFEO Secretariat, Sonninstrasse 28, 20097 Hamburg, Germany. TEL: +49 40 23 60 1615 / FAX: +49 40 23 60 1610 E-MAIL: efeo@wga-hh.de WEB: http://www.efeo-org.org European Herbal Infusions Association (EHIA), Sonninstr. 28, 20097 Hamburg, Germany. TEL: +49 40 236016 21, FAX: +49 40 236016 10 E-MAIL: info@ehia-online.org WEB: http://www.ehia-online.org European Spice Association (ESA), Reuterstrasse 151, 53113 Bonn, TEL: +49 228 216 162 / FAX: +49 228 229 460 E-MAIL: esa@verbaendebuero.de WEB: http://www.esa-spices.org/ Fachverband der Gewrzindustrie e. V. (Association of the German Spice Industry), Reuterstrae 151, 53113 Bonn, Germany. TEL: (02 28) 21 61 62 / FAX: (02 28) 22 94 60. E-MAIL: info@gewuerzindustrie.de WEB: http://www.gewuerzindustrie.de Gesellschaft zur Frderung von Sanddorn und Wildobst, Sanddorn e.V. (German Society for Seabuckthorn and Wild Fruits), Infostelle, An der Mhle 1, 15345 Altlandsberg, Germany. TEL: +49 33438 14724, FAX: 49 33438 14720 E-MAIL: sanddorn@sanddorn.net WEB: http://www.sanddorn.net Hessian Association for Medicinal and Spice/Culinary Plants, agrimed Hessen wV, Oderstr: 38, D-65468 Trebur Germany. TEL: 06147-93225 / FAX: 06147-57091 E-MAIL: agrimed.hessen@t-online.de International Council for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ICMAP), Dr. Renate Seitz Emmeringerstrasse 11, D-82275 Emmering, Germany. Tel/Fax: +49 8141 613749 E-MAIL: info@icmap.org 69WEB: http://www.icmap.org/ International Kava Executive Council (IKEC), Dr. Joerg Gruenwald, Executive Director, c/o Phytopharm Consulting, Waldseeweg 6, 13467 Berlin, Germany. Tel: +49 30 4000 8111 / Fax: +49 30 4000 8500 WEB: http://www.ikec.org Verein fr Arznei- und Gewrzpflanzen, SALUPLANTA e.V., Prof.-Oberdorf-Siedlung 16 D-06406 Bernburg. FAX: +49 03471 640 332 E-MAIL: saluplanta@t-online.de WEB: http://www.saluplanta.de/ WKF Wirtschaftsvereinigung Kruter- und Frchtetee e.V., Sonninstrasse 28, 4, OG D-20097, Hamburg City Sd. TEL: +49-40-23 601 619 / FAX: +49-40-23 60 16 10/11/40 E-MAIL: info@wkf.de WEB: http://www.wkf.de HUNGARY Medicinal Plant Association and Product Council, Akos Mathe, Secretary, H-1118 Budapest, Menesi ut 44. TEL: 361-185-1155 / FAX: 361-237-1388 ITALY Federazione Italiana dei Produttori di Piante Officinali (FIPPO), Presidente Dott. Andrea Primavera Agronomo Ph.D. Piante officinali Agricoltura biologica. Str. Torrente Mussino, 4 06134 S. Orfet Perugia, Italy. TEL: 075 59447264 / FAX: 340 4577968 E-MAIL: fprimavera.andrea@infinito.it WEB: http://www.pianteofficinali.org/main/fippo.htm Italian branch organisation of herbal traders (FEI), F.E.I. Federazione Erboristi Italiani 00153 Roma - P.zza G.G. Belli, 2. TEL: 0655280704 065866345-305 / FAX: 065812750 0655265296 E-MAIL: feiroma@tin.it, fei@confcommercio.it WEB: http://www.feierboristi.org/associazione.htm Italian association of farmers, harvesters, transformers, importers, exporters, wholesalers and agents of medicinal and aromatic plants and spices (Assoerbe), Unione del Commercio, del Turismo e dei Servizi della Provincia di Mila, Corso Venezia, 47/49 2021 Milano (MM1 Palestro). TEL: +39 02 7750575 / FAX: +39 02 76005543 E-MAIL: info@assoerbe.it WEB: http://www.assoerbe.it/eng THE NETHERLANDS Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Specerijhandel (NVS) (Dutch Spice Trade Association), c/o P. Visser & Zoon B.V., Einsteinstraat 30G, 1446 VG, Purmerend, The Netherlands. TEL: 0031 299 630 650 / FAX: 0031 299 630 655 E-MAIL: info@visserp.nl WEB: http://www.pvisser.com POLAND Polski Komitet Zielarski (Polish Herbal Committee), BIURO ZARZDU GWNEGO PKZ 61-707 Pozna, ul. Libelta 27. TEL: 61/665 95 40 Ext. 55 E-MAIL: pkz@iwnirz.pl or malgorzata.gorska-paukszta@iwnirz.pl WEB: http://www.pkz.pl ROMANIA Asociatia Producatorilor Prelucratorilor si Utilizatorilor de Plante Medicinale si Aromatice din Romania, (ROPAM), (Romanian Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Growers, Manufacturers and Users Association). Dr. Dumitru Lazurca, G. Moroianu 176 Sacele, Brasov, cod 505600. TEL/FAX: +40(268)273766. E-MAIL: dlazurca@deltanet.ro , contact@ropam.org.ro70Planta Romanica, Dr. Ovidiu Bojor, Str. George Enescu, nr.27-29, sector 1, Bucaresti. TEL: +40 (21) 3154783 / FAX: +40 (21) 3100025 E-MAIL: ovidiu.bojor@home.ro SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Association for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (AMAPSEEC), Tadeua Kouka 1, 11000 Belgrade Serbia. TEL: +381 3031 653 E-MAIL: office@amapseec.org WEB: http://www.amapseec.org SLOVENIA International Hop Growers Convention (IHGC), Malgajeva 18, SI-3000 Celije Slovenia. TEL: +386 3 712 1600 / FAX: +386 3 712 16 20 E-MAIL: martin.pavlovic@guest.arnes.si WEB: http://www.hmelj-giz.si/ihgc SPAIN Asociacin Catalana de Productores de Plantas Aromticas y Medicinales (ACPPAM), Catalua E-MAIL: acppam@ctfc.udl.es WEB: http://www.acppam.cat/webcat Asociacin Espaola de Fabricantes de Preparados Alimenticios Especiales, Dietticos y Plantas Medicinales (AFEPADI), C/ Aragn, 208, 08011, Barcelona, Spain. TEL: +34 934548725 FAX: +34 934513155 E-MAIL: afepadi@afepadi.org WEB: http://www.afepadi.org European Stevia Association (EUSTAS), Secretarys office: Mnica Lorenzo Tejedor Calle Maladeta, 20, 22300 BARBASTRO (Huesca). Tel: +34 974 311478 / Fax: +34 974 311359 E-MAIL: info@eustas.org WEB: http://www.eustas.org SWEDEN Svenska Kryddfreningen (Swedish Spice Association), Bo Nilsson, Secretary-General. TEL: +46 707 89 75 60. E-MAIL: bolnilsson@gmail.com WEB: http://www.svenskakryddforeningen.se UNITED KINGDOM Aromatherapy Trade Council (ATC), PO BOX 219, Market Rasan, LN8 0BR. TEL: 01673 844 672 E-MAIL: info@a-t-c.org.uk WEB: http://www.a-t-c.org.uk British Herbal Medicine Association (BHMA), P.O. Box 583, Exeter EX1 9GX. TEL: +44 (0) 845 680 1134 / FAX: +44 (0) 845 680 1136 E-MAIL: secretary@bhma.info WEB: http://www.bhma.info International Cocoa Organization (ICCO), Commonwealth House 1-19 New Oxford Street, London WC1A 1NU. TEL: +44 (0)20 7400 5050 / FAX: +44(0)20 7421 5500 E-MAIL: info@icco.org WEB: http://www.icco.org International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades (IFEAT), 9 Lincolns Inn Fields, London WC2A 3BP. TEL: +44 20 7729 5904 / FAX: +44 20 7814 8383 E-MAIL: secretariat@ifeat.org WEB: http://www.ifeat.org The Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Association Ltd (FOSFA), 20 St Dunstans Hill, London EC3R 8NQ, United Kingdom. TEL: +44 (0) 20 7283 5511 / FAX: +44 (0) 20 7623 1310. E-MAIL: