Team Motivational Videos Free Download4

January 7, 2009

To give you a boost for the year, we've updated our top 100 free motivational audio & video learning resources that we have featured on our site. For the past years we've featured a Monday Motivation email every week as part of our Free Resource of the Day Emails. From these resources we've selected the top 100 free motivational audio & video resources. You can check them all out by clicking the titles below. We've attempted to order them according the best of the best, but they are all highly motivational free resources to inspire you to greater health & wealth in all areas of your life. Also we now feature over 10,000 free audio & video learning titles in our free directory. You can check them all out here:

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Here are our Top 100 Motivational Free Resources:

1. I Have a Dream Audio and Video

From our first edition of the Free Resource of the Day e-mail we wanted to start out with a special one. One of our favorite free titles in the directory is Martin Luther King, Jr.'s classic 'I Have a Dream' speech. Delivered on August 28th, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., King's passionate call for justice and equality was the battle cry for the civil rights movement in America. Choose from an audio version of the speech from American Rhetoric or a video version from YouTube.

2. The Words of Christ: From the Book of Matthew

This audio book, released by isolates everything uttered by Christ in the gospel according to Matthew. Extracted from the narrative of the Bible, Christ's message is distilled to its core values. Simple in its language yet still potent in its ever-present challenge to humanity, this is as unfiltered of a view of the gospel as one might ever find. This recording is a wonderful opportunity to engage with the gospel from a new point of view. This audio book is available to download in multiple MP3 segments.

3. Steve Jobs Commencement Address at Stanford University

Steve Jobs delivered this commencement address at Stanford University and it's one of the more inspiring commencement addresses we've ever had a chance to hear. Jobs tells three stories of endurance through his education, his career, and his diagnosis with cancer, and through it all his advice is: 'Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.' This address is available on streaming video and video download from YouTube.

4. Zig Ziglar's Inspiring Words of Encouragement Podcast

There's not much motivational content on our site that can rival Zig Ziglar's Inspiring Words of Encouragement Podcast. Ziglar passed away at the age of 86 in 2012. His podcast includes over 250 individual podcast episodes from the audio archives of Zig Ziglar! Listen to podcasts on Wisdom, Hope, Faith, Gratitude, Overcoming Fear, Discipline and Commitment, Success, Emotions and Attitudes, Values, Persistence, Happiness, Goals, Positive Thinking, Relationships, Forgiveness, Sales Advice, Parental Wisdom, Ethical Leadership, Love and Romance, and we could go on and on and on. Each of the podcasts has a description below it, so it should be easy to pick out ones in the areas you need motivation. Listen to one of the greatest motivators of all time with over 5 years of podcasts from Zig Ziglar! Note: It may take a moment to load because the podcast feed is quite massive.

5. Stephen R. Covey on Living a Principle-Centered Life

Dr. Steven Covey passed away in 2012. He was the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and a few years back he gave an outstanding address at Montana State University on living a principally-centered life. He explains how those who live without principles tend to evaluate themselves according to what others think. He also encourages the incoming freshman he is addressing to not cram their studies in order to just get by in college, as that is a bad habit that Covey confesses he had which robbed him of much of the value of his early college education. This streaming video lecture is available on YouTube.

6. 50 Things I'm Going to Do Today
One of our all-time favorite audio downloads is 50 Things I'm Going to Do Today. Written and narrated by Brian Johnson, CEO of Zaadz, Inc., '50 Things' is a great collection of tips to live your life by. Ranging from 'Hit The Rock' and 'Pay Your Bills with a Smile' to 'Act 'As If' and 'Embrace Opposites,' you're in for a real treat if you haven't listened to this already. And if you have it's probably time for another listen. Enjoy!

7. Dalai Lama on Ethical Self-Awareness & Personal Transformation

In this free video from UCTV, His Holiness the Dalai Lama addresses a packed crowd at UC-Irvine on the topic of 'Ethical Self-Awareness & Personal Transformation'. With humor and humility the Dalai Lama speaks on the importance of awareness in overcoming anger and other negative emotions. This event is available on streaming video from YouTube. For over 75 talks and audio books by the Dalai Lama go to our Dalai Lama Audio & Video Page.

8. The Best of Steve Pavlina's Blog

Steve Pavlina's popular blog 'Personal Growth for Smart People' gets over 2 million visitors per month. Writing on topics as diverse as sleep optimization, natural food diets, relationships, and time management, Pavlina has displayed a fascinating willingness to adjust his lifestyle for the better. We've been avid readers of his blog for years and are excited to present his ideas on audio for the first time!

Our free audio book for May features six of his most popular blog posts of all time. Download this free 1-hour audio book as an introduction to his unique take on personal growth. Included in this free sampler program are audio renditions of these classic Pavlina blog postings: How to Discover Your Life Purpose, 30 Days to Success, How to Become an Early Riser, Ten Reasons Not to Get a Job, How to Decide When to End a Long-Term Relationship, and The Law of Attraction.

9. John Wooden on True Success

The legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden passed away in 2010 at the age of 99. Under Coach Wooden, UCLA won a record ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period. John Wooden left a legacy of leadership wisdom through his numerous books including his conception of 'the Pyramid of Success'. In this talk delivered at the TED conference a few years ago, Wooden talks about true success being the satisfaction of knowing you that put forth your utmost effort in the game despite whether you win or lose. He readily quotes poetry and other sources of his inspiration throughout his life. This 20-minute talk is loaded with wisdom from a lifetime of success, and it is available on streaming video and video download from

10. 1993 ESPY Award Address

Listen to this truly inspiring address by legendary American college basketball coach Jimmy Valvano, delivered just a few months before he died of cancer in 1993. Valvano encourages us to laugh, think, and cry everyday and to never give up which is the motto of The V Foundation which he established as a charitable organization dedicated to saving lives by helping to find a cure for cancer. This 13-minute speech is available on streaming video through YouTube and MP3 Download through American Rhetoric.

11. Time Management


Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch is best known for his talk 'The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams' which he gave while he had terminal cancer about a year before he passed away on July 25, 2008. After that lecture he gave another great lecture at the University of Virginia in November 2007 on 'Time Management'. Pausch clearly learned from the best when it came to time management and in this hour long talk he packs in advice on time management for almost every area of your life such as prioritizing tasks, managing meetings & phone calls, delegating assignments, dealing with email, and also taking time to say thank you. He ends the lecture with a poignant reminder that the more efficient you are the more you can spend time with the ones you love because some day you might wake up and find out you don't have much time left.

12. Tony Robbins Asks Why We Do What We Do

Self development expert Anthony Robbins speaks at the TED Conference on what motivates people. Robbins insists that he isn't a motivator, but instead he is out to find what motivates people and what is it that makes the difference in the quality of people's lives. He discusses briefly the core human needs that drive people. This talk is available on streaming video from Google Video.

13. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: PBS Special

Author and motivational speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer has been writing bestselling books for years and with many of his bestsellers he has done a PBS special sharing some of the ideas in his latest book. A few years back he wrote the book Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao which covered ideas in Lao-tzu's classic text, the Tao Te Ching. In his 'Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life' PBS Special, Dyer shares many of the ideas from the Tao Te Ching and how they impacted his life. While Dyer has always taught the importance of changing your thoughts to create change in your life, he explains how meditating on the Tao Te Ching clarified for him the new thoughts that one should be thinking. Watch this free PBS special available on YouTube.

14. How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Listen to this short motivational audio book by British author Arnold Bennett. Written in 1910 this manual for managing your time contains ways to not only increase your productivity but also improve the quality of your daily life. Bennett addresses white-collar workers who begrudgingly work the standard 40 hours per week and see little time for anything else. He points to ways people can take advantage of the extra time they have away from work to improve the quality of their lives. He suggests waking up earlier, reading or reflecting on the train to work (or in today's case listening to audio books during your commute!), and taking advantage of the evenings and weekend time to improve yourself through reflection, the arts, and literature. It is a great examination on how we use our time and it's only 1 Hr. 30 Min. long. It is well narrated by Mark F. Smith at

15. 25 Life Purpose Lessons from Sounds True

Sounds True has launched a wonderful new section of their site that features 25 Life Purpose Lessons to help you grow in your passions, your career, and your wealth in the coming year. With 5-15 minute audio lessons from Sounds True's best business & wealth teachers such as Rick Jarow, Mark Albion, John Mackey, Fred Kofman, and Vicki Robin, these 25 life lessons will propel you towards your goals with vision & motivation. Note: These exercises are streaming audio only and not downloadable.

16. Inside Personal Growth Podcast

Host Greg Voisen at has created over 200 podcasts interviewing top authors in the area of personal growth. Past interviews include: Brian Tracy, Byron Katie, Dan Millman, Daniel G. Amen, David Allen, Gary Zukav, Gay Hendricks, Guy Finley, Joan Borysenko, John Robbins, Lisa Nichols, Marshall Goldsmith, Michael Gerber, Ram Dass, Robin Sharma, Rick Hanson, Sharon Salzberg, Shawn Phillips, Sylvia Browne, Thomas Moore, Tony Alessandra, and many others. The podcast feed always has the latest 10 interviews and the entire archive of podcasts can be accessed on Enjoy these podcasts from this exceptional collection of personal growth author interviews.

17. Yes You Can

In this free downloadable audio program author and motivational speaker Jim Donovan demonstrates in dozens of ways how our thoughts become the outcomes of our life. Through positively shifting what our focus is we inevitably move toward our goals and become happier, healthier, and wealthier. This motivational program is available on MP3 digital download through

18. Millionaire Upgrade

Download this free audio book of wealth advice by Richard Parkes Cordock. Drawing off some of the ideas of Napoleon Hill's Think & Grow Rich and inspired by the true story of a flight with Sir Richard Branson, Millionaire Upgrade tells the story of man who gets on a plane and sits next to a self-made millionaire who lets him in on the secrets of his business success. The book contains entrepreneurship advice for anyone looking for something more than being a standard employee at a job they aren't passionate about. It's narrative structure provides for very enjoyable listening with key lessons emphasized along the way. This audio book is available to download for free from, and it's also available on MP3 audio download from the Millionaire MBA website. We've provided links to both on our page.

19. Tim Ferriss: Accelerated Learning in Accelerated Times

Watch this recent talk from Tim Ferriss, who is the bestselling author of The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body. Through his ongoing learning experiments, Ferriss has developed a method for learning things quickly. He encourages people to disregard conventional knowledge when it comes to learning just about anything as most conventional learning strategies are slow and ineffective. He describes the rapid methods he used to learn languages and to accomplish some of the physical feats he accomplished in his book The 4-Hour Body. He closes the talk with giving people the best behavioral techniques for carrying out his methods until your goals are accomplished. It's great condensed knowledge from accelerated learner Tim Ferriss. This talk was delivered at the Long Now Foundation and is available on streaming video from

20. I've Been to the Mountaintop

On April 4th, 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. The night before he was assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his prophetic 'I've Been to the Mountaintop' speech. In this stirring speech Dr. King looks back on his life and is thankful for all the positive changes in civil rights that occurred in his lifetime, and he is grateful to have lived in the second half of the 20th century when masses of people all over the world were standing up for freedom and human rights. Listen to this speech on streaming audio or download it on MP3 from American Rhetoric.

21. David Allen: Getting Things Done

In this Google Talk David Allen introduces some of the ideas in his bestselling book and time management system Getting Things Done. He provides advice on dealing with email, creating to-do lists, and getting into the right quadrant in order to get the most done. He includes many nuggets of wisdom from the decades he has spent studying and perfecting his system of time management. This 45-minute talk is available on streaming video on YouTube.

22. Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Self Reliance is perhaps Ralph Waldo Emerson's most famous essay. This version, narrated by Brian Johnson from Zaadz, is both thought-provoking and inspirational. Ralph Waldo Emerson pushes the listener to break free of the dependence on society and the masses of man and to rely solely upon oneself. Always pushing us to follow our own nature & intuition, Emerson denounces those who allow themselves to be victims of society or history. He wants great men to rise from the limitations of cultural institutions and stand as giants casting shadows over the ages. Throughout the essay there is wisdom loaded in every sentence and it can be listened to again and again. Download this free classic audio book on MP3 directly from

23. The Surprising Science of Motivation

Learn how to better motivate yourself and others in this recent popular TED Talk. In this talk writer Daniel H. Pink lays out the facts about what drives the best results in business. In study after study any work that requires creative problem solving does not benefit from external rewards such as money. Only mechanical tasks benefit when there is reward and punishment, but when creative solutions are required, workers are more motivated when they feel there is intrinsic value to what they are doing. Pink lays out some of the ways businesses have benefited by implementing policies to encourage the best in right brained, creative thinking. This talk is available on MP3 download and streaming video from

24. The Art of Original Thinking

Author Jan Phillips is currently offering her audio book The Art of Original Thinking: The Making of a Thought Leader for free on MP3 audio download directly through This unabridged 6-hour audio book sets out to inspire new thought leaders for the new global paradigm we are entering. She provides many insights from her own life and quotes other unique thought leaders to aid us in creatively thinking outside of the box. She also explores the new thinking that is emerging in the areas of business, politics, religion, the environment, and more. Download this free audio book generously offered by author Jan Phillips and feel free to check out her website:

25. Dr. John Ratey on Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

We all know exercise is great for the body, but in this lecture Dr. John Ratey talks about the many ways neuroscience is discovering how great exercise is for the brain. His book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain lays out the research and amazing case studies that show how exercise can improve brain function. In this 50-minute talk at Google Dr. Ratey summarizes his findings showing how exercise improves performance in schools and the workplace and its effectiveness at overcoming disorders like ADHD, depression, Alzheimer's, and more. Learn the latest findings on exercise and the brain with bestselling author and renowned psychiatrist John J. Ratey.