membership@fosfa.org 71WEB: http://www.fosfa.org/ Seed Crushers and Oil Processors Association (SCOPA), Secretary General Angela Bowden. P.O. Box 277A Surbiton KT7 OLZ United Kingdom. TEL: +44 (0) 20 8398 5955 / FAX: +44 (0) 20 8398 6010 E-MAIL: angela.bowden@scopa.org.uk WEB: http://www.scopa.org.uk The Seasoning and Spice Association (SSA), 6 Catherine Street, London WC2B 5JJ Tel: 020 7836 2460 / Fax: 020 7836 0580 E-MAIL: ssa@fdf.org.uk WEB: http://www.seasoningandspice.org.uk NORTH AMERICA CANADA Alberta Natural Health Agricultural Network (ANHAN), PO Box 67314, Hawkstone RPO, Edmonton, Alberta, T6M 0J4 Canada. TEL: 780.475.4462 / FAX: 780.444.0355 (10am to 10pm only), E-MAIL: info@anhan.org WEB: http://newcropsalberta.org/ Alberta Rhodiola Rosea Growers Organization (ARRGO), PO Box 671, Thorsby, Alberta, Canada T0C 2P0. TEL: (780) 789-3301 or 1 887 789 3301 (toll free) E-MAIL: judy.zastre@anhan.org WEB: http://www.arrgo.ca British Columbia Herb Growers Association (BCHGA), 998 Skeena Drive, Kelowna, B.C. V1V 2K7. TEL/FAX: 604.504.5990 E-MAIL: info@bcherbgrowers.com WEB: http://www.bcherbgrowers.com British Columbia Sea Buckthorn Growers Association, 10449 Warren Road, Vernon BC V1B 3C5. TEL: 250 542 1816 / FAX: 250 260 1882 Canadian Herb, Spice and Natural Health Products Coalition, c/o Saskatchewan Herb and Spice Association (SHSA), Box 19 Phippen, Saskatchewan. TEL: 306.694.4622 / FAX: 306.694.2182 E-MAIL: shsa@imagewireless.ca WEB: http://www.saskherbspice.org/CHSNC Canadian Spice Association (CSA), 7235 Bellshire Gate, PO BOX 88059 Mississauga, ON L5N 8A0. E-MAIL: info@canadianspiceassociation.com WEB: http://www.canadianspiceassociation.com/ Certified Organic Associations of BC, 202 32 TEL: 250 260 4429 / FAX: 250 260 4436. E-MAIL: office@certifiedorganic.bc.ca WEB: http://www.certifiedorganic.bc.candStreet, Vernon BC V1T 9G1.Filire des plantes mdicinales biologiques du Qubec, C.P. 43, Magog (Qubec) J1X 3W7 Canada. TEL: 819.847.2676 / FAX: 819.847.1862. E-MAIL: fpmq@plantesmedicinales.qc.ca WEB: http://www.plantesmedicinales.qc.ca/index.html Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Association of Manitoba, PO Box 20024, Selkirk, Manitoba R1A 1S0 Canada. TEL: (204) 766-2669 / FAX: (204) 482-8667 National Herb and Spice Coalition (NHSC), c/o SHSA, Box 18 Phippen, Saskatchewan. S0k 3E0 Canada. TEL: 306-694-4622 / FAX: 306-694-2182, E-MAIL: shsa@imagewireless.ca Northern Alberta Herb Growers, 8716 - 112 Street, Fort Sask., AB T8L 2S8 Canada. TEL: (780) 997-4372) / FAX: (780) 998-0078 72Ontario Ginseng Growers Association (OGGA) , 1283 Blueline Road Box 587, Simcoe, Ontario N3Y 4N5 Canada. TEL: 519 426 7046 / FAX: 519 426 9087. E-MAIL: info@ginsenggrowers.com WEB: http://www.ginsengontario.com Quebec Seabuckthorn Growers Association (APAQ), 30, rue Sainte-Marguerite, Beaupr (Qc) G0A 1E0, CANADA, TEL: 418 827 1659 / FAX: 418 827 8699 E-MAIL: info@argousier.qc.ca WEB: http://www.argousier.qc.ca/eng/lassociation-apaq/history-and-mission.asp Saskatchewan Herb and Spice Association (SHSA), PO Box 7568, Station Main, Saskatoon, Sk, S7K 4L4 Canada. TEL: 306 694 4622 / FAX: 206 694 2182. E-MAIL: shsa@sasktel.net WEB: http://www.saskherbspice.org Western Canadian Organic Herb and Spice Association, PO Box 16, Opal, Alberta T0A 2R0 Canada. TEL: (780) 909-1634 / FAX: (780) 942-3992 TRINIDAD Caribbean Herbal Business Association (CHBA), c/o CARDI PO BOX 212 UWI Campus, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies. TEL: (868) 645-1205 - 7 / FAX: (868) 645-1208 E-MAIL: chba@iicacarc.org WEB: http://www.caribbeanherbs.org UNITED STATES OF AMERICA American Botanical Council (ABC), 6200 Manor Road, Austin, Texas 78723. TEL: 512 926 4900 / FAX: 512 926 2345. E-MAIL: abc@herbalgram.org WEB: http://www.herbalgram.org American Council for Medicinally Active Plants, Inc. (ACMAP), Dr. Gary W. Stutte, Vice President and Executive Director, P.O. Box 1761, Titusville, FL 32781. TEL: 321 861 3494 / FAX: 321 861 2925 E-MAIL: info@acmap.org WEB: http://www.acmap.org/ American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), 8630 Fenton Street, Suite #918, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910. TEL: 301.588.1171/ FAX: 301.588.1174. E-MAIL: ahpa@ahpa.org WEB: http://www.ahpa.org American Spice Trade Association (ASTA), 2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036. TEL: 202 367 1127 / FAX: 202 367 1127. E-MAIL: info@astaspice.org WEB: http://www.astaspice.org Awa (Kava) Development Council, PO Box 26344, Honolulu, HI 96825. TEL: 808.256.5605 FAX: 808 395 3772. E-MAIL: hcbitt@hawaii.edu WEB: http://awadevelopment.org Carolina Agri-Solutions Growers Association (CASGA), Conway, South Carolina, President Greg Hyman. TEL: 843 397 1502. E-MAIL: ghyman@sccoast.net Far West Spearmint Oil Administrative Committee, 100 N. Fruitland, Suit B, Kenneick WA 99336. TEL: 509 585 5460 / FAX: 509 585 2671. E-MAIL: agmgt@agmgt.com WEB: http://www.farwestspearmint.org73Great Plains Herb Growers Association (GPHGA), 908 W. 20th Terrace, PO Box 4422, Lawrence, Kansas 66046. TEL: 785 841 9241 / FAX: 785 841 4975. E-MAIL: herbgrowers@sunflower.com WEB: http://www.kansasruralcenter.org/greatplains.htm Herb Growing & Marketing Network, Maureen Rogers (Director), P.O. Box 245, Silver Spring, PA 17575-0245. TEL: 7171 393 3295 / FAX: 7171 393 9261. E-MAIL: herbworld@aol.com WEB: http://www.herbnet.com Hop Growers of America (HGA), P.O. Box 1207, 301 W. Prospect Place, Moxee, WA 98936. TEL: 509 453 4749 / FAX: 509 457 8581. E-MAIL: info@usahops.org WEB: http://www.usahops.org Idaho Mint Growers Association (IMGA), 55 SW 5 Avenue, Suite 100, Meridian, Idaho 83642. Roger Batt, Executive Director. TEL: 208 888 0988. E-MAIL: rbatt@spro.net WEB: http://www.idahomint.org/growers.html International Aloe Science Council (IASC), 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 918, Silver Spring, MD 20910. TEL: 301 588 2420 / FAX: 301 588 1174 WEB: http://www.iasc.org International Herb Association, P.O. Box 5667, Jacksonville FL, USA 32247-5667 WEB: http://www.iherb.org New Mexico Herb Growers Association (NMHGA), 2118 Central Ave. SE #86, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106. Charles Martin. TEL: 505 852 4241. E-MAIL: cmartin@nmsu.edu WEB: http://nmhga.com/ North Carolina Herb Association (NCHA), 455 Research Drive, Fletcher, North Carolina 28732. TEL: 828 684 3562. E-MAIL: jeanine_davis@ncsu.edu WEB: http://www.ncherbassociation.org/ Northwest Ginseng Growers Association (NGGA), 4820 NE 306th Circle, La Center, Washington 98629. TEL: 360 263 7757 / CELL: 503 819 8934 Roots of Appalachia Growers Association (RAGA), PO Box 157, Trimble, Ohio 45782. TEL: 740 767 4938. E-MAIL: tanner@ruralaction.org WEB: http://www.rootsofappalachia.org Sequim Lavender Growers Association (SLGA), 55 Parrish Road, Sequim, Washington 98382 WEB: http://www.lavendergrowers.org Sonoma County Herb Association, P.O. Box 2162, Sebastopol, CA 95473. TEL: 707 861 0336. EMAIL: sonomaherbs@gmail.com WEB: http://www.sonomaherbs.org West Virginia Herb Association (WVHA), 1289 Smoke Camp Road, Weston, West Virginia 26452. TEL: 304 269 6416. E-MAIL: nyeann@ma.rr.com WEB: http://www.wvherb.org World Cocoa Foundation (WCF), 1411 K Street, NW Suite 1300, Washington D.C. 20005. TEL: 202 737 7870 / FAX: 202 737 7832. E-MAIL: wcf@worldcocoa.org 74thWEB: http://www.worldcocoafoundation.org OCEANA AUSTRALIA Australian Ginseng Growers Association (AGGA), P.O. Box 66, Huonville, TAS 7109. TEL: +61 (0) 419 495 936 E-MAIL: info@ginseng.org.au WEB: http://www.ginseng.org.au The Australian Lavender Growers Association Inc (TALGA), The Secretary TALGA Inc, PO Box 1296, Richmond North Victoria, 3121,Australia. E-MAIL: secretary@talga.com.au WEB: http://www.talga.com Australian Tea Tree Industry Association (ATTIA), PO Box 903, Casino NSW 2470 Australia. TEL: +61 (02) 66742925 / FAX: +61 (02) 66742475. E-MAIL: enquiries@teatree.org.au WEB: http://www.teatree.org.au FIJI Pacific Islands Noni Association (PINA), P.O. Box 516, Lautoka, Fiji Islands WEB: http://www.pina.ws SOUTH AMERICA BOLIVIA Sociedad Boliviana de Medicina Tradicional (SOBOMETRA), Mr. Walter Alvarez, Pasaje Gonzlez #140, La Paz. TEL: +591 2 331724 / FAX: +591 2 313783 BRAZIL Associao Brasileira das Empresas do Setor Fitoterpico, Suplemento Alimentar e de Promoo da Sade (ABIFISA), TEL/FAX: (41) 3254 3040 / E-MAIL: abifisa@abifisa.org.br WEB: http://www.abifisa.org.br COLUMBIA Nativa Trade Association for Natural Ingredients: E-MAIL: ingredientesnaturales@gmail.com ECUADOR Asociacin Agroartesanal de Productores de plantas secas medicinales del Ecuador (AAPPSME), Contact: Ing. Orlando Cadme or Srta. Oliva Chuncho, Ramon Pinto entre Diez de Agosto y Jose Antonio Eguiguren. TEL/FAX: ++593 7 2 583 173 E-MAIL: orlandocadme@latinmail.com Asociacin de Productores de Plantas Medicinales del Chimborazo Jambi Kiwa, Km 1 Via Santa Cruz, Parroquia y Aruquies, Riobamba-Ecuador. TEL: ++593.9.902645 / FAX: ++593.2.951026 E-MAIL: jambikiwa@ch.pro.ec Carabotija Association of Producers of Medicinal Plants, Ms. Mara Resfa Guatemal, No. 1 Barrio Carabotija, Olmedo, Cayambe-Ecuador. TEL: ++593.2.2115064/2362240 E-MAIL: jenchala@yahoo.com PERU Asociacin de Agroindustriales de Maca y Productos Andinos del Altiplano de Junn, Per. Asociacin de Productores de Maca, Javier Pablo Castillo Gere, Presidente, Km. 243 Carretera Central, Shacayn, Junn, Per. TEL: +51.64.9679002, E-MAIL: macajpcg@yahoo.com Asociacin de Productores de Maca Ecolgica de la Provincia de Junn (APROMACA-EJUNIN), Luis Oswaldo Castillo Huerta, Presidente, Jr. San Martin N 588, Junn, Per. TEL: +51-64-344060. E-MAIL: informes@apromacae.com or notariope@yahoo.com 75WEB: http://www.apromacae.com Asociacin de Productores de Plantas Medicinales Ecolgicas de La Unin - PER (APROPLAME), Rgulo Chirinos. E-MAIL: aproplame@aedes.com.pe Peruvian Institute of Natural Products (Instituto Peruano de Productos Naturales), Avenida La Universidad 595, La Molina, Lima 12. TEL: (51) 1 628 4026 / FAX: (51) 1 628 2660 E-MAIL: info@ippn.org.pe WEB: http://www.ippn.org.pe76Street address International Trade Centre 54-56 Rue de Montbrillant 1202 Geneva, SwitzerlandP: +41 22 730 0111 F: +41 22 733 4439 E: itcreg@intracen.org www.intracen.orgPostal address International Trade Centre Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10, SwitzerlandThe International Trade Centre (ITC) is the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations.

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IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609B April 2016 Supersedes: IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609A.01-2011 February 2011
JOINT INDUSTRY STANDARD Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly
IPC and JEDEC Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmember of IPC or JEDEC from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than IPC or JEDEC members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by IPC or JEDEC without regard to whether their adoption may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, IPC or JEDEC do not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor do they assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Recommended Standard or Publication. Users are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims of liabilities for patent infringement. The material in this joint standard was developed by the IPC Marking, Symbols and Labels for Identification of Assemblies, Components and Devices Task Group (4-34b) of the Materials Identification Subcommittee (4-34) and JEDEC Committee JC14.4 Quality Processes and Methods. Methods .
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©Copyright 2016. JEDEC Solid State Technology Association, Arlington, Virginia, and IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois, USA. All rights reserved under both international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Any conventions. Any copying, scanning or other reproduction of these these materials without the prior written consent of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited and constitutes infringement under the Copyright Law of the United States.
IPC/JEDEC Joint Standard J-STD-609B
Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly Contents 1 1.1
Scope .................................................... ...................................................... .........................1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................1
2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