26. Introduction to Your Mind: Two Guided Meditations

Before you plunge into action, start things off with these two free guided meditations. They were published by Mi Ka El Mindchanger through our TeachOutLoud self-publishing tool. Through these two 10-minute meditations Mi Ka El leads you through the practice of mindfulness meditation with insights on how to transcend your thoughts & feelings and come into awareness of your true Self. These excellent meditations can be downloaded on MP3 through and listened to again and again. Thanks Mi Ka El for this great free resource!

27. Quotations of Mahatma Gandhi

Listen to these humble words of wisdom from Mahatma Gandhi. This inspiring audio title from features quotes from Gandhi on his various methods of living out his quest for truth. These quotes are well narrated by Michael Scott and available on MP3 Download.

28. Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation

In this hour-long talk delivered at Google, author and brain researcher Dr. Daniel Siegel explains his definition of the what the mind is. He takes us on a quick overview of the functions of the brain, from the spinal cord all the way up to the prefrontal cortex where he argues that the uniqueness of humans stems from. From his research and experience Siegel lays out nine integral functions of this part of the brain including reflective awareness, empathy, morality, and more. He then talks about his discovery of mindfulness and how the practice of mindfulness cultivates all these functions of the middle prefrontal brain. Dr. Siegel expresses his hope that along with reading, writing, and arithmetic, the 4th of reflection would be taught in education to help cultivate mindfulness and healthy brain function. This talk is available from Google and can be watched on YouTube.

29. Dan Buettner: How to Live to Be 100+

Dan Buettner talks about the findings of his team as they studied the world's 'Blue Zones,' communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. He talks about a culture in Okinawa where the elderly were seen as the peak of society and they don't have a concept such as retirement. There they stay in close knit communities and have a strong sense of purpose, they make it a rule to eat only up to the point that they are 80% full, and they have physical activity built into their everyday lives. In America one of the communities that lives the longest are a group of Seventh Day Adventists in Southern California who take a whole day every week to worship God, to be in nature, and to socialize within their faith-based communities. For more tips on living to 100 definitely listen to this talk from TEDxTC available on streaming video and MP3 audio download.

30. John F. Kennedy Inauguration Speech 1961

50 years ago, on January 20th, 1961, John F. Kennedy was inaugurated as the 35th President of the United States and he delivered his famous Inauguration Speech encouraging Americans to: 'Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country'. This 13-minute speech confronted the Cold War, and Kennedy called for Americans and all global citizens to take responsibility for the freedom of mankind. At a time when the threat of nuclear war was looming, President Kennedy called for a new generation to rise up and seek peace while at the same time be willing to fight to defend freedom. It's an inspiring speech delivered at a precarious time in our nation's history. It's available on streaming video courtesy of C-SPAN on YouTube and on MP3 download from

31. Alpha Break

Listen to this free 12 Min. MP3 download offered by Effective Learning Systems. This spoken word program is designed to put listeners in a relaxed state both mentally and physically. It can be used again and again at any time during the day. Download this free MP3 from

32. Monday Again?!: Four Essentials For A Healthy Lifestyle

Start your week with this free audio book titled Monday Again?!: Four Essentials For A Healthy Lifestyle by Marquese Martin-Hayes. In the 1-hour book Marquese lays out strategies to use thinking in order to change our perspective on Mondays and on everyday. Marquese published this titles through our TeachOutLoud service. It's a very good listen.

33. Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn

Watch this popular talk with Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Full Catastrophe Living and many other books on the benefits of mindfulness. In this talk at Google Kabat-Zinn discusses what mindfulness meditation is and then he leads the group on a mindfulness meditation practice where he provides guidance into the practice. After the meditation is over he fields questions about the experience and covers things such as the issue of falling asleep and much more. This talk is 1 Hr. 15 Min. and is available on streaming video through YouTube.

34. 21 Meditation Exercises from Sounds True

Learn how to meditate! Our good friends at the publisher Sounds True recently launched a section of their site which is their Guide to Meditation, designed for people who have heard about meditation but don't know where to begin. The site features 21 free streaming audio meditations from many of Sounds True's best teachers including Shinzen Young, Adyashanti, Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodron, and more.

35. SermonIndex Classics Podcast

Listen to these podcasts from SermonIndex. These podcasts cover many aspects of Christianity and Christian Living, including sermons from Jim Cymbala, David Wilkerson, Zac Poonen, Keith Green, A.W. Tozer, Duncan Campbell, Ian Paisley, Leonard Ravenhill, and many other popular preachers from throughout the 20th century. For more free classic sermons check out the offerings we feature from

36. Jill Bolte Taylor's Stroke of Insight

In this moving talk delivered at the TED conference, brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor provides a first-person account of her own stroke and the experience of losing control of her bodily functions as well the functions of the left side of her brain. Instead of it being a painful or frightening experience, she said the stroke put her in a intense state of bliss and nirvana. Sharing this experience became her motivation for recovery. This talk is available on streaming video and MP3 download from the website.

37. Change Nation Podcast

The Change Nation Podcast features interviews with leading experts and inspirational speakers about ways individuals can make positive changes in their personal and professional lives. Host Ariane De Bonvoisin talks with authors and speakers such as Les Brown, Gay Hendricks, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Tim Ferriss, Jack Canfield, Mike Dooley, David Bach, and dozens of other great teachers of change. Topics covered include getting orgranized, starting a business, finding a job, nurturing a relationship, getting fit, eating right, and much, much more. Ariane is an excellent host and many recent interviews are available as both audio & video podcasts.

38. UCSF Mini Medical School Audio Podcast

In this series from the University of California, San Francisco, faculty members and other nationally-recognized experts give the latest findings on a variety of health and medical related topics. Topics include 'Fad Diets: Do They Really Work?', 'Nutrition in a Bottle: A Scientific Review of Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements', 'The Biology of Depression: How Stress Affects the Brain and the Body', 'Staying in the Now: Maintaining Mental Health Through Mindfulness', 'The Science of Healthy Aging: Living Better Not Just Longer', 'Back Pain and its Management: Myths and Misconceptions', and many more interesting lectures. Learn the latest in medical research from the University of California, San Francisco with these audio podcasts.

39. Martin Seligman on Positive Psychology

In this TED talk Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology and the author Authentic Happiness and Learned Optimism, looks at ways healthy people can lead happier, more engaged, and more meaningful lives. While Seligman acknowledges that psychology has done a pretty good job over the past 50 years of making miserable people feel less miserable, he shows that there is a whole other realm of positive psychology which he and a group of other psychologists are only beginning to study. Seligman tells some of his findings on what contributes to healthy states of mind and what fosters genius. Going beyond the conventional, pleasure-seeking form of happiness, Seligman points to practices that truly give life meaning. This talk is available on streaming video and MP3 audio download from

40. The Masters of The Secret Podcast

This podcast features conversations with teachers that were featured in the movie The Secret. Bill Harris, director of the Centerpointe Research Institute, conducts the conversations which cover the spiritual and practical applications of the law of attraction by the teachers that are interviewed. The teachers included in this podcast so far are John Assaraf, Hale Dwoskin, Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield, Dr. Michael Beckwith, Lisa Nichols, and James Ray. Start your week with these inspirational talks!

41. Meditatio Talks (Meditation Talks): To the Monks of Gethsemani Abbey

Offered by Medio Media and The World Community for Christian Meditation, these are talks delivered by Fr. Laurence Freeman O.S.B. to the Monks of Gethsemani Abbey. In the eight talks featured in this title Fr. Freeman discusses Christian meditation and how to remain in a prayerful state at all times. This free title was published through our TeachOutLoud service and it is available on MP3 download directly through

42. Six Nightingale-Conant Self Development Podcasts

Download hundreds of podcast episodes from six new podcasts offered by the world leader in personal development since 1960: Nightingale-Conant. Each podcast covers a specific area of growth for your personal and professional life. And Nightingale-Conant has provided each podcast with a specific title and description so you can find exactly the podcasts you are looking for. Here they are with some descriptions of each podcast:

Mind and Body by Podcast - On this podcast you'll learn from world-renowned experts about ways to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. Teachers on this podcast include Luanne Oakes, Ph.D., author and inventor Doug Hall, American psychiatrist Gerald Epstein, and many other mind/body experts.

Wealth Building by Podcast - Wealth wisdom from popular authors such as Joe Vitale, Dr. Dolf de Roos, Napoleon Hill, David Bach, Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, Robert Kiyosaki, Robert G. Allen, and other teachers with tips for building wealth.

Spiritual Growth by Podcast - Nourish your soul and energize your spirit with the wisdom of respected spiritual teachers such as Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden, Byron Katie, Marianne Williamson, Stuart Wilde, Debbie Ford, Sonia Choquette, Richard Carlson, Dan Millman, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Deepak Chopra, Joan Borysenko, and more.

Business Strategy by Podcast - Get the edge in business with top strategies from authors like Jay Abraham, Jay Conrad Levinson, Michael E. Gerber, Roger Dawson, Seth Godin, and other leading business speakers.

Sales Training by Podcast - Boost your sales and learn some of the most effective strategies and techniques ever developed for prospecting, relationship building, negotiating, closing, increasing referrals and more. This podcast features advice from teachers like Zig Ziglar, Jeffrey J. Fox, Roger Dawson, Brian Tracy, and other sales leaders.

Personal Development by Podcast - Master the critical skills of time management, communication, self-discipline, attitude and more, under the guidance of Earl Nightingale, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Vic Conant, Jim Rohn, Stephen Covey, Jack Canfield, Roger Love, Tony Alessandra, Denis Waitley, Marc Victor Hansen, and many, many more great authors. Note: This podcast is massive with 300 podcasts on the feed, but for some reason only four podcast episodes are showing on our site. Click through on the feed or over to iTunes to see all the podcasts for this one.

Enjoy this great collection of podcasts from a personal growth company with 50 years experience: Nightingale-Conant!

43. Eckhart Tolle on Living with Meaning, Purpose, and Wisdom in the Digital Age

Spiritual teacher and Power of Now author Eckhart Tolle visited Google headquarters last week to give a talk entitled 'Living with Meaning, Purpose and Wisdom in the Digital Age'. In this 90-minute conversation with Google's Bradley Horowitz, Tolle talks about technology and the Internet. While he feels no technology is good or evil in itself, Tolle is concerned that our digital age is ramping up the 'doing' and 'thinking' mind at the expense of paying attention to 'being' in the present moment. He provides many helpful suggestions to take time out for 'being' for anyone that spends a lot of time at the computer and on the internet. At the end of the talk he fields questions from Google employees. This talk is available on streaming video through YouTube.

44. A Peaceful Warrior Brings His Zaadz to Life: Brian Johnson Chats with Dan Millman

In this special interview Entheos Academy Founder Brian Johnson chats with Way of the Peaceful Warrior author Dan Millman. The discussion is around finding your life's purpose and finding ways to get paid doing what you love. Brian and Dan share many stories about their path including a number of the setbacks they experienced along the way. Dan talks about the many teachers he has had including the person he met which is the character of 'Socrates' in his book Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Enjoy this free conversation exclusively on

45. Inside Out Weight Loss Podcast

Listen to this podcast from Personal Life Media hosted by leading diet and weight-loss coach Renee Stephens. Renee features dozens of podcasts on her feed and she encourages listeners to start with the first podcast which covers her personal story of how she overcame compulsive overeating along with the methods of weight loss she'll be using in the podcast. Instead of focusing on a diet plan or what you should or shouldn't be eating or doing, Renee focuses on transforming the mind so that you can in turn transform your body. Using techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy, and Positive Psychology, Renee teaches listeners how to lose weight from the 'inside out'.

46. Change your Mind, Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions for Authentic Happiness

French Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard talks about his interesting life in which he left his career as a scientist after getting a Ph.D. degree in molecular genetics and he went to practice Tibetan Buddhism in the Himalayas. He talks about the Tibetan Buddhist practices for achieving happiness. Since his 35 years of practicing as a Buddhist monk he has returned to the science of the mind and the brain to study happiness and presents many of the recent scientific findings. This hour-long Google Talk is available on streaming video from YouTube.

47. Change Your Life with Cheryl Richardson Podcast

Listen to these podcasts hosted by inspiring author and life skills coach Cheryl Richardson as she talks with other personal growth experts on ways to change your life for the better. In more recent podcasts (which are on the bottom of the podcast feed on our page) she talks with Iyanla Vanzant about her remarkable life, Julia Cameron about the challenge of creativity and writing, and Geneen Roth about the new outlook on food which she conveys in her bestselling book Women Food and God. In past episodes you can listen to, she interviews Dr. Joan Borysenko, Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Louise Hay, Debbie Ford, Natalie Goldberg, Harville Hendrix, and many others. Listen to some of these great interviews on how to change your life.

48. Dan Ariely: The Upside of Irrationality

Use irrationality to help you overcome bad habits and achieve your goals. Behavioral economist Dan Ariely's bestselling book Predictably Irrational showed how people frequently make irrational decisions regarding their health, their spending habits, and much more. In this lecture Ariely talks about his latest book The Upside of Irrationality where he shows the negative and positive effects of irrationality and how we can use irrational means towards our own rational objectives. He tells of experiments and examples where irrational incentives were used to help fight global warming, to motivate people to take care of their health, and to prevent people from texting while they're driving. It's one of the most fun lectures we've watched to all year.

49. Herbert Benson: The Relaxation Revolution

Learn about the science behind the beneficial effects of mind/body relaxation! Dr. Herbert Benson is an American cardiologist, a bestselling author on health and well-being, and the founder of the Mind/Body Medical Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. In this talk Dr. Benson discusses his latest book Relaxation Revolution which details the science behind the benefits of relaxation practices such as meditation, yoga, and repetitive prayer. While traditional medicine focuses on surgery and medication, Dr. Benson explains that more and more studies are showing the significance of stress and the importance of relaxation when it comes to holistic mind/body health.

50. Wealth Wisdom Podcast

Listen & subscribe to LearnOutLoud's Wealth Wisdom Podcast where we showcase classic wisdom on business & finance from many wealth & success classics. To start off with we're offering Benjamin Franklin's The Way to Wealth, which is an essay written by Franklin that contains a condensed collection of the wealth advice he had presented in Poor Richard's Almanac during its first 25 years of publication.

51. Dr. William Dement on Healthy Sleep and Optimal Performance

Dr. William Dement is one of the leading authorities on sleep, sleep deprivation, and sleep disorders. In the 1950s he was part of the sleep research team that discovered REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and connected it to dreaming. Since then he has founded the Sleep Research Center at Stanford University and authored numerous papers and books on sleep, and he teaches one of Stanford's most popular courses called 'Sleep and Dreams'.
In this one hour talk at Google, Dr. Dement presents many of the findings he has made throughout his career. He talks about studies that reveal that healthy sleep is key to high-level performance and productivity, and that the sleep debt of numerous nights without enough sleep causes significant reduction in the quality of performance of physical and mental activities. Dr. Dement also speaks about sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy. Learn more about something you do everyday with this enjoyable talk on sleep.

52. John Selby: Tapping The Source Videos

Start your week with some free, short video meditations from personal & spiritual growth author John Selby. On his YouTube channel Selby has added over a dozen videos that introduce you to his mindfulness techniques. In recent videos he introduces his latest book Tapping the Source which has also been made into a movie featuring dozens of self help authors. The book elaborates on the ideas of Charles F. Hanel and his classic self help manual The Master Key System. You can check out more from Selby here: John Selby Audio. Enjoy these free videos from John Selby. We've posted a few of the best meditations to our page and the rest can be viewed on YouTube.

53. The New Psychology of Depression

From Oxford University comes this 3-hour series covering 'The New Psychology of Depression'. Dr. Danny Penman and Professor Mark Williams (co-authors of the book Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World) discuss the global health problem of depression and the current methods for treating it including medication and therapy. They then discuss Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) which Professor Williams co-developed. They describe what MBCT is and the success that it has had in preventing relapse of depression in the many studies that have been conducted throughout the world. Anyone who has experienced depression or knows someone who has should listen to this great series on the latest information about treating depression. Note: To play the podcasts click the Download File links.

54. Overcoming Life's Disappointments

Start your week off with this talk from Rabbi Harold Kushner, the author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Rabbi Kushner discusses one of his latest books Overcoming Life's Disappointments. He uses stories of Moses to illustrate ways of confronting moments in our lives which don't live up to our dreams. He emphasizes that without failures we can't really have successes, and that those who fail to have disappointments in life are often those who failed to try to realize their dreams. This talk is available on streaming video through

55. Interviews Podcast
Listen to the Interviews Podcast with host & founder of Robert Stuberg. Podcasts include Brian Tracy discussing 'Million Dollar Habits', Michael Gelb discussing his book Discover Your Genius, and many other interviews with success industry leaders. Get motivated and inspired with these free audio interviews.

56. J.K. Rowling Speaks at the 2008 Harvard Commencement

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling delivers some wise words of wisdom during her Harvard Commencement address in 2008 which she entitled 'The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination'. She talks about how failure in her life after a divorce and when she was living in poverty helped her to eliminate everything that wasn't most important to her. And she talks about what she learned of human good and evil in her work for Amnesty International. She points out how fortunate the graduates of Harvard are and encourages them to succeed and fail and live rich lives.

57. Mental Efficiency

Listen to this audio book on how to exercise one's mind for maximum efficiency. English novelist Arnold Bennett uses his wit to convey how we work hard at the up keep of our physical bodies, while we often do little to workout our minds. He gives examples of ways to give the mind a workout. He also features essays that explore the presentation of self, breaking free from the past, relationships and marriage, and how to achieve success. This audio book is well narrated by Ruth Golding at Librivox who has a lovely British accent. It has a running time of 3 Hrs. and is available on MP3 download.

58. The Perils of Indifference

In this speech, holocaust survivor, author, and activist Elie Wiesel speaks of indifference as the worst possible response to atrocities that have occurred throughout the 20th century and continue to occur. Speaking before President Clinton, he denounces indifference of American leaders with the knowledge they had of the holocaust during the war. At the end he points to signs of hope that the world is no longer allowing indifference as a response to crimes against humanity.

59. AM Focus

Listen to this 13-minute visualization & relaxation process for focusing in the morning from Dr. Patrick Porter. Dr. Porter guides you through positive affirmations for your day. Combined with soothing music, this audio program is a great way to begin your week. This free audio download was published through our TeachOutLoud service and is available on MP3 download through

60. Authors@Google: Dr. Mark Hyman

Dr. Mark Hyman has written a series of books focused on optimal health such as Ultraprevention, Ultrametabolism, and his latest The UltraMind Solution. In this talk delivered at Google, Dr. Hyman talks about The UltraMind Solution and how to look at brain & mind health through the lens of the health of the whole body. While many psychiatrists like to have one medication for a disease (such as Prozac for depression), Dr. Hyman argues that these diseases need to be looked at in a personalized and all-encompassing way. First the symptoms need to be evaluated and then all of the possible causes of these symptoms need to be considered. He focuses a lot on how diet & nutrition affect the mind & body and how improving the health of the body can lead to an UltraMind! This talk is available on streaming video from YouTube.

61. Brendon Burchard Video Presentations

Brendon Burchard is the founder of Experts Academy which teaches people how to share their expertise and get their message out there, and earn money while doing so. He has authored Life's Golden Ticket and his latest bestselling book that just came out is The Millionaire Messenger: Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice. On his website, Brendon offers a lot of free video presentations and he currently includes a free 12-minute walk through of a chapter from his book which contains 10 steps on how to become a Millionaire Messenger. In other videos he shares inspiring stories including talking about the near fatal car accident he was in when he was 19 years old that turned his life around. Brendon Burchard has worked closely with personal growth guru Tony Robbins, and he's got a very dynamic way of presenting his advice. Watch some of his videos today!

62. Jason Fried: Why Work Doesn't Happen at Work

37signals co-founder and Rework author Jason Fried makes some provocative suggestions regarding why work doesn't get done in the workplace. He suggests that interruptions are the key component contributing to the lack work accomplished in the workplace and that managers and meetings are to blame. He relates the stage of work to the stages of sleep and in order to get the best work done one needs to go through these stages without interruption. This talk was delivered at the TEDxMidwest Conference and is available on streaming video and MP3 audio download.

63. A Conversation with Anthony Robbins

Watch this hour-long Charlie Rose interview with motivational speaker Anthony Robbins. In this interview Charlie Rose seeks to understand what makes Tony Robbins tick and how he has been able to motivate millions of people to make positive changes in their lives. Robbins provides answers about what drives him and also what drives most people in their everyday lives. He covers the importance of certainty, spontaneity, contribution, and love in creating a meaningful life and achieving one's goals. Charlie Rose asks Tony some tough questions and Tony responds confidently about his life's work. This interview is available on streaming video through

64. Zencast

Zencast has been offering Zen Buddhism teachings on podcast for many years now and the great thing is they've kept all their podcasts up on their feed so each of them can still be downloaded. Included on this feed is an unabridged recording of the key Buddhist text The Dhammapada translated and read by Zencast host Gil Fronsdal. Fronsdal also teaches a five part 'Introduction to Meditation' class. Other frequent speakers on Zencast include Thich Nhat Hanh and Eckhart Tolle. Latest on the feed is a Mindfulness Meditation Course. These podcasts are essential listening for anyone looking to learn more about Zen Buddhism.

65. Karen Armstrong: 12 Steps to a Compassionate Life

Comparative religion author Karen Armstrong talks about her latest book Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life in this talk delivered at the New York Public Library. Armstrong cites the 'golden rule' as a central tenet to all the major world religions and argues that compassion needs to be at the forefront of all religious practice in our globalized and interconnected world. She emphasizes that compassion is not pity and that true compassion requires action and also practice. She gives some of the steps in her book which is a self help manual of sorts for people who wish to live more compassionately. During the Q&A Armstrong discusses her own current religious beliefs. This talk is available on streaming video from

66. Do What You Fear & Grow Stronger

Download this free 13-minute podcast by Project Management trainer & author Michael Greer. In this podcast Michael Greer begins with some quotes on overcoming fear and the importance of facing your fears. He tells a personal story of how he went from singing in the shower to singing for a rock band as a teenager, and the various steps he took to overcoming his fear of singing in front of a crowd. He also relates these methods of tackling fear to leadership & management and the ways leaders can encourage their teams to overcome fear.

67. Law of Attraction Podcast

Listen to this podcast from Exceptional Wisdom Radio featuring interviews with teachers of the Law of Attraction popularized in the book and the movie The Secret. In this podcast you'll hear an interview with contributor to The Secret and bestselling author Mike Dooley as he discusses the system he calls 'The Matrix' which reveals the interconnectedness of your dreams and how they flow together. Also on the podcast is another contributor to The Secret, Joe Vitale, who tells of how he went from being a homeless man in Dallas to a bestselling personal growth author with titles such as The Attractor Factor and Expect Miracles. There are over 20 other podcasts on the feed covering the Law of Attraction. And if you like this podcast check out over 250 podcast episodes from all the different shows on Exceptional Wisdom Radio on their massive personal growth podcast: Exceptional Wisdom Radio Podcast.

68. Dare to Live Without Limits: The 10 Basic Principles

Bryan Golden, author of the book Dare to Live Without Limits, offers his ten basic principles for living a limitless life. These principles are:

# You are what you think about
# Set goals
# Plan how to reach your goals
# All we have is today
# Never ever give up
# Education never ends
# Control your own emotions
# Guard your time
# Have an attitude of gratitude
# What you project you receive

In this 15 minute MP3 download, Golden provides the detailed advice and motivation about these ten principles. This title was created and offered for free through our TeachOutLoud service. For more information about the book Dare to Live Without Limits visit

69. Escape Self-Absorption through Positive Emotions

Barbara Fredrickson is a social psychologist and researcher on positive emotions. Her recent book Positivity details her research in the area of positive emotions and in this talk Fredrickson defines and describes the positive emotions which she studies and the greater impact they have on health and social relations. Moving past the fight or flight psychology of negative emotions such as anxiety, she discusses her broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions which broaden one's awareness and encourage novel, varied, and exploratory thoughts and actions. This talk is available on streaming video Boston University's BUniverse website and if you like it there are a number of other videos on the site with Professor Fredrickson.

70. Authors@Google: Dean Karnazes on Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days

In this inspirational talk ultramarathon man Dean Karnazes speaks about his book 50/50 in which he writes about his experience of running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days. Karnazes tells motivational stories from his experience and the ups and downs that he faced. In the Q&A he gives info about his weekly running and workout routine, what he eats on a daily basis, and many other fascinating tidbits about his mega endurance. Asked what he does while he's running for so long, he responds that he listens to music, dictates his writings into a voice recorder, and listens to audio books! For anyone pursuing goals, this is a great motivational talk that will help you to seek to defy your limitations. The 45-minute talk was delivered at Google and is available on streaming video from YouTube.

71. A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis

If you've ever been interested in hypnotizing yourself, this audio book might be a good place to start. This book by Melvin Powers covers the history and applications of self-hypnosis. The book purports to explain how self-hypnosis can alleviate distressing symptoms, substitute strong responses for weak responses, help overcome bad habits, create good habits, and help one's power of concentration. Find out for yourself how effective self-hypnosis is. This book is adequately narrated by Andrea Fiore and is available on MP3 download from

72. The Jillian Michaels Show Podcast

Personal trainer Jillian Michaels is best known for being a trainer on the TV show The Biggest Loser where she pushes obese people to lose a significant amount of weight. This is a podcast of Jillian's radio show where she talks about a number of topics related to diet & nutrition along with health & fitness. She also provides some personal growth and motivational advice. In these 45-minute shows she talks off the cuff with another host named Janice and the shows are entertaining and informative. The last 15 minutes of the show she answers questions from callers. Enjoy these podcasts from this popular personal trainer.

73. Jack Kornfield's Dharma Talks

Listen to dharma talks by Buddhist meditation teacher Jack Kornfield offered through On the Dharma Seed website you can stream and download any of the 50 talks and we also feature the latest to stream and download on our page. In recent talks Kornfield discusses lovingkindness, the importance of joy in spiritual practice, and the freedom from attachment. He tells many wise stories throughout the talks. They're all available on streaming audio and MP3 download from

We've also added a handful of other teachers who have dharma talks on

And they even offer a few Dharma Talks from our friend: Dr. Dan Siegel

74. The Steve Chandler Podcast

For motivational success coaching check out The Steve Chandler Podcast, which features book excerpts and interviews from Steve Chandler on improving relationships, creating wealth, and managing business. Chandler narrates his audio books and their sound quality is professional. Download this podcast on MP3 today.

75. Alain de Botton: A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success

In this talk at TEDGlobal philosopher Alain de Botton looks at the contemporary notion of success and why he feels it is such a source of anxiety for so many people. He finds that in today's world the appearance of equality, such as Bill Gates dressing just like everybody else, makes most people feel they too can be rich & successful. He also relates contemporary success to the meritocracy that exists today when people are made to feel that they own their successes and failures. And he looks at how failure is treated today by referencing the tabloids that often portray failures without any empathy, whereas in past societies tragedy was often used to encourage empathy of people that might've failed at something. Ultimately Alain de Botton encourages you to try to not live according to the models of success around you, but to instead make success your own! An excellent TED talk available on streaming video and MP3 download.