Reference Documents ..................................................... ...................................................2 IPC................................................ ...................................................... ..................................2 JEDEC ................................................... ...................................................... .........................2 IEC................................................ ...................................................... ..................................2 European Parliament ............................................................................................................2 ANSI ...................................................... ...................................................... .........................3 GEIA .....................................................................................................................................3 European Standards ................................................. .................................................... ........3
Terms and Definitions ........................................................................................................3
4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2
Symbols, Labels, and Marks ................................................... ...........................................5 Material Category Symbol ....................................................................................................5 Size and Location .................................................................................................................5 Color .............................................................................................................................5 Font .............................................................................................................................5 Pb-free Symbol .....................................................................................................................5 nd Second (2 ) Level Interconnect Component Label ..............................................................6 Size ......................................................................................................................................7 Color .....................................................................................................................................7
5 5.1 5.1.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.4
Marking/Labeling Categories .................................................. ...........................................7 PCB Base Material Categories .............................................................................................7 Halogen-free Base Material ..................................................................................................7 PCB Surface Finish Categories ............................................................................................7 Pb-containing .................................................. ....................................................... ...............7 Pb-free ................................................... ...................................................... .........................8 nd Second (2 ) Level Interconnect Categories .........................................................................8 Pb-containing .................................................. ....................................................... ...............8 Pb-free ................................................... ...................................................... .........................8 Conformal Coating Categories .............................................................................................9
6 6.1 6.2
Component Marking and Labeling .................................................. ..................................9 Component Marking .............................................................................................................9 Lowest Level Shipping Container Labeling .................................................. .........................9
7 PCB/Assembly Marking and Labeling...................................................... ....................... 10 7.1 PCB Marking................ ..................................................... .................................................. 10 7.1.1 PCB Shipping C ontainer Labeling ...................................................... ................................ 10 7.2 Assembly Marking ..................................................................... ......................................... 10 7.2.1 Assembly Shipping Container Labeling .............................................. ................................ 10 7.3 Solder Category Marking Sequence ............................................................ ....................... 10 7.4 Location .................................................................... ...................................................... ....10 7.5 Size............................................... ...................................................... ................................ 10 7.6 Color ......................................................................... ...................................................... ....10
IPC/JEDEC Joint Standard J-STD-609B
Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly Contents (cont'd) 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10
Font ..................................... ....................................................... ........................................ 11 Method................................................... ...................................................... ....................... 11 Marking Sequence .................................................... .................................................... ......11 Re-marking Changes in PCBA Materials ............................................................................ 11
8 8.1 8.2 8.3
Marking and/or Labeling of Pb-Containing Components, PCBs, and PCB Assemblies ...12
Marking and Labeling of Components ............................................................................ ....12 Marking and Labeli ng of PCBs .............. ...................................................... ....................... 12 Marking and Labeling of PCB Assemblies .......................................................................... 12
Summary of Marking and Labeling Requirements R equirements..................................................... ....13
Annex A Example Alloys and Associated Material Codes ............................................................. 14 Annex B Material Code Flow Chart............................................... Chart ............................................... ................................................. 15