76. Dr. Deepak Chopra on Spiritual Solutions

Author Deepak Chopra recently stopped by at Google and gave this talk on his latest book Spiritual Solutions. The thesis of his book is that no problem can be solved at the level of awareness in which it was created. In this hour-long talk he discusses some of the ways we can overcome contracted awareness and enter the realm of spiritual solutions. The last half of the talk he answers questions about being overwhelmed with global problems, remote viewing, and near-death experiences.

77. Get-It-Done Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More Podcast

The Get-It-Done Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less Podcast offers weekly ideas on how to enhance productivity. Whether you are trying to organize your desk, want help prioritizing your workload, or need advice on how to fit in exercise time, these podcasts offer clever solutions to everyday obstacles. The host delivers his valuable insight with a snappy sense of humor and a knack for finding clear solutions that you can begin applying immediately to your work and life.

78. Dr. Dean Ornish on Healing

In this talk from the TED conference, holistic healing physician Dr. Dean Ornish prescribes easy and effective ways that you can prevent heart disease and other illnesses through changes in lifestyle and diet. He also points to the numerous ways in which diet and exercise can actually help to treat existing illnesses including cancer. Dr. Ornish addresses carbohydrates and fats and their relation to the obesity epidemic in America, along with ways people can lose weight and still be healthy. This talk is full of great pointers for improving your health. It is available on MP3 download and streaming video from

79. Worrying Well: How Your Brain Can Turn Anxiety and Stress Into Calmness and Confidence

In this audio & video presentation from UCTV Martin L. Rossman, MD takes a look at good worry and bad worry and the stress and anxiety bad worry can cause. He examines what is going on in the brain with these emotions and how we can use the power of the healing mind to reduce stress and anxiety. At the end he leads the group on a guided imagery meditation for reducing stress. This talk is available on MP3 download from the UCTV website and on streaming video from YouTube.

80. The Skinny on Obesity

For great motivation on losing weight, watch this new series from UCTV Prime called 'The Skinny on Obesity'. This 7-episode series (lasting one hour total) features Dr. Robert Lustig and two of his UCSF colleagues who look at the obesity epidemic and what has been driving it in the last 30 years. Dr. Lustig's previous UCTV video Sugar: The Bitter Truth went viral and has received over 2.5 million views to date.

In this new series Lustig's message is presented in an even clearer and more powerful way with the help of animations and documentary footage. He presents the science of obesity, debunking the idea that 'a calorie is a calorie' and showing how the massive increase in fructose and sugar into our daily diets has led to a skyrocketing obesity epidemic which contributes to our most common diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. These short videos explain how sugar consumption and obesity have now become a major public health concern in the same way that drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol are through their unavoidability, toxicity, abuse, and negative impact on society. A must-watch from UCTV!

81. Oprah Winfrey's 2008 Stanford Commencement Address

Motivational Videos In Tamil

Oprah Winfrey packs as much advice as she can into this 30 minute Commencement Address which she gave to the Stanford graduating class of 2008. Through stories in her own life, she relays life lessons like: 'Grow into being more of yourself', 'Listen to your gut', 'If it doesn't feel right don't do it', 'If you're not sure what to do, get still', 'If you struggling, then help others who are struggling'. And there are many more lessons relayed here in Oprah's wonderful speech.

82. Letting Go with Guy Finley Podcast

From Contact Talk Radio comes the Letting Go with Guy Finley Podcast featuring hour-long talks with speaker and best-selling author Guy Finley. Focusing on spiritual and emotional development, Guy Finley touches on issues which affect us all: relationships, fear, addiction, stress/anxiety, peace, happiness, and freedom. Listen to over a dozen podcasts from Guy Finley on the Letting Go with Guy Finley Podcast.

83. Extraordinary Leadership is exclusively offering a free audio book to you by Robin Sharma, author of the bestselling book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. The title they're offering is called Extraordinary Leadership, and this inspirational program is aimed at bringing out the leader in all of us. Sharma fills this audio book with anecdotes and words of wisdom regarding what it takes to be a great leader in all aspects of life. Extraordinary Leadership is available from on audio download.

84. 23 Intuitive Development Exercises from Sounds True

Listen to 23 Intuitive Development Exercises from Sounds True. In these exercises you'll hear teachers such as Judith Orloff, Caroline Myss, Cyndi Dale, Laura Alden Kamm, and many more. These teachers cover what intuition is and how you can further develop it. Note: These exercises are streaming audio only and not downloadable.

85. The Game of Life and How to Play It

This free audio book download from Librivox is a self help classic. Florence Scovel Shinn was a New Thought spiritual teacher and in this book she teaches of the game of giving and receiving. With chapters on prosperity, love, karma, intuition, and more, she teaches how to apply the game of life to these areas. Throughout the book she gives real life examples of these principles in action. This 3-hour audio book is available on MP3 download from Librivox!

Free download motivational videos inspirational

86. Mindfulness as a Foundation for Health

Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh recently led a 3-hour workshop on mindfulness at the Googleplex and this entire workshop can be viewed on YouTube. After about an hour of music and introductions, Thich Nhat Hanh gives a talk and answers questions for two hours. He provides many insights of how people can incorporate mindfulness into their daily lives from walking to eating to washing the dishes. Listen to the wisdom of 85-year-old monk Thich Nhat Hanh and his message of mindfulness and peace.

87. Leading at Google: Tony Hsieh on Delivering Happiness

Tony Hsieh is the CEO of the online shoe retailer and the author of the recent book Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose.. He spoke at Google on his book and the ways he has made Zappos one of the top rated places to work in the U.S. along with delivering some of the best customer service of any company. From their unconventional hiring methods to developing their unique corporate culture, Tony Hsieh shows how he grew Zappos to become an online retail giant that was bought in 2009 by for $1.2 billion. Hsieh also gives insights into his studies of the science of happiness and how he applied his findings to his business. Whether you're a business leader or a regular employee, learn how you can create happiness in the workplace and deliver happiness to your customers. This Google Talk is available on streaming video from YouTube.

88. The Chopra Center for Wellbeing Podcast

From the The Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California comes this podcast featuring a number of high quality meditations. The podcast of guided meditations is typically hosted by davidji, the master Chopra Center educator. He leads meditations complete with soothing sounds and music. In one podcast Deepak Chopra leads a Global Peace Meditation and Lecture. Listen to these soothing podcasts from The Chopra Center.

89. Theatre of the Mind Podcast

Listen to this podcast on the mind and many aspects of consciousness. Host Kelly Howell (creator of has interviewed over 100 guests since she started podcasting in 2006. In more recent interviews she talks with Peter A. Levine on 'Healing Trauma' and James S. Gordon, M.D. who talks about 'Healing Depression' and 'Getting Unstuck'.

Past interviews include Caroline Myss, Michael Gelb on 'Wine Drinking for Creative Thinking', Colin Tipping on 'Radical Forgiveness', Richard Bandler who is the co-developer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Michael Bernard Beckwith on 'Spiritual Liberation', Dan Millman on 'The Life You Were Born to Live', Gary Renard on 'The Disappearance of the Universe', Dr. Gay Hendricks on 'Five Wishes', Byron Katie on 'Four Questions to Change Your Life', Gregg Braden on 'The Divine Matrix', Bruce Lipton on 'How Beliefs Control Biology', and many other self help authors. Kelly Howell proves to be a good interviewer for this large collection of authors who focus on the mind and the body and where consciousness is headed. Download some of these interviews today.

90. Balance, Stress, and Optimal Health

Dr. Emmett Miller is known as one of the pioneers of holistic mind/body medicine. In this Google Talk he describes how he came to study holistic medicine and get beyond the specialization of most doctors. He eventually looked at stress and the far reaching implications it has on a variety of diseases. Dr. Miller dynamically demonstrates how humans have maladapted to the stresses of modern civilization and he suggests ways that we can release and relax from the ongoing stresses we face. He ends the talk with an excellent guided relaxation complete with music. Learn to maintain balance and reduce stress in your own life. This talk is available on streaming video on YouTube.

91. Seth Godin on Standing Out

Seth Godin feels that days of status quo marketing through the television industrial complex are coming to an end. People are too busy to pay attention to the nonstop advertising of average products for average people. What grabs people's attention is something remarkable, or rather something worth making a remark about. And their remarks spread the ideas or products to the world and make it a success. Learn about the cutting edge of spreading ideas with this talk by Seth Godin.

92. The Think Thank Tank: 3 Powerful Principles To Increase Effectiveness!

In this motivational speech, international speaker Al Argo encourages listeners to think more about their actions, relationships, goals, and obstacles before proceeding with each day. Above all he motivates people to be grateful and of service to everyone. Much like Zig Ziglar, his inspired delivery uplifts listeners. This free speech was uploaded through our TeachOutLoud service, and is available on MP3 download directly through This title includes a downloadable worksheet to help listeners follow along with his speech.

93. Authors@Google: Marion Nestle on What to Eat

Nutritionist and author Marion Nestle looks at food from the angle of politics and business in the United States in this talk delivered at Google. She briefly discusses her book Food Politics which looks at how the food industry was deregulated in the 1980s which led to the production of more food and greater portions and eventually to the obesity epidemic we have today. She also discusses her latest book What to Eat where she examines the marketing tactics of the food business from how grocery stores are laid out to how junk food is marketed to kids. She offers signs of hope for healthier eating in America in the movements for organic food, locally grown fresh food, and other grassroots movements related to food. This talk includes slides and is available on streaming video from YouTube.

94. Living Green Podcast: Effortless Ecology for Everyday People

In this podcast brought to you by Personal Life Media, host Meredith Medland interviews guests who are practicing and preaching eco-friendly ways of living. Shows cover healthy eating, eco-conscious entrepreneurialism, enviromentally-friendly shopping, energy conservation, and more. Listen to interviews with the founder of the Burning Man festival Larry Harvey, American mycologist Paul Stamets, and visionary green event planner Sarah Haynes, among many others. Enjoy this podcasts from Personal Life Media!

95. Relationships for Revenue Growth

Master networker and Never Eat Alone author Keith Ferrazzi delivers a talk at the 'YES WE CAN' Avon Global Summit on the power of building great relationships in business. While many people have casual business associates, Ferrazzi demands that the business relationships we build need to go deeper and that we need to seek to enable others to contribute. When many people in the business world today don't have time to focus on networking and relationship building, Ferrazzi tries to show how connecting to business associates on a personal level can open doors which we'd never thought existed, and he provides many examples of this in action. His talk gets a great response from the ladies of Avon. It's available on streaming video from YouTube on the 'keithferrazzi' channel and if you enjoyed it there are a number of other hour long talks which he delivered available on his YouTube channel.

96. Extra Tips for The Freeway Guide to Maximizing Your Money

In this downloadable offering from the The Freeway Guides, financial expert Peter Bielagus gives tips to maximize your money. He covers ways to improve your credit score, to pick your financial advisor, to choose the right loan for a home. and how to get the most out of applying for financial aid. This title is available on MP3 download directly through

97. Q&A with Dr. Amen

Dr. Daniel G. Amen is a psychiatrist and the bestselling author of Making a Good Brain Great. In this media resource on his site he answers some of the most popular questions he has been asked over the years covering many points on brain health. He answers questions about the best supplements to take for the brain, methods of treatment for various psychological conditions, and addresses many other interesting brain inquiries. Enjoy these answers from a doctor who has dedicated his life to looking at the brain. This Q&A audio is available on streaming audio from the Amen Clinics website.

98. Living and Working On Purpose Podcast

Listen to this podcast from Exceptional Wisdom Radio hosted by Life On Purpose author Brad Swift. In the podcast Brad interviews nearly 100 people who are living a life with passionate purpose. There's a podcast where Brad Swift is interviewed by his wife and he presents his ideas about what it means live life 'on purpose'. In other interviews he talks with developmental biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton who presents the ideas in his book The Biology of Belief about how our experiences and our minds are shaping our genes all the time. He also interviews Rev. Michael Dowd about his book Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World. Browse these and many more interviews on the 'Living and Working On Purpose Podcast'.

99. Suze Orman at Google

Bestselling author and financial advisor Suze Orman spoke at Google last year delivering a lot of great financial advice with candor and wit. She starts the talk by telling her rags to riches story from living in a van in Berkeley, California and working as a waitress to learning about finance and becoming a top employee at Merrill Lynch. Orman's advice focuses on the current state of the economy and what to do and not to do when it comes to credit cards, real estate, retirement plans, and a lot of other big personal finance issues. Watch this one hour talk of Suze Orman at Google.

100. Simon & Schuster Health, Diet, & Fitness Video Podcast

The publisher Simon & Schuster puts out a number video podcasts and one of their strongest categories is self development. Currently on their Simon & Schuster Health, Diet, & Fitness Video Podcast they feature over 140 brief video podcasts with interviews of their authors and book introductions to their numerous books in this area. Dr. Mike Moreno reads from Chapter 1 of his book The 17 Day Diet Essentials in which he introduces his system of dieting cycles designed to allow you to lose weight quickly and keep losing weight over a period of time by 'confusing your body' with a continually new diet plan. You can also watch a podcast interview with author Geneen Roth in which discusses her book Women Food and God and how food is intertwined into every aspect of our lives. Other video podcasts feature Dr. Mehmet C. Oz and Dr. Michael F. Roizen, and many more of their bestselling authors.

Is that enough free motivation for you? :)

Posted by LearnOutLoud| Permalink

January 7, 2009

To give you a boost for the year, we've updated our top 100 free motivational audio & video learning resources that we have featured on our site. For the past years we've featured a Monday Motivation email every week as part of our Free Resource of the Day Emails. From these resources we've selected the top 100 free motivational audio & video resources. You can check them all out by clicking the titles below. We've attempted to order them according the best of the best, but they are all highly motivational free resources to inspire you to greater health & wealth in all areas of your life. Also we now feature over 10,000 free audio & video learning titles in our free directory. You can check them all out here:

Here are our Top 100 Motivational Free Resources:

1. I Have a Dream Audio and Video

From our first edition of the Free Resource of the Day e-mail we wanted to start out with a special one. One of our favorite free titles in the directory is Martin Luther King, Jr.'s classic 'I Have a Dream' speech. Delivered on August 28th, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., King's passionate call for justice and equality was the battle cry for the civil rights movement in America. Choose from an audio version of the speech from American Rhetoric or a video version from YouTube.

2. The Words of Christ: From the Book of Matthew

This audio book, released by isolates everything uttered by Christ in the gospel according to Matthew. Extracted from the narrative of the Bible, Christ's message is distilled to its core values. Simple in its language yet still potent in its ever-present challenge to humanity, this is as unfiltered of a view of the gospel as one might ever find. This recording is a wonderful opportunity to engage with the gospel from a new point of view. This audio book is available to download in multiple MP3 segments.

3. Steve Jobs Commencement Address at Stanford University

Steve Jobs delivered this commencement address at Stanford University and it's one of the more inspiring commencement addresses we've ever had a chance to hear. Jobs tells three stories of endurance through his education, his career, and his diagnosis with cancer, and through it all his advice is: 'Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.' This address is available on streaming video and video download from YouTube.

4. Zig Ziglar's Inspiring Words of Encouragement Podcast

There's not much motivational content on our site that can rival Zig Ziglar's Inspiring Words of Encouragement Podcast. Ziglar passed away at the age of 86 in 2012. His podcast includes over 250 individual podcast episodes from the audio archives of Zig Ziglar! Listen to podcasts on Wisdom, Hope, Faith, Gratitude, Overcoming Fear, Discipline and Commitment, Success, Emotions and Attitudes, Values, Persistence, Happiness, Goals, Positive Thinking, Relationships, Forgiveness, Sales Advice, Parental Wisdom, Ethical Leadership, Love and Romance, and we could go on and on and on. Each of the podcasts has a description below it, so it should be easy to pick out ones in the areas you need motivation. Listen to one of the greatest motivators of all time with over 5 years of podcasts from Zig Ziglar! Note: It may take a moment to load because the podcast feed is quite massive.

5. Stephen R. Covey on Living a Principle-Centered Life

Dr. Steven Covey passed away in 2012. He was the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and a few years back he gave an outstanding address at Montana State University on living a principally-centered life. He explains how those who live without principles tend to evaluate themselves according to what others think. He also encourages the incoming freshman he is addressing to not cram their studies in order to just get by in college, as that is a bad habit that Covey confesses he had which robbed him of much of the value of his early college education. This streaming video lecture is available on YouTube.

6. 50 Things I'm Going to Do Today
One of our all-time favorite audio downloads is 50 Things I'm Going to Do Today. Written and narrated by Brian Johnson, CEO of Zaadz, Inc., '50 Things' is a great collection of tips to live your life by. Ranging from 'Hit The Rock' and 'Pay Your Bills with a Smile' to 'Act 'As If' and 'Embrace Opposites,' you're in for a real treat if you haven't listened to this already. And if you have it's probably time for another listen. Enjoy!

7. Dalai Lama on Ethical Self-Awareness & Personal Transformation

In this free video from UCTV, His Holiness the Dalai Lama addresses a packed crowd at UC-Irvine on the topic of 'Ethical Self-Awareness & Personal Transformation'. With humor and humility the Dalai Lama speaks on the importance of awareness in overcoming anger and other negative emotions. This event is available on streaming video from YouTube. For over 75 talks and audio books by the Dalai Lama go to our Dalai Lama Audio & Video Page.

8. The Best of Steve Pavlina's Blog

Steve Pavlina's popular blog 'Personal Growth for Smart People' gets over 2 million visitors per month. Writing on topics as diverse as sleep optimization, natural food diets, relationships, and time management, Pavlina has displayed a fascinating willingness to adjust his lifestyle for the better. We've been avid readers of his blog for years and are excited to present his ideas on audio for the first time!

Our free audio book for May features six of his most popular blog posts of all time. Download this free 1-hour audio book as an introduction to his unique take on personal growth. Included in this free sampler program are audio renditions of these classic Pavlina blog postings: How to Discover Your Life Purpose, 30 Days to Success, How to Become an Early Riser, Ten Reasons Not to Get a Job, How to Decide When to End a Long-Term Relationship, and The Law of Attraction.

9. John Wooden on True Success

The legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden passed away in 2010 at the age of 99. Under Coach Wooden, UCLA won a record ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period. John Wooden left a legacy of leadership wisdom through his numerous books including his conception of 'the Pyramid of Success'. In this talk delivered at the TED conference a few years ago, Wooden talks about true success being the satisfaction of knowing you that put forth your utmost effort in the game despite whether you win or lose. He readily quotes poetry and other sources of his inspiration throughout his life. This 20-minute talk is loaded with wisdom from a lifetime of success, and it is available on streaming video and video download from

10. 1993 ESPY Award Address

Listen to this truly inspiring address by legendary American college basketball coach Jimmy Valvano, delivered just a few months before he died of cancer in 1993. Valvano encourages us to laugh, think, and cry everyday and to never give up which is the motto of The V Foundation which he established as a charitable organization dedicated to saving lives by helping to find a cure for cancer. This 13-minute speech is available on streaming video through YouTube and MP3 Download through American Rhetoric.

11. Time Management

Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch is best known for his talk 'The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams' which he gave while he had terminal cancer about a year before he passed away on July 25, 2008. After that lecture he gave another great lecture at the University of Virginia in November 2007 on 'Time Management'. Pausch clearly learned from the best when it came to time management and in this hour long talk he packs in advice on time management for almost every area of your life such as prioritizing tasks, managing meetings & phone calls, delegating assignments, dealing with email, and also taking time to say thank you. He ends the lecture with a poignant reminder that the more efficient you are the more you can spend time with the ones you love because some day you might wake up and find out you don't have much time left.

12. Tony Robbins Asks Why We Do What We Do

Self development expert Anthony Robbins speaks at the TED Conference on what motivates people. Robbins insists that he isn't a motivator, but instead he is out to find what motivates people and what is it that makes the difference in the quality of people's lives. He discusses briefly the core human needs that drive people. This talk is available on streaming video from Google Video.

13. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: PBS Special

Author and motivational speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer has been writing bestselling books for years and with many of his bestsellers he has done a PBS special sharing some of the ideas in his latest book. A few years back he wrote the book Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao which covered ideas in Lao-tzu's classic text, the Tao Te Ching. In his 'Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life' PBS Special, Dyer shares many of the ideas from the Tao Te Ching and how they impacted his life. While Dyer has always taught the importance of changing your thoughts to create change in your life, he explains how meditating on the Tao Te Ching clarified for him the new thoughts that one should be thinking. Watch this free PBS special available on YouTube.

14. How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Listen to this short motivational audio book by British author Arnold Bennett. Written in 1910 this manual for managing your time contains ways to not only increase your productivity but also improve the quality of your daily life. Bennett addresses white-collar workers who begrudgingly work the standard 40 hours per week and see little time for anything else. He points to ways people can take advantage of the extra time they have away from work to improve the quality of their lives. He suggests waking up earlier, reading or reflecting on the train to work (or in today's case listening to audio books during your commute!), and taking advantage of the evenings and weekend time to improve yourself through reflection, the arts, and literature. It is a great examination on how we use our time and it's only 1 Hr. 30 Min. long. It is well narrated by Mark F. Smith at

15. 25 Life Purpose Lessons from Sounds True

Sounds True has launched a wonderful new section of their site that features 25 Life Purpose Lessons to help you grow in your passions, your career, and your wealth in the coming year. With 5-15 minute audio lessons from Sounds True's best business & wealth teachers such as Rick Jarow, Mark Albion, John Mackey, Fred Kofman, and Vicki Robin, these 25 life lessons will propel you towards your goals with vision & motivation. Note: These exercises are streaming audio only and not downloadable.

16. Inside Personal Growth Podcast

Host Greg Voisen at has created over 200 podcasts interviewing top authors in the area of personal growth. Past interviews include: Brian Tracy, Byron Katie, Dan Millman, Daniel G. Amen, David Allen, Gary Zukav, Gay Hendricks, Guy Finley, Joan Borysenko, John Robbins, Lisa Nichols, Marshall Goldsmith, Michael Gerber, Ram Dass, Robin Sharma, Rick Hanson, Sharon Salzberg, Shawn Phillips, Sylvia Browne, Thomas Moore, Tony Alessandra, and many others. The podcast feed always has the latest 10 interviews and the entire archive of podcasts can be accessed on Enjoy these podcasts from this exceptional collection of personal growth author interviews.

17. Yes You Can

In this free downloadable audio program author and motivational speaker Jim Donovan demonstrates in dozens of ways how our thoughts become the outcomes of our life. Through positively shifting what our focus is we inevitably move toward our goals and become happier, healthier, and wealthier. This motivational program is available on MP3 digital download through

18. Millionaire Upgrade

Download this free audio book of wealth advice by Richard Parkes Cordock. Drawing off some of the ideas of Napoleon Hill's Think & Grow Rich and inspired by the true story of a flight with Sir Richard Branson, Millionaire Upgrade tells the story of man who gets on a plane and sits next to a self-made millionaire who lets him in on the secrets of his business success. The book contains entrepreneurship advice for anyone looking for something more than being a standard employee at a job they aren't passionate about. It's narrative structure provides for very enjoyable listening with key lessons emphasized along the way. This audio book is available to download for free from, and it's also available on MP3 audio download from the Millionaire MBA website. We've provided links to both on our page.

19. Tim Ferriss: Accelerated Learning in Accelerated Times

Watch this recent talk from Tim Ferriss, who is the bestselling author of The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body. Through his ongoing learning experiments, Ferriss has developed a method for learning things quickly. He encourages people to disregard conventional knowledge when it comes to learning just about anything as most conventional learning strategies are slow and ineffective. He describes the rapid methods he used to learn languages and to accomplish some of the physical feats he accomplished in his book The 4-Hour Body. He closes the talk with giving people the best behavioral techniques for carrying out his methods until your goals are accomplished. It's great condensed knowledge from accelerated learner Tim Ferriss. This talk was delivered at the Long Now Foundation and is available on streaming video from

20. I've Been to the Mountaintop

On April 4th, 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. The night before he was assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his prophetic 'I've Been to the Mountaintop' speech. In this stirring speech Dr. King looks back on his life and is thankful for all the positive changes in civil rights that occurred in his lifetime, and he is grateful to have lived in the second half of the 20th century when masses of people all over the world were standing up for freedom and human rights. Listen to this speech on streaming audio or download it on MP3 from American Rhetoric.

21. David Allen: Getting Things Done

In this Google Talk David Allen introduces some of the ideas in his bestselling book and time management system Getting Things Done. He provides advice on dealing with email, creating to-do lists, and getting into the right quadrant in order to get the most done. He includes many nuggets of wisdom from the decades he has spent studying and perfecting his system of time management. This 45-minute talk is available on streaming video on YouTube.

22. Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Self Reliance is perhaps Ralph Waldo Emerson's most famous essay. This version, narrated by Brian Johnson from Zaadz, is both thought-provoking and inspirational. Ralph Waldo Emerson pushes the listener to break free of the dependence on society and the masses of man and to rely solely upon oneself. Always pushing us to follow our own nature & intuition, Emerson denounces those who allow themselves to be victims of society or history. He wants great men to rise from the limitations of cultural institutions and stand as giants casting shadows over the ages. Throughout the essay there is wisdom loaded in every sentence and it can be listened to again and again. Download this free classic audio book on MP3 directly from

23. The Surprising Science of Motivation

Learn how to better motivate yourself and others in this recent popular TED Talk. In this talk writer Daniel H. Pink lays out the facts about what drives the best results in business. In study after study any work that requires creative problem solving does not benefit from external rewards such as money. Only mechanical tasks benefit when there is reward and punishment, but when creative solutions are required, workers are more motivated when they feel there is intrinsic value to what they are doing. Pink lays out some of the ways businesses have benefited by implementing policies to encourage the best in right brained, creative thinking. This talk is available on MP3 download and streaming video from

24. The Art of Original Thinking

Author Jan Phillips is currently offering her audio book The Art of Original Thinking: The Making of a Thought Leader for free on MP3 audio download directly through This unabridged 6-hour audio book sets out to inspire new thought leaders for the new global paradigm we are entering. She provides many insights from her own life and quotes other unique thought leaders to aid us in creatively thinking outside of the box. She also explores the new thinking that is emerging in the areas of business, politics, religion, the environment, and more. Download this free audio book generously offered by author Jan Phillips and feel free to check out her website:

25. Dr. John Ratey on Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

We all know exercise is great for the body, but in this lecture Dr. John Ratey talks about the many ways neuroscience is discovering how great exercise is for the brain. His book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain lays out the research and amazing case studies that show how exercise can improve brain function. In this 50-minute talk at Google Dr. Ratey summarizes his findings showing how exercise improves performance in schools and the workplace and its effectiveness at overcoming disorders like ADHD, depression, Alzheimer's, and more. Learn the latest findings on exercise and the brain with bestselling author and renowned psychiatrist John J. Ratey.