IPC/JEDEC Joint Standard J-STD-609B
Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly
Foreword Directive 2011/65/EU supersedes 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, commonly referred to as the “RoHS 2 Directive”, and other legislation are driving the electronics industry towards the use of lead-free (Pb-free) solders and components with Pb-free 2 nd level interconnect terminal finishes and materials. There are different Pb-free solders being used for the various soldering operations in electronics. Each of these solders may require different processing temperatures for assembly, rework, and repair. Some means of communicating the identity of the Pb-free or Pb-containing solder must be provided so that those performing assembly, rework and repair are aware of the temperature capabilities and limitations of these solders, and are able to distinguish between Pb-free and Pb-containing solders. Marking of components and/or labeling their shipping containers are needed to identify and distinguish Pb-containing and Pb-free 2 nd level interconnect terminal finishes and materials. Labeling electronic assemblies using Pb-free solder materials will facilitate end-of-life recycling of electronic equipment. This standard sets forth minimum requirements and includes options for the provision of additional information. This paradigm shift to Pb-free electronics has created a need for identification of traditional Pb-containing coatings, finishes and solders. This standard can be utilized to identify the presence of Pb for those markets as described in Section 5 (Marking/Labeling Categories) and Section 8 (Marking and/or Labeling of Pb-Containing Components, PCBs, and PCB Assemblies). This standard supersedes JESD97 and IPC-1066.
IPC/JEDEC Joint Standard J-STD-609B
IPC/JEDEC Joint Standard J-STD-609B Page 1
Marking, Symbols, and Labels of Leaded and Lead-Free Terminal Finished Materials Used in Electronic Assembly (From JEDEC Board Ballot JCB-15-55, formulated under the cognizance of the JC-14.4 Subcommittee on Quality Processes and Methods.)
This standard applies to components and assemblies that contain Pb-free and Pb-containing solders and finishes. This standard describes the marking of components and the labeling of their shipping containers to identify their 2 nd level terminal finish or material, and applies to components that are intended to be attached to boards or assemblies with solder or mechanical clamping or are press fit. This standard also applies to 2 nd level terminal materials for bumped die that are used for direct board attach. This standard applies to boards/assemblies, to identify the type of Pb-free or Pb-containing solder used. This standard documents a method for identifying board surface finishes and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) resin systems. This standard applies to PCB base materials and for marking the type of conformal coating utilized on Printed Circuit Board Assemblies (PCBAs). Material and their containers previously marked or labeled according to JESD 97, IPC-1066, or previous versions of this standard need not be remarked unless agreed upon by the supplier and customer. Labeling of exterior surfaces of finished articles, such as computers, printers, servers, and the like, is outside the scope of this standard. However internal PCBs and PCBAs are covered by this standard. Labeling of retail packages containing electronic products is also outside the scope of this standard. Markings under this standard do not denote EU RoHS compliance, or any other regional substance restriction legislation addressing lead content. 1.1
This standard provides a marking and labeling system that aids in assembly, rework, repair and recycling and provides for the identification of: (1) those assemblies that are assembled with Pb-containing or Pb-free solder; (2) components that have Pb-containing or Pb-free 2 nd level interconnect terminal finishes and materials; (3) the maximum component temperature temperatur e not to be exceeded during assembly or rework processing; (4) the base materials used in the PCB construction, including those PCBs that use halogenfree resin; (5) the surface finish of PCBs; and (6) the conformal coating on PCBAs.
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Reference Documents
URL: www.ipc.org IPC-T-50 Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits IPC-CC-830 Qualification and Performance of Electrical Insulating Compound for Printed Wiring Assemblies (Conformal Coating) IPC-4101 Specification for Base Materials for Rigid and Multilayer Printed Boards 2.1.1
Additional Reference Reference Materials Not Found in This Document
ANSI URL: www.ansi.org/ ANSI 17-1981 Character Set for Optical Character Recognit ion (OCR-A) (OCR- A) GEIA SAE-GEIA-STD-0005-1 Performance Standards for Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Lead-free Solder SAE-GEIA-STD-0005-2 Standard for Mitigating the Effects of Tin Whiskers in Aerospace and High Performance Electronic Systems SAE-GEIA-STD-0005-3 Performance Testing for Aerospace Aerospace High Performance Electronic Interconnects Containing Pb-free Solder and Finishes European Standards NBN EN 50581 (2012) Cenelec EU RoHS Recast CE Mark Technical Document Standard 2.2
URL: www.jedec.org JESD88 JEDEC Dictionary of Terms of Terms for Solid State Technology 2.3
URL: www.iec.ch IEC 61249-2-21 Materials for printed boards boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 2-21: Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad - Non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass reinforced laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad. 2.4
European Parliament
URL: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/weee/index_en.htm Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
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Terms and Definitions
Other than those terms listed below, the definitions of terms used in this standard are in accordance with IPC-T-50 and/or JESD88. 3.1
2D code label (matrix)
A label that contains data in two dim ensions as either stack or matrix types. 3.2
2Li (or 2LI)
Abbreviation for 2 nd level interconnect. 3.3
Second (2 nd) level interconnect
The connection made by attaching a component to a printed circuit board. See Figure 3-1. This connection is external to the component, not internal.