26. Introduction to Your Mind: Two Guided Meditations

Before you plunge into action, start things off with these two free guided meditations. They were published by Mi Ka El Mindchanger through our TeachOutLoud self-publishing tool. Through these two 10-minute meditations Mi Ka El leads you through the practice of mindfulness meditation with insights on how to transcend your thoughts & feelings and come into awareness of your true Self. These excellent meditations can be downloaded on MP3 through and listened to again and again. Thanks Mi Ka El for this great free resource!

27. Quotations of Mahatma Gandhi

Motivational Videos Download

Listen to these humble words of wisdom from Mahatma Gandhi. This inspiring audio title from features quotes from Gandhi on his various methods of living out his quest for truth. These quotes are well narrated by Michael Scott and available on MP3 Download.

28. Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation

In this hour-long talk delivered at Google, author and brain researcher Dr. Daniel Siegel explains his definition of the what the mind is. He takes us on a quick overview of the functions of the brain, from the spinal cord all the way up to the prefrontal cortex where he argues that the uniqueness of humans stems from. From his research and experience Siegel lays out nine integral functions of this part of the brain including reflective awareness, empathy, morality, and more. He then talks about his discovery of mindfulness and how the practice of mindfulness cultivates all these functions of the middle prefrontal brain. Dr. Siegel expresses his hope that along with reading, writing, and arithmetic, the 4th of reflection would be taught in education to help cultivate mindfulness and healthy brain function. This talk is available from Google and can be watched on YouTube.

29. Dan Buettner: How to Live to Be 100+

Dan Buettner talks about the findings of his team as they studied the world's 'Blue Zones,' communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. He talks about a culture in Okinawa where the elderly were seen as the peak of society and they don't have a concept such as retirement. There they stay in close knit communities and have a strong sense of purpose, they make it a rule to eat only up to the point that they are 80% full, and they have physical activity built into their everyday lives. In America one of the communities that lives the longest are a group of Seventh Day Adventists in Southern California who take a whole day every week to worship God, to be in nature, and to socialize within their faith-based communities. For more tips on living to 100 definitely listen to this talk from TEDxTC available on streaming video and MP3 audio download.

30. John F. Kennedy Inauguration Speech 1961

50 years ago, on January 20th, 1961, John F. Kennedy was inaugurated as the 35th President of the United States and he delivered his famous Inauguration Speech encouraging Americans to: 'Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country'. This 13-minute speech confronted the Cold War, and Kennedy called for Americans and all global citizens to take responsibility for the freedom of mankind. At a time when the threat of nuclear war was looming, President Kennedy called for a new generation to rise up and seek peace while at the same time be willing to fight to defend freedom. It's an inspiring speech delivered at a precarious time in our nation's history. It's available on streaming video courtesy of C-SPAN on YouTube and on MP3 download from

31. Alpha Break

Listen to this free 12 Min. MP3 download offered by Effective Learning Systems. This spoken word program is designed to put listeners in a relaxed state both mentally and physically. It can be used again and again at any time during the day. Download this free MP3 from

32. Monday Again?!: Four Essentials For A Healthy Lifestyle

Start your week with this free audio book titled Monday Again?!: Four Essentials For A Healthy Lifestyle by Marquese Martin-Hayes. In the 1-hour book Marquese lays out strategies to use thinking in order to change our perspective on Mondays and on everyday. Marquese published this titles through our TeachOutLoud service. It's a very good listen.

33. Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn

Watch this popular talk with Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Full Catastrophe Living and many other books on the benefits of mindfulness. In this talk at Google Kabat-Zinn discusses what mindfulness meditation is and then he leads the group on a mindfulness meditation practice where he provides guidance into the practice. After the meditation is over he fields questions about the experience and covers things such as the issue of falling asleep and much more. This talk is 1 Hr. 15 Min. and is available on streaming video through YouTube.

34. 21 Meditation Exercises from Sounds True

Learn how to meditate! Our good friends at the publisher Sounds True recently launched a section of their site which is their Guide to Meditation, designed for people who have heard about meditation but don't know where to begin. The site features 21 free streaming audio meditations from many of Sounds True's best teachers including Shinzen Young, Adyashanti, Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodron, and more.

35. SermonIndex Classics Podcast

Listen to these podcasts from SermonIndex. These podcasts cover many aspects of Christianity and Christian Living, including sermons from Jim Cymbala, David Wilkerson, Zac Poonen, Keith Green, A.W. Tozer, Duncan Campbell, Ian Paisley, Leonard Ravenhill, and many other popular preachers from throughout the 20th century. For more free classic sermons check out the offerings we feature from

36. Jill Bolte Taylor's Stroke of Insight

In this moving talk delivered at the TED conference, brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor provides a first-person account of her own stroke and the experience of losing control of her bodily functions as well the functions of the left side of her brain. Instead of it being a painful or frightening experience, she said the stroke put her in a intense state of bliss and nirvana. Sharing this experience became her motivation for recovery. This talk is available on streaming video and MP3 download from the website.

37. Change Nation Podcast

The Change Nation Podcast features interviews with leading experts and inspirational speakers about ways individuals can make positive changes in their personal and professional lives. Host Ariane De Bonvoisin talks with authors and speakers such as Les Brown, Gay Hendricks, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Tim Ferriss, Jack Canfield, Mike Dooley, David Bach, and dozens of other great teachers of change. Topics covered include getting orgranized, starting a business, finding a job, nurturing a relationship, getting fit, eating right, and much, much more. Ariane is an excellent host and many recent interviews are available as both audio & video podcasts.

38. UCSF Mini Medical School Audio Podcast

In this series from the University of California, San Francisco, faculty members and other nationally-recognized experts give the latest findings on a variety of health and medical related topics. Topics include 'Fad Diets: Do They Really Work?', 'Nutrition in a Bottle: A Scientific Review of Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements', 'The Biology of Depression: How Stress Affects the Brain and the Body', 'Staying in the Now: Maintaining Mental Health Through Mindfulness', 'The Science of Healthy Aging: Living Better Not Just Longer', 'Back Pain and its Management: Myths and Misconceptions', and many more interesting lectures. Learn the latest in medical research from the University of California, San Francisco with these audio podcasts.

39. Martin Seligman on Positive Psychology

In this TED talk Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology and the author Authentic Happiness and Learned Optimism, looks at ways healthy people can lead happier, more engaged, and more meaningful lives. While Seligman acknowledges that psychology has done a pretty good job over the past 50 years of making miserable people feel less miserable, he shows that there is a whole other realm of positive psychology which he and a group of other psychologists are only beginning to study. Seligman tells some of his findings on what contributes to healthy states of mind and what fosters genius. Going beyond the conventional, pleasure-seeking form of happiness, Seligman points to practices that truly give life meaning. This talk is available on streaming video and MP3 audio download from

40. The Masters of The Secret Podcast

This podcast features conversations with teachers that were featured in the movie The Secret. Bill Harris, director of the Centerpointe Research Institute, conducts the conversations which cover the spiritual and practical applications of the law of attraction by the teachers that are interviewed. The teachers included in this podcast so far are John Assaraf, Hale Dwoskin, Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield, Dr. Michael Beckwith, Lisa Nichols, and James Ray. Start your week with these inspirational talks!

41. Meditatio Talks (Meditation Talks): To the Monks of Gethsemani Abbey

Offered by Medio Media and The World Community for Christian Meditation, these are talks delivered by Fr. Laurence Freeman O.S.B. to the Monks of Gethsemani Abbey. In the eight talks featured in this title Fr. Freeman discusses Christian meditation and how to remain in a prayerful state at all times. This free title was published through our TeachOutLoud service and it is available on MP3 download directly through

42. Six Nightingale-Conant Self Development Podcasts

Download hundreds of podcast episodes from six new podcasts offered by the world leader in personal development since 1960: Nightingale-Conant. Each podcast covers a specific area of growth for your personal and professional life. And Nightingale-Conant has provided each podcast with a specific title and description so you can find exactly the podcasts you are looking for. Here they are with some descriptions of each podcast:

Mind and Body by Podcast - On this podcast you'll learn from world-renowned experts about ways to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. Teachers on this podcast include Luanne Oakes, Ph.D., author and inventor Doug Hall, American psychiatrist Gerald Epstein, and many other mind/body experts.

Wealth Building by Podcast - Wealth wisdom from popular authors such as Joe Vitale, Dr. Dolf de Roos, Napoleon Hill, David Bach, Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, Robert Kiyosaki, Robert G. Allen, and other teachers with tips for building wealth.

Spiritual Growth by Podcast - Nourish your soul and energize your spirit with the wisdom of respected spiritual teachers such as Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden, Byron Katie, Marianne Williamson, Stuart Wilde, Debbie Ford, Sonia Choquette, Richard Carlson, Dan Millman, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Deepak Chopra, Joan Borysenko, and more.

Business Strategy by Podcast - Get the edge in business with top strategies from authors like Jay Abraham, Jay Conrad Levinson, Michael E. Gerber, Roger Dawson, Seth Godin, and other leading business speakers.

Sales Training by Podcast - Boost your sales and learn some of the most effective strategies and techniques ever developed for prospecting, relationship building, negotiating, closing, increasing referrals and more. This podcast features advice from teachers like Zig Ziglar, Jeffrey J. Fox, Roger Dawson, Brian Tracy, and other sales leaders.

Personal Development by Podcast - Master the critical skills of time management, communication, self-discipline, attitude and more, under the guidance of Earl Nightingale, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Vic Conant, Jim Rohn, Stephen Covey, Jack Canfield, Roger Love, Tony Alessandra, Denis Waitley, Marc Victor Hansen, and many, many more great authors. Note: This podcast is massive with 300 podcasts on the feed, but for some reason only four podcast episodes are showing on our site. Click through on the feed or over to iTunes to see all the podcasts for this one.

Enjoy this great collection of podcasts from a personal growth company with 50 years experience: Nightingale-Conant!

43. Eckhart Tolle on Living with Meaning, Purpose, and Wisdom in the Digital Age

Spiritual teacher and Power of Now author Eckhart Tolle visited Google headquarters last week to give a talk entitled 'Living with Meaning, Purpose and Wisdom in the Digital Age'. In this 90-minute conversation with Google's Bradley Horowitz, Tolle talks about technology and the Internet. While he feels no technology is good or evil in itself, Tolle is concerned that our digital age is ramping up the 'doing' and 'thinking' mind at the expense of paying attention to 'being' in the present moment. He provides many helpful suggestions to take time out for 'being' for anyone that spends a lot of time at the computer and on the internet. At the end of the talk he fields questions from Google employees. This talk is available on streaming video through YouTube.

44. A Peaceful Warrior Brings His Zaadz to Life: Brian Johnson Chats with Dan Millman

In this special interview Entheos Academy Founder Brian Johnson chats with Way of the Peaceful Warrior author Dan Millman. The discussion is around finding your life's purpose and finding ways to get paid doing what you love. Brian and Dan share many stories about their path including a number of the setbacks they experienced along the way. Dan talks about the many teachers he has had including the person he met which is the character of 'Socrates' in his book Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Enjoy this free conversation exclusively on

45. Inside Out Weight Loss Podcast

Listen to this podcast from Personal Life Media hosted by leading diet and weight-loss coach Renee Stephens. Renee features dozens of podcasts on her feed and she encourages listeners to start with the first podcast which covers her personal story of how she overcame compulsive overeating along with the methods of weight loss she'll be using in the podcast. Instead of focusing on a diet plan or what you should or shouldn't be eating or doing, Renee focuses on transforming the mind so that you can in turn transform your body. Using techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy, and Positive Psychology, Renee teaches listeners how to lose weight from the 'inside out'.

46. Change your Mind, Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions for Authentic Happiness

French Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard talks about his interesting life in which he left his career as a scientist after getting a Ph.D. degree in molecular genetics and he went to practice Tibetan Buddhism in the Himalayas. He talks about the Tibetan Buddhist practices for achieving happiness. Since his 35 years of practicing as a Buddhist monk he has returned to the science of the mind and the brain to study happiness and presents many of the recent scientific findings. This hour-long Google Talk is available on streaming video from YouTube.

47. Change Your Life with Cheryl Richardson Podcast

Listen to these podcasts hosted by inspiring author and life skills coach Cheryl Richardson as she talks with other personal growth experts on ways to change your life for the better. In more recent podcasts (which are on the bottom of the podcast feed on our page) she talks with Iyanla Vanzant about her remarkable life, Julia Cameron about the challenge of creativity and writing, and Geneen Roth about the new outlook on food which she conveys in her bestselling book Women Food and God. In past episodes you can listen to, she interviews Dr. Joan Borysenko, Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Louise Hay, Debbie Ford, Natalie Goldberg, Harville Hendrix, and many others. Listen to some of these great interviews on how to change your life.

48. Dan Ariely: The Upside of Irrationality

Use irrationality to help you overcome bad habits and achieve your goals. Behavioral economist Dan Ariely's bestselling book Predictably Irrational showed how people frequently make irrational decisions regarding their health, their spending habits, and much more. In this lecture Ariely talks about his latest book The Upside of Irrationality where he shows the negative and positive effects of irrationality and how we can use irrational means towards our own rational objectives. He tells of experiments and examples where irrational incentives were used to help fight global warming, to motivate people to take care of their health, and to prevent people from texting while they're driving. It's one of the most fun lectures we've watched to all year.

49. Herbert Benson: The Relaxation Revolution

Learn about the science behind the beneficial effects of mind/body relaxation! Dr. Herbert Benson is an American cardiologist, a bestselling author on health and well-being, and the founder of the Mind/Body Medical Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. In this talk Dr. Benson discusses his latest book Relaxation Revolution which details the science behind the benefits of relaxation practices such as meditation, yoga, and repetitive prayer. While traditional medicine focuses on surgery and medication, Dr. Benson explains that more and more studies are showing the significance of stress and the importance of relaxation when it comes to holistic mind/body health.

50. Wealth Wisdom Podcast

Listen & subscribe to LearnOutLoud's Wealth Wisdom Podcast where we showcase classic wisdom on business & finance from many wealth & success classics. To start off with we're offering Benjamin Franklin's The Way to Wealth, which is an essay written by Franklin that contains a condensed collection of the wealth advice he had presented in Poor Richard's Almanac during its first 25 years of publication.

51. Dr. William Dement on Healthy Sleep and Optimal Performance

Dr. William Dement is one of the leading authorities on sleep, sleep deprivation, and sleep disorders. In the 1950s he was part of the sleep research team that discovered REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and connected it to dreaming. Since then he has founded the Sleep Research Center at Stanford University and authored numerous papers and books on sleep, and he teaches one of Stanford's most popular courses called 'Sleep and Dreams'.
In this one hour talk at Google, Dr. Dement presents many of the findings he has made throughout his career. He talks about studies that reveal that healthy sleep is key to high-level performance and productivity, and that the sleep debt of numerous nights without enough sleep causes significant reduction in the quality of performance of physical and mental activities. Dr. Dement also speaks about sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy. Learn more about something you do everyday with this enjoyable talk on sleep.

52. John Selby: Tapping The Source Videos

Start your week with some free, short video meditations from personal & spiritual growth author John Selby. On his YouTube channel Selby has added over a dozen videos that introduce you to his mindfulness techniques. In recent videos he introduces his latest book Tapping the Source which has also been made into a movie featuring dozens of self help authors. The book elaborates on the ideas of Charles F. Hanel and his classic self help manual The Master Key System. You can check out more from Selby here: John Selby Audio. Enjoy these free videos from John Selby. We've posted a few of the best meditations to our page and the rest can be viewed on YouTube.

53. The New Psychology of Depression

From Oxford University comes this 3-hour series covering 'The New Psychology of Depression'. Dr. Danny Penman and Professor Mark Williams (co-authors of the book Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World) discuss the global health problem of depression and the current methods for treating it including medication and therapy. They then discuss Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) which Professor Williams co-developed. They describe what MBCT is and the success that it has had in preventing relapse of depression in the many studies that have been conducted throughout the world. Anyone who has experienced depression or knows someone who has should listen to this great series on the latest information about treating depression. Note: To play the podcasts click the Download File links.

54. Overcoming Life's Disappointments

Start your week off with this talk from Rabbi Harold Kushner, the author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Rabbi Kushner discusses one of his latest books Overcoming Life's Disappointments. He uses stories of Moses to illustrate ways of confronting moments in our lives which don't live up to our dreams. He emphasizes that without failures we can't really have successes, and that those who fail to have disappointments in life are often those who failed to try to realize their dreams. This talk is available on streaming video through

55. Interviews Podcast
Listen to the Interviews Podcast with host & founder of Robert Stuberg. Podcasts include Brian Tracy discussing 'Million Dollar Habits', Michael Gelb discussing his book Discover Your Genius, and many other interviews with success industry leaders. Get motivated and inspired with these free audio interviews.

56. J.K. Rowling Speaks at the 2008 Harvard Commencement

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling delivers some wise words of wisdom during her Harvard Commencement address in 2008 which she entitled 'The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination'. She talks about how failure in her life after a divorce and when she was living in poverty helped her to eliminate everything that wasn't most important to her. And she talks about what she learned of human good and evil in her work for Amnesty International. She points out how fortunate the graduates of Harvard are and encourages them to succeed and fail and live rich lives.

57. Mental Efficiency

Listen to this audio book on how to exercise one's mind for maximum efficiency. English novelist Arnold Bennett uses his wit to convey how we work hard at the up keep of our physical bodies, while we often do little to workout our minds. He gives examples of ways to give the mind a workout. He also features essays that explore the presentation of self, breaking free from the past, relationships and marriage, and how to achieve success. This audio book is well narrated by Ruth Golding at Librivox who has a lovely British accent. It has a running time of 3 Hrs. and is available on MP3 download.

58. The Perils of Indifference

In this speech, holocaust survivor, author, and activist Elie Wiesel speaks of indifference as the worst possible response to atrocities that have occurred throughout the 20th century and continue to occur. Speaking before President Clinton, he denounces indifference of American leaders with the knowledge they had of the holocaust during the war. At the end he points to signs of hope that the world is no longer allowing indifference as a response to crimes against humanity.

59. AM Focus

Listen to this 13-minute visualization & relaxation process for focusing in the morning from Dr. Patrick Porter. Dr. Porter guides you through positive affirmations for your day. Combined with soothing music, this audio program is a great way to begin your week. This free audio download was published through our TeachOutLoud service and is available on MP3 download through

60. Authors@Google: Dr. Mark Hyman

Dr. Mark Hyman has written a series of books focused on optimal health such as Ultraprevention, Ultrametabolism, and his latest The UltraMind Solution. In this talk delivered at Google, Dr. Hyman talks about The UltraMind Solution and how to look at brain & mind health through the lens of the health of the whole body. While many psychiatrists like to have one medication for a disease (such as Prozac for depression), Dr. Hyman argues that these diseases need to be looked at in a personalized and all-encompassing way. First the symptoms need to be evaluated and then all of the possible causes of these symptoms need to be considered. He focuses a lot on how diet & nutrition affect the mind & body and how improving the health of the body can lead to an UltraMind! This talk is available on streaming video from YouTube.

61. Brendon Burchard Video Presentations

Brendon Burchard is the founder of Experts Academy which teaches people how to share their expertise and get their message out there, and earn money while doing so. He has authored Life's Golden Ticket and his latest bestselling book that just came out is The Millionaire Messenger: Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice. On his website, Brendon offers a lot of free video presentations and he currently includes a free 12-minute walk through of a chapter from his book which contains 10 steps on how to become a Millionaire Messenger. In other videos he shares inspiring stories including talking about the near fatal car accident he was in when he was 19 years old that turned his life around. Brendon Burchard has worked closely with personal growth guru Tony Robbins, and he's got a very dynamic way of presenting his advice. Watch some of his videos today!

62. Jason Fried: Why Work Doesn't Happen at Work

37signals co-founder and Rework author Jason Fried makes some provocative suggestions regarding why work doesn't get done in the workplace. He suggests that interruptions are the key component contributing to the lack work accomplished in the workplace and that managers and meetings are to blame. He relates the stage of work to the stages of sleep and in order to get the best work done one needs to go through these stages without interruption. This talk was delivered at the TEDxMidwest Conference and is available on streaming video and MP3 audio download.

63. A Conversation with Anthony Robbins

Watch this hour-long Charlie Rose interview with motivational speaker Anthony Robbins. In this interview Charlie Rose seeks to understand what makes Tony Robbins tick and how he has been able to motivate millions of people to make positive changes in their lives. Robbins provides answers about what drives him and also what drives most people in their everyday lives. He covers the importance of certainty, spontaneity, contribution, and love in creating a meaningful life and achieving one's goals. Charlie Rose asks Tony some tough questions and Tony responds confidently about his life's work. This interview is available on streaming video through

64. Zencast

Zencast has been offering Zen Buddhism teachings on podcast for many years now and the great thing is they've kept all their podcasts up on their feed so each of them can still be downloaded. Included on this feed is an unabridged recording of the key Buddhist text The Dhammapada translated and read by Zencast host Gil Fronsdal. Fronsdal also teaches a five part 'Introduction to Meditation' class. Other frequent speakers on Zencast include Thich Nhat Hanh and Eckhart Tolle. Latest on the feed is a Mindfulness Meditation Course. These podcasts are essential listening for anyone looking to learn more about Zen Buddhism.

65. Karen Armstrong: 12 Steps to a Compassionate Life

Comparative religion author Karen Armstrong talks about her latest book Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life in this talk delivered at the New York Public Library. Armstrong cites the 'golden rule' as a central tenet to all the major world religions and argues that compassion needs to be at the forefront of all religious practice in our globalized and interconnected world. She emphasizes that compassion is not pity and that true compassion requires action and also practice. She gives some of the steps in her book which is a self help manual of sorts for people who wish to live more compassionately. During the Q&A Armstrong discusses her own current religious beliefs. This talk is available on streaming video from

66. Do What You Fear & Grow Stronger

Download this free 13-minute podcast by Project Management trainer & author Michael Greer. In this podcast Michael Greer begins with some quotes on overcoming fear and the importance of facing your fears. He tells a personal story of how he went from singing in the shower to singing for a rock band as a teenager, and the various steps he took to overcoming his fear of singing in front of a crowd. He also relates these methods of tackling fear to leadership & management and the ways leaders can encourage their teams to overcome fear.

67. Law of Attraction Podcast

Listen to this podcast from Exceptional Wisdom Radio featuring interviews with teachers of the Law of Attraction popularized in the book and the movie The Secret. In this podcast you'll hear an interview with contributor to The Secret and bestselling author Mike Dooley as he discusses the system he calls 'The Matrix' which reveals the interconnectedness of your dreams and how they flow together. Also on the podcast is another contributor to The Secret, Joe Vitale, who tells of how he went from being a homeless man in Dallas to a bestselling personal growth author with titles such as The Attractor Factor and Expect Miracles. There are over 20 other podcasts on the feed covering the Law of Attraction. And if you like this podcast check out over 250 podcast episodes from all the different shows on Exceptional Wisdom Radio on their massive personal growth podcast: Exceptional Wisdom Radio Podcast.

68. Dare to Live Without Limits: The 10 Basic Principles

Bryan Golden, author of the book Dare to Live Without Limits, offers his ten basic principles for living a limitless life. These principles are:

# You are what you think about
# Set goals
# Plan how to reach your goals
# All we have is today
# Never ever give up
# Education never ends
# Control your own emotions
# Guard your time
# Have an attitude of gratitude
# What you project you receive

In this 15 minute MP3 download, Golden provides the detailed advice and motivation about these ten principles. This title was created and offered for free through our TeachOutLoud service. For more information about the book Dare to Live Without Limits visit


69. Escape Self-Absorption through Positive Emotions

Barbara Fredrickson is a social psychologist and researcher on positive emotions. Her recent book Positivity details her research in the area of positive emotions and in this talk Fredrickson defines and describes the positive emotions which she studies and the greater impact they have on health and social relations. Moving past the fight or flight psychology of negative emotions such as anxiety, she discusses her broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions which broaden one's awareness and encourage novel, varied, and exploratory thoughts and actions. This talk is available on streaming video Boston University's BUniverse website and if you like it there are a number of other videos on the site with Professor Fredrickson.

70. Authors@Google: Dean Karnazes on Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days

In this inspirational talk ultramarathon man Dean Karnazes speaks about his book 50/50 in which he writes about his experience of running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days. Karnazes tells motivational stories from his experience and the ups and downs that he faced. In the Q&A he gives info about his weekly running and workout routine, what he eats on a daily basis, and many other fascinating tidbits about his mega endurance. Asked what he does while he's running for so long, he responds that he listens to music, dictates his writings into a voice recorder, and listens to audio books! For anyone pursuing goals, this is a great motivational talk that will help you to seek to defy your limitations. The 45-minute talk was delivered at Google and is available on streaming video from YouTube.

71. A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis

If you've ever been interested in hypnotizing yourself, this audio book might be a good place to start. This book by Melvin Powers covers the history and applications of self-hypnosis. The book purports to explain how self-hypnosis can alleviate distressing symptoms, substitute strong responses for weak responses, help overcome bad habits, create good habits, and help one's power of concentration. Find out for yourself how effective self-hypnosis is. This book is adequately narrated by Andrea Fiore and is available on MP3 download from

72. The Jillian Michaels Show Podcast

Personal trainer Jillian Michaels is best known for being a trainer on the TV show The Biggest Loser where she pushes obese people to lose a significant amount of weight. This is a podcast of Jillian's radio show where she talks about a number of topics related to diet & nutrition along with health & fitness. She also provides some personal growth and motivational advice. In these 45-minute shows she talks off the cuff with another host named Janice and the shows are entertaining and informative. The last 15 minutes of the show she answers questions from callers. Enjoy these podcasts from this popular personal trainer.

73. Jack Kornfield's Dharma Talks

Motivational Quotes

Listen to dharma talks by Buddhist meditation teacher Jack Kornfield offered through On the Dharma Seed website you can stream and download any of the 50 talks and we also feature the latest to stream and download on our page. In recent talks Kornfield discusses lovingkindness, the importance of joy in spiritual practice, and the freedom from attachment. He tells many wise stories throughout the talks. They're all available on streaming audio and MP3 download from

We've also added a handful of other teachers who have dharma talks on

And they even offer a few Dharma Talks from our friend: Dr. Dan Siegel

74. The Steve Chandler Podcast

For motivational success coaching check out The Steve Chandler Podcast, which features book excerpts and interviews from Steve Chandler on improving relationships, creating wealth, and managing business. Chandler narrates his audio books and their sound quality is professional. Download this podcast on MP3 today.

75. Alain de Botton: A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success

In this talk at TEDGlobal philosopher Alain de Botton looks at the contemporary notion of success and why he feels it is such a source of anxiety for so many people. He finds that in today's world the appearance of equality, such as Bill Gates dressing just like everybody else, makes most people feel they too can be rich & successful. He also relates contemporary success to the meritocracy that exists today when people are made to feel that they own their successes and failures. And he looks at how failure is treated today by referencing the tabloids that often portray failures without any empathy, whereas in past societies tragedy was often used to encourage empathy of people that might've failed at something. Ultimately Alain de Botton encourages you to try to not live according to the models of success around you, but to instead make success your own! An excellent TED talk available on streaming video and MP3 download.