Figure 3-1 Examples of materials that comprise comprise the 2 nd Level Interconnect 3.4
Second (2 nd) level interconnect component label
A label placed on boxes and bags that contain components with either Pb-containing or Pbfree terminal materials/ finishes. The label includes the material category and maximum component temperature (see 3.11 and 3.12). See Figure 4-3 for label formats for components with Pb-containing finishes/materials and Figure 4-4 and Figure 4-5 for components with Pbfree finishes/materials. 3.5
Second (2 nd) level interconnect terminal finish or material
The material at the component 2 nd level termination referred to in Figure 3-1. Depending on the component type this material could refer to the terminal finish or ball material. 3.6
Base materials
The laminates and/or the prepregs used to fabricate the printed circuit board. NOTE A prepreg is a sheet of material that has been been impregnated with a resin cured to an intermediate stage, i.e., B-staged resin. (Ref: IPC-T-50)
An individual part such as a connector, capacitor, integrated circuit, socket, multichip module, or hybrid circuit, etc.
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Terms and Definitions (cont’d)
Halogen-free board
Printed board resins plus reinforcement matrix that contain maximum total halogens of 1500 ppm with less than 900 ppm bromine and less than 900 ppm chlorine (per IEC 61249-2-21). 3.9
intct (or INTCT)
Alternative abbreviations for the word “interconnect .” 3.10
Linear bar code label
A label that gives information in a code consisti ng of parallel bars and spaces. spaces . 3.11
Material category
Solder paste, lead/terminal finish, or terminal material/alloy of the solder balls used to make the 2nd level interconnect. 3.12
Maximum component temperature
The temperature that a component should not exceed during assembly as measured on the top of the component body. 3.13
Pb-free; lead free
Having a maximum Pb concentration value of of 0.1% by weight in PCB surface finishes, component terminal finishes (terminal finish, bump or ball material) and attachment solders. NOTE Component and end-product suppliers may desire to clarify this important distinction (between 0% and 0.1% Pb) with their customers.
Pb-free symbol
A symbol that can be used in place of the phrase “Pb -free” or “lead“lead -free.” See Figure 4-2. 4 -2.
IPC/JEDEC Joint Standard J-STD-609B Page 5
Symbols, Labels, and Marks
Material Category Symbol
This symbol (see Figure 4-1) is used to identify a terminal finish or material listed in 5.3.
NOTE 1 If the Materials Category is used without a circle, ellipse, parentheses parentheses or underline, underline, it must be be made clear that the marking defines the category [e.g. “Category = e2”, or “Solder = e2” ] NOTE 2 The letter “e” would be replaced with a “b” for identifying surface finish material listed in 5.2 for PCBs.
Figure 4-1 — Example of mark indicating material category 2 and the optional circle, ellipse, underline or parentheses 4.1.1
Size and Location
The size and location are discretionary, but shall be shall be legible to corrected, unmagnified vision. 4.1.2
The color for the ‘e’ a nd category number should be selected to provide sufficient contrast to be legible to corrected, unmagnified vision. The color red should be avoided as red suggests a personal hazard. 4.1.3
The font style should be “Arial”, “OCR - A” A” or equivalent. 4.2
Pb-free Symbol
This symbol (see Figure 4-2) can be used in addition to, or instead of, the phrase “Pb-free. “ Pb-free.””
Figure 4-2 — Pb-free Symbol
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Second (2 nd) Level Interconnect Component Label
This label (see Figure 4-3, Figure 4-4, and Figure 4-5) is used to indicate the 2 nd level interconnect terminal finish or material category (Clause 5) and maximum component temperature. The Pb-free symbol (See 4.2) may be appended after the terms “2nd Level Interconnect” Interconnect ” as indicated in Figure 4-5. This use of the Pb-free symbol applies only to the 2 nd level interconnect and should not be interpreted as an indication that any other part of the component is Pb-free. This label, if used, is placed/printed on the lowest level shipping container and any “ESD”, ”Dry pack” or other ot her bag/box, excluding tubes, trays, reels or other carriers, within the lowest level shipping container.
Figure 4-3 — Example of 2 nd Level Interconnect Component Label indicating a Pb-containing material
Figure 4-4 — Example of 2 nd Level Interconnect Component Label indicating a Pb-free e2 material with a maximum component temperature of 260ºC
Figure 4-5 — Example of 2 nd Level Interconnect Component Label utilizing the Pb-free symbol indicating both Pb-free material with category and maximum component temperature indicated on adjacent label
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Second (2 nd) Level Interconnect Component Label (cont’d)
It is recommended that the label be a minimum of 75 mm by 50 mm. 4.3.2
The label shall be shall be black letters/symbols on a white or contrasting background.
Marking/Labeling Categories
These categories are for the technical purposes of this standard and are not to be used for determining regulatory compliance. 5.1
PCB Base Material Categories
The PCB base materials may be identified by using the classification system found in IPC4101, where a unique Specification Sheet (“slash -sheet”) number identifies a specific grade of material. Some of the common base materials expected to be used on PCBs are given. However, other grades of base materials are possible. These base materials have an epoxy resin system with woven-glass reinforcement, plus distinguishing properties. a) / 92: Phosphorous flame retardant; Tg 110 °C to 150 °C b) / 95: Aluminum Hydroxide flame retardant; Tg 150 °C to 200 °C c)
/ 99: Bromine flame retardant; contains inorganic fillers; Tg 150 °C min.
d) / 126: Bromine flame retardant; contains contains inorganic fillers; Tg 170 170 °C min.
For PCBs made with more than one grade of materials, mark or label with the slash-sheet number of the material with the lowest temperature rating. 5.1.1
Halogen-free Base Material
If the base materials used in making the bare printed board are halogen-free, the label/marking 'HF' shall be noted on the bare printed circuit board. If no 'HF' is present, a halogen-containing base resin and reinforcement matrix are assumed. This marking applies only to the PCB base material and is not to be interpreted as an indication of a halogen-free (HF) assembly. 5.2
PCB Surface Finish Categories
The following categories describe the predominant surface finish on the bare board (prior to assembly). 5.2.1
b0 – b0 – contains contains Pb, traditional tin-lead (SnPb), hot air solder level (HASL) or solder reflow.
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PCB Surface Finish Categories (cont’d)
b1 b2 b3 b4 b5
Pb-free HASL [tin (Sn) alloys with no bismuth (Bi) nor zinc (Zn)] immersion silver (Ag) tin (Sn) (electrolytic or immersion) gold (Au) (immersion or or electrolytic), electroless nickel immersion gold (ENIG), nickel gold (NiAu), or electroless nickel electroless palladium immersion gold (ENEPIG) screened carbon (carbon ink)
b6 b7 b8
organic solderability preservative (OSP) Unassigned Unassigned
Second (2 nd) Level Interconnect Categories
The following categories describe the 2 nd level interconnect (see Figure 3-1) terminal finish (terminal finish, bump or ball material) of components or the solder paste/solder used in board assembly. 5.3.1
e0 – e0 – contains contains intentionally added Pb 1 (need to change footnote # to 1) 5.3.2
Category e8 was added in this revision and shall be shall be applied to the labeling and marking of all new items. Previously marked items need not be remarked to comply with this standard. Items previously labeled or marked as e1 or e2 may now be described by the definitions of categories e1, e2, or e8 depending on silver content. e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8
tin-silver-copper (SnAgCu) with silver content greater than 1.5% and no other intentionally added elements tin (Sn) alloys with no bismuth (Bi) nor zinc (Zn), excluding tin-silver-copper tin -silver-copper (SnAgCu) alloys in e1 and e8 tin (Sn) precious metal (e.g., silver (Ag), gold (Au), nickelnickel-palladium palladium (NiPd), nickel-palladium-gold (NiPdAu) (no tin (Sn)) tin-zinc (SnZn), tin-zinc-other (SnZnX) (all other alloys containing tin (Sn) and zinc (Zn) and not containing bismuth (Bi)) contains bismuth (Bi) low temperature solder ( ≤ 150 ºC) containing indium (In) [no bismuth (Bi)] tin-silver-copper (SnAgCu) with silver content less than or equal to 1.5%, with or without without intentionally added alloying elements. This category does not include any alloys described by e1 and e2 or containing bismuth or zinc in any quantity. symbol - unassigned.
See Annex A and Annex B for examples of Pb-free e-code applications and e-code selection. 1
For Pb-containing 2 level interconnect terminal finishes and materials, the Pb content for e0 is typically greater than or equal to 3 percent by weight. For Pb-containing solder, solder paste, and wave solder alloy, the Pb content is typically greater than 3 percent by weight and usually is 37 percent by weight.
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Conformal Coating Categories
The following categories (per IPC-CC-830) shall describe the conformal coating, if used. ER – ER – Epoxy Epoxy Resin UR – UR – Urethane Urethane Resin AR – AR – Acrylic Acrylic Resin SR – SR – Silicone Silicone Resin XY – XY – Paraxylylene Paraxylylene
Component Marking and Labeling
Component Marking
If space permits, the individual component shall shall be marked (per 5.3) on its topside with the Material Category designation enclosed within a circle, ellipse, underlined, or in parentheses (See 4.1). See Figure 6-1 for an example. If the 2 nd level interconnect termination finish or material is removed and replaced on a component, the original ‘e’ code marking on that physical component shall be shall be obliterated and the component shall be remarked with the applicable ‘e’ code in accordance with this standard.
Figure 6-1 — Example of Component Marking 6.2
Lowest Level Shipping Container Labeling
The Material Category and the maximum component body temperature shall be shall be indicated on nd the lowest level shipping container utilizing the 2 level interconnect component label (See Figure 4-4). 4-4). The use of the 2 nd level interconnect component label is not required if the following information is included in human readable form on the bar code (linear or 2D) label or other nearby label: a) the words “2 nd level interconnect” or equivalent abbreviation b) the appropriate materials category from 5.3, and c) the maximum component body temperature. The 2nd level interconnect component label applies only to components.
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PCB/Assembly Marking and Labeling
PCB Marking
Any printed circuit board surface finish with Pb >0.1% shall be shall be marked with the Pb category b0 (see 5.2). Space permitting, the printed circuit board finish may be marked with the material categories defined in 5.2. In addition, the base PCB material may also be marked with the material categories defined in 5.1. If space permits, the IPC base material specification number may be added before the slash sheet number if the specification is other than IPC4101. If specified by the purchaser, the PCB fabricator may be required to mark the PCB with the applicable category for solders (see 5.3) and/or conformal coating (see 5.4) to be used by the assembler. 7.1.1
PCB Shipping Container Labeling
The label on the lowest level PCB shipping container shall shall contain the information that is applicable to the bare board marking. 7.2
Assembly Marking
The solder paste/solder used shall shall be identified on an assembly, as defined in 5.3. If used, the conformal coating used shall shall be identified on an assembly, per 5.4. If the PCB was previously marked with the applicable category for solders (see 5.3) and/or conformal coating (see 5.4) and the sequence written does not match the materials used during assembly, the PCBA shall be shall be remarked in accordance with 7.10. 7.2.1
Assembly Shipping Container Labeling
The label on the lowest assembly level shipping container shall shall contain the information applicable to the assembly marking. 7.3
Solder Category Marking Sequence
If two or more solder alloy categories are used the category of the solders used shall be shown in the following sequence: Reflow, wave and other. For repair materials, refer to 7.10. 7.4
The preferred location for marking the material categories on the board/assembly is on PCB layer 1 (topside) at the lower right-hand segment or next to the part/serial number on the board, or next to the company logo. The marking sequence shall shall be clearly identifiable and separate from other board markings. For instance, the marking sequence may be entirely within brackets or parentheses. See example in Figure 7-1. Alternative locations may be specified in procurement documentation. 7.5
The size of the mark is optional but shall be shall be legible to corrected, unmagnified vision. 7.6
The color for the ‘e’ and category number shall be shall be selected to provide sufficient contrast to be legible to corrected, unmagnified vision.