76. Dr. Deepak Chopra on Spiritual Solutions

Author Deepak Chopra recently stopped by at Google and gave this talk on his latest book Spiritual Solutions. The thesis of his book is that no problem can be solved at the level of awareness in which it was created. In this hour-long talk he discusses some of the ways we can overcome contracted awareness and enter the realm of spiritual solutions. The last half of the talk he answers questions about being overwhelmed with global problems, remote viewing, and near-death experiences.

77. Get-It-Done Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More Podcast

The Get-It-Done Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less Podcast offers weekly ideas on how to enhance productivity. Whether you are trying to organize your desk, want help prioritizing your workload, or need advice on how to fit in exercise time, these podcasts offer clever solutions to everyday obstacles. The host delivers his valuable insight with a snappy sense of humor and a knack for finding clear solutions that you can begin applying immediately to your work and life.

78. Dr. Dean Ornish on Healing

In this talk from the TED conference, holistic healing physician Dr. Dean Ornish prescribes easy and effective ways that you can prevent heart disease and other illnesses through changes in lifestyle and diet. He also points to the numerous ways in which diet and exercise can actually help to treat existing illnesses including cancer. Dr. Ornish addresses carbohydrates and fats and their relation to the obesity epidemic in America, along with ways people can lose weight and still be healthy. This talk is full of great pointers for improving your health. It is available on MP3 download and streaming video from

79. Worrying Well: How Your Brain Can Turn Anxiety and Stress Into Calmness and Confidence

In this audio & video presentation from UCTV Martin L. Rossman, MD takes a look at good worry and bad worry and the stress and anxiety bad worry can cause. He examines what is going on in the brain with these emotions and how we can use the power of the healing mind to reduce stress and anxiety. At the end he leads the group on a guided imagery meditation for reducing stress. This talk is available on MP3 download from the UCTV website and on streaming video from YouTube.

80. The Skinny on Obesity

For great motivation on losing weight, watch this new series from UCTV Prime called 'The Skinny on Obesity'. This 7-episode series (lasting one hour total) features Dr. Robert Lustig and two of his UCSF colleagues who look at the obesity epidemic and what has been driving it in the last 30 years. Dr. Lustig's previous UCTV video Sugar: The Bitter Truth went viral and has received over 2.5 million views to date.

In this new series Lustig's message is presented in an even clearer and more powerful way with the help of animations and documentary footage. He presents the science of obesity, debunking the idea that 'a calorie is a calorie' and showing how the massive increase in fructose and sugar into our daily diets has led to a skyrocketing obesity epidemic which contributes to our most common diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. These short videos explain how sugar consumption and obesity have now become a major public health concern in the same way that drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol are through their unavoidability, toxicity, abuse, and negative impact on society. A must-watch from UCTV!

81. Oprah Winfrey's 2008 Stanford Commencement Address

Oprah Winfrey packs as much advice as she can into this 30 minute Commencement Address which she gave to the Stanford graduating class of 2008. Through stories in her own life, she relays life lessons like: 'Grow into being more of yourself', 'Listen to your gut', 'If it doesn't feel right don't do it', 'If you're not sure what to do, get still', 'If you struggling, then help others who are struggling'. And there are many more lessons relayed here in Oprah's wonderful speech.

82. Letting Go with Guy Finley Podcast

From Contact Talk Radio comes the Letting Go with Guy Finley Podcast featuring hour-long talks with speaker and best-selling author Guy Finley. Focusing on spiritual and emotional development, Guy Finley touches on issues which affect us all: relationships, fear, addiction, stress/anxiety, peace, happiness, and freedom. Listen to over a dozen podcasts from Guy Finley on the Letting Go with Guy Finley Podcast.

83. Extraordinary Leadership is exclusively offering a free audio book to you by Robin Sharma, author of the bestselling book The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. The title they're offering is called Extraordinary Leadership, and this inspirational program is aimed at bringing out the leader in all of us. Sharma fills this audio book with anecdotes and words of wisdom regarding what it takes to be a great leader in all aspects of life. Extraordinary Leadership is available from on audio download.

84. 23 Intuitive Development Exercises from Sounds True

Listen to 23 Intuitive Development Exercises from Sounds True. In these exercises you'll hear teachers such as Judith Orloff, Caroline Myss, Cyndi Dale, Laura Alden Kamm, and many more. These teachers cover what intuition is and how you can further develop it. Note: These exercises are streaming audio only and not downloadable.

85. The Game of Life and How to Play It

This free audio book download from Librivox is a self help classic. Florence Scovel Shinn was a New Thought spiritual teacher and in this book she teaches of the game of giving and receiving. With chapters on prosperity, love, karma, intuition, and more, she teaches how to apply the game of life to these areas. Throughout the book she gives real life examples of these principles in action. This 3-hour audio book is available on MP3 download from Librivox!

86. Mindfulness as a Foundation for Health

Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh recently led a 3-hour workshop on mindfulness at the Googleplex and this entire workshop can be viewed on YouTube. After about an hour of music and introductions, Thich Nhat Hanh gives a talk and answers questions for two hours. He provides many insights of how people can incorporate mindfulness into their daily lives from walking to eating to washing the dishes. Listen to the wisdom of 85-year-old monk Thich Nhat Hanh and his message of mindfulness and peace.

87. Leading at Google: Tony Hsieh on Delivering Happiness

Tony Hsieh is the CEO of the online shoe retailer and the author of the recent book Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose.. He spoke at Google on his book and the ways he has made Zappos one of the top rated places to work in the U.S. along with delivering some of the best customer service of any company. From their unconventional hiring methods to developing their unique corporate culture, Tony Hsieh shows how he grew Zappos to become an online retail giant that was bought in 2009 by for $1.2 billion. Hsieh also gives insights into his studies of the science of happiness and how he applied his findings to his business. Whether you're a business leader or a regular employee, learn how you can create happiness in the workplace and deliver happiness to your customers. This Google Talk is available on streaming video from YouTube.

88. The Chopra Center for Wellbeing Podcast

From the The Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California comes this podcast featuring a number of high quality meditations. The podcast of guided meditations is typically hosted by davidji, the master Chopra Center educator. He leads meditations complete with soothing sounds and music. In one podcast Deepak Chopra leads a Global Peace Meditation and Lecture. Listen to these soothing podcasts from The Chopra Center.

89. Theatre of the Mind Podcast

Listen to this podcast on the mind and many aspects of consciousness. Host Kelly Howell (creator of has interviewed over 100 guests since she started podcasting in 2006. In more recent interviews she talks with Peter A. Levine on 'Healing Trauma' and James S. Gordon, M.D. who talks about 'Healing Depression' and 'Getting Unstuck'.

Past interviews include Caroline Myss, Michael Gelb on 'Wine Drinking for Creative Thinking', Colin Tipping on 'Radical Forgiveness', Richard Bandler who is the co-developer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Michael Bernard Beckwith on 'Spiritual Liberation', Dan Millman on 'The Life You Were Born to Live', Gary Renard on 'The Disappearance of the Universe', Dr. Gay Hendricks on 'Five Wishes', Byron Katie on 'Four Questions to Change Your Life', Gregg Braden on 'The Divine Matrix', Bruce Lipton on 'How Beliefs Control Biology', and many other self help authors. Kelly Howell proves to be a good interviewer for this large collection of authors who focus on the mind and the body and where consciousness is headed. Download some of these interviews today.

90. Balance, Stress, and Optimal Health

Dr. Emmett Miller is known as one of the pioneers of holistic mind/body medicine. In this Google Talk he describes how he came to study holistic medicine and get beyond the specialization of most doctors. He eventually looked at stress and the far reaching implications it has on a variety of diseases. Dr. Miller dynamically demonstrates how humans have maladapted to the stresses of modern civilization and he suggests ways that we can release and relax from the ongoing stresses we face. He ends the talk with an excellent guided relaxation complete with music. Learn to maintain balance and reduce stress in your own life. This talk is available on streaming video on YouTube.

91. Seth Godin on Standing Out

Seth Godin feels that days of status quo marketing through the television industrial complex are coming to an end. People are too busy to pay attention to the nonstop advertising of average products for average people. What grabs people's attention is something remarkable, or rather something worth making a remark about. And their remarks spread the ideas or products to the world and make it a success. Learn about the cutting edge of spreading ideas with this talk by Seth Godin.

92. The Think Thank Tank: 3 Powerful Principles To Increase Effectiveness!

In this motivational speech, international speaker Al Argo encourages listeners to think more about their actions, relationships, goals, and obstacles before proceeding with each day. Above all he motivates people to be grateful and of service to everyone. Much like Zig Ziglar, his inspired delivery uplifts listeners. This free speech was uploaded through our TeachOutLoud service, and is available on MP3 download directly through This title includes a downloadable worksheet to help listeners follow along with his speech.

93. Authors@Google: Marion Nestle on What to Eat

Nutritionist and author Marion Nestle looks at food from the angle of politics and business in the United States in this talk delivered at Google. She briefly discusses her book Food Politics which looks at how the food industry was deregulated in the 1980s which led to the production of more food and greater portions and eventually to the obesity epidemic we have today. She also discusses her latest book What to Eat where she examines the marketing tactics of the food business from how grocery stores are laid out to how junk food is marketed to kids. She offers signs of hope for healthier eating in America in the movements for organic food, locally grown fresh food, and other grassroots movements related to food. This talk includes slides and is available on streaming video from YouTube.

94. Living Green Podcast: Effortless Ecology for Everyday People

In this podcast brought to you by Personal Life Media, host Meredith Medland interviews guests who are practicing and preaching eco-friendly ways of living. Shows cover healthy eating, eco-conscious entrepreneurialism, enviromentally-friendly shopping, energy conservation, and more. Listen to interviews with the founder of the Burning Man festival Larry Harvey, American mycologist Paul Stamets, and visionary green event planner Sarah Haynes, among many others. Enjoy this podcasts from Personal Life Media!

95. Relationships for Revenue Growth

Master networker and Never Eat Alone author Keith Ferrazzi delivers a talk at the 'YES WE CAN' Avon Global Summit on the power of building great relationships in business. While many people have casual business associates, Ferrazzi demands that the business relationships we build need to go deeper and that we need to seek to enable others to contribute. When many people in the business world today don't have time to focus on networking and relationship building, Ferrazzi tries to show how connecting to business associates on a personal level can open doors which we'd never thought existed, and he provides many examples of this in action. His talk gets a great response from the ladies of Avon. It's available on streaming video from YouTube on the 'keithferrazzi' channel and if you enjoyed it there are a number of other hour long talks which he delivered available on his YouTube channel.

96. Extra Tips for The Freeway Guide to Maximizing Your Money

In this downloadable offering from the The Freeway Guides, financial expert Peter Bielagus gives tips to maximize your money. He covers ways to improve your credit score, to pick your financial advisor, to choose the right loan for a home. and how to get the most out of applying for financial aid. This title is available on MP3 download directly through

97. Q&A with Dr. Amen

Dr. Daniel G. Amen is a psychiatrist and the bestselling author of Making a Good Brain Great. In this media resource on his site he answers some of the most popular questions he has been asked over the years covering many points on brain health. He answers questions about the best supplements to take for the brain, methods of treatment for various psychological conditions, and addresses many other interesting brain inquiries. Enjoy these answers from a doctor who has dedicated his life to looking at the brain. This Q&A audio is available on streaming audio from the Amen Clinics website.

98. Living and Working On Purpose Podcast

Listen to this podcast from Exceptional Wisdom Radio hosted by Life On Purpose author Brad Swift. In the podcast Brad interviews nearly 100 people who are living a life with passionate purpose. There's a podcast where Brad Swift is interviewed by his wife and he presents his ideas about what it means live life 'on purpose'. In other interviews he talks with developmental biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton who presents the ideas in his book The Biology of Belief about how our experiences and our minds are shaping our genes all the time. He also interviews Rev. Michael Dowd about his book Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World. Browse these and many more interviews on the 'Living and Working On Purpose Podcast'.

99. Suze Orman at Google

Motivational Videos For Students

Bestselling author and financial advisor Suze Orman spoke at Google last year delivering a lot of great financial advice with candor and wit. She starts the talk by telling her rags to riches story from living in a van in Berkeley, California and working as a waitress to learning about finance and becoming a top employee at Merrill Lynch. Orman's advice focuses on the current state of the economy and what to do and not to do when it comes to credit cards, real estate, retirement plans, and a lot of other big personal finance issues. Watch this one hour talk of Suze Orman at Google.

100. Simon & Schuster Health, Diet, & Fitness Video Podcast

The publisher Simon & Schuster puts out a number video podcasts and one of their strongest categories is self development. Currently on their Simon & Schuster Health, Diet, & Fitness Video Podcast they feature over 140 brief video podcasts with interviews of their authors and book introductions to their numerous books in this area. Dr. Mike Moreno reads from Chapter 1 of his book The 17 Day Diet Essentials in which he introduces his system of dieting cycles designed to allow you to lose weight quickly and keep losing weight over a period of time by 'confusing your body' with a continually new diet plan. You can also watch a podcast interview with author Geneen Roth in which discusses her book Women Food and God and how food is intertwined into every aspect of our lives. Other video podcasts feature Dr. Mehmet C. Oz and Dr. Michael F. Roizen, and many more of their bestselling authors.

Is that enough free motivation for you? :)

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