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The font style should be “Arial ,” “OCR“OCR- A” A” or equivalent. 7.8
The methods for marking of the board (e.g., screen print, etch, laser, label, modification of existing bar code, etc.) are optional but shall be shall be legible to corrected, unmagnified vision. 7.9
Marking Sequence
The sequence of marking, as required, shall be shall be as follows: a) base material slash sheet number (see 5.1) b) halogen-free (see 5.1.1) c)
PCB surface finish (see 5.2)
d) reflow, wave and other solders (see 5.3) e) conformal coating (if applicable, applicable, see 5.4)
Figure 7-1 shows an example of board/assembly markings. Examples: Multifunctional epoxy, halogen-free FR-4.1 laminate PCB with immersion silver (Ag) surface finish; assembly used tin-silver-copper (SnAgCu) solder for reflow and a tin (Sn) alloy with no bismuth (Bi) or zinc (Zn) excluding SnAgCu for wave attachment; no conformal coating. /95 HF b2 e1 e2
or /95-HF-b2-e1-e2
or /95/HF/b2/e1/e2
Halogen containing epoxy FR-4 laminate PCB with Pb-containing surface finish; assembled with Pb-containing solder; epoxy conformal coating. /99 b0 e0 ER
or /99-b0-e0-ER
or /99/b0/e0/ER
Figure 7-1 — Example of Board/Assembly Markings 7.10
Re-marking Changes in PCBA Materials
If changes, rework, or repair to assemblies are made with a material finish category code different than marked, then the marking sequence in 7.3 shall be shall be appended with the material code (See 7.3) for the rework or repair solder and/or conformal coating used.
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Marking and/or Labeling of Pb-Containing Components, PCBs, and PCB Assemblies
The use of any markings, labels, or symbols that contain the phrase “Pb-free” Pb-free” or the Pb-free symbol shown in Figure 4-2 for this section is prohibited. 8.1
Marking and Labeling of Components
Suppliers whose customers require labeling and marking to indicate Pb content in 2 nd level interconnect finishes and materials shall utilize shall utilize the Material Category code established in 5.3 nd (e0). The alternate 2 level interconnect component label as shown in Figure 4-3 shall be used unless the following information is included on the bar code (2D or linear) or other nearby label, in human readable form. 2 a) the words “2
level interconnect” or equivalent abbreviation
b) the appropriate materials category category from 5.3, and c)
the maximum component body temperature. nd
d) The 2 level interconnect component label applies only to components.
Marking and Labeling of PCBs
Suppliers whose customers require labeling and marking of PCBs to indicate Pb content in PCB surface finishes shall shall utilize the Material Category code(s) as established in 5.2 (b0). Solders to be used in assembly may be marked with category code (e0) on the PCB if specified by purchaser. 8.3
Marking and Labeling of PCB Assemblies
Suppliers whose customers require labeling and marking of the PCB assembly to indicate Pb content in assembly solders shall utilize shall utilize the Material Category code e0 as established in 5.3.
If the required information is included on another label, the use of the 2 level interconnect label becomes optional.
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Summary of Marking and Labeling Requirements
Table 9-1 summarizes the marking and labeling requirements detailed previously in this standard. Table 9-1 — Marking and Labeling Summary Item
Preferred Location
Marking or Labeling Content Requirements Required
Component Marking (Clause 6)
Component body, topside
- Material category for component terminal finish (terminal finish, bump or ball material) (5.3)
- Maximum component body temperature (3.12) -
Component Container Label (Clause 6)
Lowest level shipping container AND any “ESD”, “Dry Pack” or other bag or box within the shipping container
- Material category for component terminal finish (terminal finish, bump or ball material) (5.3) - Maximum component body temperature (3.12)
- Pb-free symbol or the phrase ‘Pb‘ Pbfree’ (4.2) nd - 2 Level Interconnect Component Label (4.3)
PCB Marking (7.1)
Topside, lower right-hand corner; or next to part/serial number or company logo
- PCB surface finish containing lead (Pb) (5.2) - Halogen-free mark [HF] if applicable (5.1.1) - Solders and conformal coating to be used by assembler if specified by purchaser
- IPC 4101 slashsheet number (5.1) - Pb-free PCB surface finish - Alternative IPC specification number if other than IPC4101
PCB Container Label (7.1.1)
Lowest level container holding PCBs
- Mark or label with the information applicable to the PCB
- Halogen-free mark [HF] if applicable (5.1.1)
PCBA Marking (7.2)
Topside, lower right-hand corner; or next to part/serial number, or company logo
- Mark with material category for assembly solder type(s) used (5.3) in the order of application (7.3) - Conformal Coating, if any (5.4)
PCBA Container Label (7.2.1)
Lowest level container holding PCBAs
Mark or label with the information applicable to the PCBA
Comments Space permitting
Sequence: Space permitting IPC spec. number, slashsheet no, [HF], PCB finish, solders, [conformal coating] (7.9)
Pb-free symbol marking or label cannot be used on PCBA if any PCB surface finish, solder or component terminal finish(terminal finish, bump or ball material) is not Pb-free (i.e.,<0.1% Pb, per 3.13)
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Annex A (informative) Example Alloys and Associated Material Codes Alloy Composition
Sn-2.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC205)
Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC305)
Sn-4.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC405)
Sn-3.8Ag-0.9Cu (SAC387)
SAC 305+0.05Ni+0.5In
Sn-3.5Ag + 0.05-0.25La
Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu + 0.019Ce
Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni + Ge (SN100C)
Sn- 58Bi
Sn- 57Bi-1.0Ag
Sn-0.3Ag-0.7Cu+Bi (SACX)
Sn-0.3Ag-0.7Cu+Bi+Ni+Cr (SACX)
Sn-1.0Ag-0.5Cu + 0.02Ti
Sn-1.2Ag-0.5Cu+0.05Ni (LF35)
Sn-1.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC105)
IPC/JEDEC Joint Standard J-STD-609B Page 15
Annex B Material Code Flow Chart
NOTE Additional markings beyond those listed above will be required per Section 7, clause 7.1 and and Section 8, clause 8.1
IPC/JEDEC Joint Standard J-STD-609B Page 16
Standard Improvement Form
The purpose of this form is to provide the Technical Committees of JEDEC with input from the industry regarding usage of the subject standard. Individuals or companies are invited to submit comments comments to JEDEC. All comments will be collected and dispersed to the appropriate committee(s) . If you can provide input, please complete this form and return to: JEDEC Attn: Publications Department th 3103 North 10 Street Suite 240 South Arlington, VA 22201-2107 1.
Fax: 703.907.7583
I recommend changes to the following: Requirement, clause number Test method number
Clause number
The referenced clause number has proven to be: Unclear Too Rigid In Error Other 2.
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Rev. 8/13